Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The major functions of loose connective tissue include

A. occupying spaces between organs and supporting epithelia.

B. supporting and surrounding blood vessels and nerves

C. cushioning organs, storing lipids and facilitating diffusion.

D. All of the above

Correct Answer :

D. All of the above

Loose connective tissue is a category of connective tissue which includes areolar tissue, reticular tissue, and adipose tissue. It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Statement 1: Typhlosole increases the effective area of absorption in the intestine.
Statement 2: Typhlosole, present in the intestine, is the characteristic feature of cockroach.

A. Statement 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.

B. Statement 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.

C. Both statements 1 and 2 are false.

D. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct sequence of alimentary canal of Cockroach

A. Gizzard -> Crop ->?Malphigian tubules ->?Hepatic caeca ->?Rectum.

B. Gizzard -> Hepatic caeca -> Crop -> Rectum -> Malphigian tubules.

C. Crop -> Gizzard ->?Hepatic caeca ->?Malphigian tubules ->?Rectum.

D. Crop -> Hepatic caeca ->?Gizzard -> Rectum -> Malphigian tubules.

What is the correct answer?


Read the following statements.
  1. It is a contractile tissue present only in the heart.
  2. Cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of these cells and make them stick together.
  3. Communication juntions at some fusion points allow the cells to contract as a unit, i.e., when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are also stimulated to contract.

Which of the following type of tissue is being described by the above statements ?

A. Skeletal muscle

B. Cardiac muscle

C. Smooth muscle

D. Cartilage

What is the correct answer?


Male cockroach can be identified from the female by the presence of

A. long antennae

B. wingless body

C. elongated abdomen

D. anal styles

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following statements regarding cockroach and mark the correct option.
  1. Head is formed by the fusion of 6-segments.
  2. Mouth parts are biting and chewing type.
  3. Crop is the part of mid gut.

A. Only (ii) is correct

B. (ii) and (iii) are correct

C. (i) and (ii) are correct

D. Only (iii) is correct

What is the correct answer?


In all connective tissues, except which of the following, the cells secretes the fibres of collagen or elastin protein ?

A. Bone

B. Cartilage

C. Areolar connective tissue

D. Fluid connective tissue

What is the correct answer?


Tendons and ligaments are the examples of

A. areolar connective tissue

B. adipose tissue

C. dense regular connective tissue

D. loose connective tissue

What is the correct answer?


The given figure shows the digestive system of cockroach with few structures marked as A, B, C and D. Identify structures A to D.

A. A-Gizzard, B-Crop, C-Hepatic caecae, D-Malpighian tubules

B. A-Crop, B-Gizzard, C-Hepatic caecae, D-Malpighian tubules

C. A- Crop, B-Gizzard, C-Malpighian tubules, D-Hepatic caecae

D. A- Gizzard, B-Crop, C-Malpighian tubules, D-Hepatic caecae

What is the correct answer?


In which one of the following preparations, cell junctions come across most frequently ?

A. Ligament

B. Tendon

C. Cartilage

D. Ciliated epithelium

What is the correct answer?


The mouth parts of cockroach are

A. cutting and biting type.

B. piercing and sucking type.

C. sucking and rasping type.

D. sucking and siphoning type.

What is the correct answer?


What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph?

A. Development of anal cerci.

B. Development of both forewings and hind wings.

C. Development labium.

D. Mandibles become harder.

What is the correct answer?


Nervous tissue cells that play several supporting roles but do not transmit impulses are called

A. glial cells

B. dendrites

C. nerve cells

D. neurons

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is not correct regarding neural tissue ?

A. It exerts the greatest control over the bodys responsiveness to changing conditions.

B. Chondrocytes, the unit of neural system are excitable cells.

C. Neuroglial cells protect and support neurons.

D. When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an electrical disturbance is generated.

What is the correct answer?


Intercalated discs are the communication junctions between the cells of

A. cardiac muscles

B. striped muscles

C. adipose tissue

D. nerve and striated muscles

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following type of tissue is being described by the given statements ?
  1. They are named because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues/organs of the body.
  2. They include cartilage, bone, adipose and blood.
  3. They provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.
  4. They also secrete modified polysaccharides, which accumulate between cells and fibres and act as matrix.

A. Epithelial tissue

B. Connective tissue

C. Muscle tissue

D. Neural tissue

What is the correct answer?


Select the correct statement regarding Periplaneta americana

A. There are 16 very long malpighian tubules present at the junctions of midgut and hindgut.

B. Grinding of food is carried out only by the mouth parts.

C. Nervous system is located ventrally and consists of segmentally arranged ganglia joined by a pair of longitudinal connectives.

D. Females bear a pair of short thread like anal styles.

What is the correct answer?


The diagram given below represents the reproductive organ of male cockroach. Choose the correct labelling of the part of marked as A, B, C and D.

A. A 8th sternum, B - Anal cercus, C - 10th tergum, D - Anal style

B. A - 10th tergum, B - Anal cercus, C - Anal style, D - 8th sternum

C. A - Anal style, B - Anal cercus, C - 10th tergum, D- 8th sternum

D. A - Anal cercus, B - 8th sternum, C - 10th tergum, D - Anal style.

What is the correct answer?


Find the incorrectly matched pair.

A. Unicellular glandular cells - Goblet cell

B. Saliva - Exocrine secretion

C. Fusiform fibres - Smooth muscle

D. Cartilage - Areolar tissue

What is the correct answer?


In cockroach head can move in all directions due to

A. absence of neck.

B. fusion of all 6 segments of head.

C. flexible neck.

D. head is small and light weight.

What is the correct answer?


The intercellular material of the given figure is solid and resists compression. Identify the figure and the label marked as A & B.

A. Fig - Cartilage, A - Collagen, B - Collagen

B. Fig - Cartilage, A - Microtubule, B - Collagen fibres

C. Fig - Bone, A - Chondrocyte, B - Chondroclast

D. Fig - Bone, A - Chondroclast, B - Osteoblast

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding respiratory system of cockroach ?
  1. It consists of a network of trachea, that open through 12 pairs of small holes called spiracles present on the lateral side of the body.
  2. Thin branching tubes carry oxygen from the air to all the parts.
  3. The opening of the spiracles is regulated by sphincters.
  4. Exchange of gases take place at the tracheoles by diffusion.

A. Only (i)

B. (i), (ii) and (iii)

C. (ii), (iii) and (iv)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Compound squamous epithelium is found in

A. stomach

B. intestine

C. trachea

D. pharynx

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following animal's sensory system does not has eyes but does possess light and touch sensitive organs (receptor cells) to distinguish the light intensities and to feel the vibrations in the ground?

A. Frog

B. Snake

C. Earthworm

D. Cockroach

What is the correct answer?


What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken?

A. No movements at joints.

B. Bones will become fixed.

C. Bones will become unfixed.

D. Bone will move freely at joints.

What is the correct answer?


The shape of a persons ear is due to mainly to

A. dense regular connective tissue

B. dense irregular connective tissue

C. elastic cartilage

D. fibrocartilage

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding cuboidal epithelium ?

A. It is an epithelial tissue.

B. It is composed of a single layer of cube-like cells.

C. They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs.

D. Secretion and absorption are the main functions of these tissue.

What is the correct answer?


In cockroach, the testes are present in

A. 3, 4, 5 abdominal segments

B. 4, 5, 6 abdominal segments

C. 5, 6, 7 abdominal segments

D. 6, 7, 8 abdominal segments

What is the correct answer?


When cardiac muscle cells are damaged by a heart attack, they are usually replaced by

A. connective tissue cells

B. new smooth muscle cells

C. new cardiac muscle cells

D. epithelial cells

What is the correct answer?


Neuroglia are

A. excitable cells of neural tissue.

B. supporting and non-excitable cells of neural tissue.

C. two to three times in volume of neural tissue.

D. protective and excitable cells of neural tissue.

What is the correct answer?


The only type of cell seen in a tendon is

A. muscle fibres

B. reticular cells

C. collagenous cells

D. fibroblasts