Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The numerical reading of the Fahrenheit thermometer of a given temperature

A. is proportional to that of the Celsius thermometer

B. is always greater than that of the Celsius thermometer

C. is always less than that of the Celsius thermometer

D. may be greater than or less than or equal to that of the Celsius thermometer

Correct Answer :

D. may be greater than or less than or equal to that of the Celsius thermometer

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The presence of impurities

A. lowers the melting point of ice

B. raises the melting point of ice

C. has no effect on the melting point of ice

D. may lower or raise the melting point depending upon the type of impurities

What is the correct answer?


To concentrate light on the defective teeth, the dentists use

A. convex mirrors

B. concave mirrors

C. convex lens

D. concave lens

What is the correct answer?


Heat transfer

A. cools the body that transfers it

B. heats the body that absorbs the heat

C. may change the physical state of the substance

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


When are temperature resistance

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


The world's first artificial satellite Sputnik I was launched by Russia in

A. 1985

B. 1957

C. 1959

D. 1960

What is the correct answer?


In a vacuum the following three articles are dropped at the same time and from the lame height. Which will reach the ground quicker?

A. a stone

B. a piece of wood

C. a feather

D. all will reach the ground at the same time

What is the correct answer?


The velocity required to place a vehicle in orbit round the moon is _________ that required to place it in orbit round the earth.

A. less than

B. greater than

C. equal to

D. greater than or equal to

What is the correct answer?


The principle of equivalence of mass and energy was established by

A. Dalton

B. Rutherford

C. Einstein

D. Planck

What is the correct answer?


Choose the scalar quantity from the following physical quantities

A. force

B. velocity

C. acceleration

D. speed

What is the correct answer?


Where does the centre of gravity of a rubber ring lie?

A. on the outer surface

B. in the inner surface

C. at the centre of the ring

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


We cannot see and without the aid of a telescope

A. Neptune and Pluto

B. Jupiter and Saturn

C. Venus and Mars

D. Venus and Saturn

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the eye photographic camera?

A. Lens

B. Iris

C. Retina

D. Eyelid

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

What is the correct answer?


Frictional force acts in

A. the same direction as the motion

B. the opposite direction of the motion

C. all the directions

D. upward direction

What is the correct answer?


To concentrate light on the defective teeth, the dentists use

A. convex mirrors

B. concave mirrors

C. convex lens

D. concave lens

What is the correct answer?


Air escaping rapidly from a narrow orifice in an inflated tyre feels cool because

A. the speed with which it escapes cools it down

B. of the higher temperature of the surroundings

C. of sudden expansion causing loss of internal energy

D. there is no real fall in temperature

What is the correct answer?


In a river, the currents are fastest where the river la

A. wide and shallow

B. narrow and shallow

C. wide and deep

D. narrow and deep

What is the correct answer?


Mercury is used in thermometers because

A. it has high thermal conductivity

B. it has uniform expansivity

C. it has high boiling point and low freezing point

D. of all the above

What is the correct answer?


The tiniest of the stars belong to the group known as

A. Giant stars

B. White Dwarf stars

C. Neutron stars

D. Super-giant stars

What is the correct answer?


We see the flash of lightning before hearing the thunder because

A. light travels very much faster than sound

B. sound travels faster than light

C. lightning occurs nearer than thunder

D. both travel at the same speed

What is the correct answer?


It is difficult to bon potatoes at the top or a mountain because

A. the water available is hard

B. it is colder than at sea level

C. the potatoes become hard

D. the boiling point of water is lower at that height on account of low atmospheric pressure

What is the correct answer?


When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls

A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time

B. will remain unaffected

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. It will produce electric shock

What is the correct answer?


The ozone layer absorbs

A. Cosmic rays

B. Infrared rays

C. All radiations of light

D. Ultra violet rays coming from the sun

What is the correct answer?


The end product in the uranium disintegration series is

A. lead

B. zinc

C. carbon

D. tin

What is the correct answer?


In which of the following will a piece of iron weigh most?

A. in air

B. in an atmosphere of oxygen

C. in an atmosphere of CO2

D. in vacuum

What is the correct answer?


Like magnetic poles

A. attract each other

B. repel each other

C. neither attract nor repel

D. attract or repel depending upon the conditions

What is the correct answer?


Match the following:
A. Anemometer1. Measurement of power
B. Tachometer2. Wind speed
C. Dynamometer3. Revolutions per minute
D. Barometer4. Atmospheric pressure
*5. Current from a dynamo

A. A-1 B-3 C-5 D-4

B. A-2 B-1 C-3 D-4

C. A-2 B-3 C-1 D-4

D. A-1 B-3 C-5 D-2

What is the correct answer?


Metals are good conductors of heat because

A. they contain free electrons

B. their atoms are relatively far apart

C. their atoms collide frequently

D. they have reflecting surfaces

What is the correct answer?


A body has fallen from a height. Just before touching the pound it has

A. lost all its potential energy and gained an equivalent amount of kinetic energy

B. gained potential energy and lost kinetic energy

C. gained kinetic energy as well as potential energy

D. lost kinetic energy as well as potential energy

What is the correct answer?


An ammeter has

A. a high resistance

B. a very low resistance

C. no resistance at all

D. resistance of 400 � w