Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The beak of birds is toothed in

A. Ostrich

B. Kiwi

C. Archaeopteryx

D. Pelican

Correct Answer :

C. Archaeopteryx

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What is the correct answer?


Cephalisation is a characteristic feature of

A. immotile, radially symmetrical animals

B. motile, bilaterally symmetrical animals

C. bilaterally symmetrical, non-motile terrestrial animals

D. both (b) and (c)

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Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

A. Flame cellsplatyhelminthes

B. Stinging cellscoelenterata

C. Metameric segmentationmollusca

D. Gill slitschordata

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Which of the following animals has a ventral nerve cord

A. Frog

B. Cockroach

C. Hydra

D. Earthworm

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Sea horse is a

A. fish

B. mammal

C. bird

D. none of these

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Segmentation of the body is not represented in

A. crayfish

B. frog

C. grasshopper

D. starfish

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The animals which are found in the soil, can fly, found on land and in water belong to the phylum

A. Protozoa

B. Parazoa

C. Annelida

D. Arthropoda

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The centipede has

A. 100 legs

B. 50-100 legs

C. As many legs as body segments

D. As many pairs of legs as body segments

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A. Ophiosaurs

B. Heloderma

C. Varanus

D. None of these

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The larval forms called bladder worms are characteristic of

A. intestinal parasites

B. earthworms

C. roundworms

D. tapeworms

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Which is the common character between all mammals ?

A. They are viviparous

B. They are herbivores

C. They are carnivores

D. They have 7 cervical vertebrae

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Glow worm is

A. an annelid

B. a true worm

C. a type of earthworm

D. an insect

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The main basis of classification of Protozaoa is

A. number of nuclei

B. shape of the organisms

C. method of reproduction

D. locomotary device

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Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to class cydostomata

A. Amphioxus and Balangolossus

B. Petromyzon and Myxine

C. Herdmania and Myxine

D. Herdmania and Amphioxus

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Which of the following has no segmentation ?

A. Hydra

B. Earthworm

C. Cockroach

D. Centipede

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All mammals have hair, but these are absent in order

A. Cetacea

B. Primates

C. Rodentia

D. Chiroptera

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Which of the following is not an acoelomate animal ?

A. Sponge

B. Jelly fish

C. Tapeworm

D. Roundworm

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The concept of homology can be applied to

A. gross structures of the body

B. physiological mechanisms

C. biochemical similarities

D. all of these

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The type of symmetry best suited to non-motile organisms is

A. radial symmetry

B. bilateral symmetry

C. asymmetry

D. both (a) and (b)

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Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?

A. Starfish

B. Dogfish

C. Silver fish

D. Goldfish

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Hair of bat and feathers of pigeon are

A. homologous structures

B. analogous structures

C. both (a) and (b

D. integumentary derivatives

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Birds and bats are good fliers. The bat differs from a bird in having

A. diaphragm

B. four-chambered heart

C. wings

D. small brain

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A. Giraffe

B. Crocodile

C. Shark

D. Ostrich

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A. parasitic flatworms

B. free living flatworms

C. parasitic tapeworms

D. free living tapeworms

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A. Echinodermata

B. Annelida

C. Chordata

D. Aschelminthes

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Temperature regulation is found in

A. Fish

B. Rat

C. Frog

D. Lizard

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A. all types of single celled eukaryotic organisms

B. all types of single celled plants, animals as well as bacteria

C. all types of bacteria and blue green algae

D. all types of sinlge celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes

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A. Hyalonema

B. Euplectalla

C. Tethya

D. Leucosolenia

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Exclusively marine animals are found in group

A. Fishes and Echinodermata

B. Coelentrata and Echinodermata

C. Porifera and Coelentrata

D. Echinodermata and Protochordata

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Taxon is the

A. name of a taxonomy journal

B. name of a branch of taxonomy

C. a rank of classification as phylum, class, order, species

D. group of similarly constituted species

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Tube feet are the locomotory organs found in

A. Protozoans

B. Arthropods

C. Echinodermata

D. Molluscs