Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The ozone layer absorbs

A. Cosmic rays

B. Infrared rays

C. All radiations of light

D. Ultra violet rays coming from the sun

Correct Answer :

D. Ultra violet rays coming from the sun

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


When we sweat, we feel comfortable under a fan because

A. the air circulated by the fan is cool

B. the fan produces convection currents of air

C. the air circulated by the fan quickens the evaporation of the moisture on our skin

D. the air takes away the heat from our body

What is the correct answer?


Galaxies emit

A. radio waves and X-rays

B. ultraviolet light waves

C. visible light waves

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The mode of travel of heat energy from the sun across the empty space beyond the earth's atmosphere is known as

A. conduction

B. convection

C. radiation

D. absorption

What is the correct answer?


Atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called

A. isobars

B. isomers

C. isotones

D. isotopes

What is the correct answer?


A pressure gauge for fluids is called

A. a hydrometer

B. a manometer

C. a lactometer

D. an anemometer

What is the correct answer?


A timer in a race is at the finish line. He should start his stop watch

A. as soon as he hears the report of the gun

B. the moment he sees the flash

C. either (a) or (b) since that makes no difference

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


X-rays were discovered by

A. Wilhelm Roentgen

B. WO Coolidge

C. Henry Cavendish

D. William Watson

What is the correct answer?


A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A. a parabola

B. a horizontal straight line

C. a vertical straight line

D. a circle

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is wrongly matched?

A. electric current - ampere

B. resistance - Ohm

C. electric power - volt

D. electric charge Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


An electric fan converts

A. electrical energy into heat energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical energy into electrical energy

D. mechanical energy into heat energy

What is the correct answer?


When a bottle of perfume la opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of

A. surface tension

B. capillarity

C. viscosity

D. diffusion

What is the correct answer?


The fact that two large ships travelling on close parallel courses in the same direction tend to move towards each other can be explained by

A. Bernoulli's principle

B. Magnetic properties of the ship's material

C. Newton's third law of motion

D. Earth's gravitational force

What is the correct answer?


In the fuse of an electrical installation blows out

A. replace the fuse by a thin wire

B. replace the fuse by a thick copper wire

C. replace the fuse by a fuse wire of proper rating

D. replace the fuse by nichrome wire

What is the correct answer?


The evaporation rate depends on

A. the nature of the liquid

B. area of the exposed surface of the liquid

C. temperature of air and of the liquid

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?

A. kinetic energy

B. potential energy

C. acceleration

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves In 'air travel faster if

A. frequency is higher

B. wavelength is smaller

C. pitch is smaller

D. air is warmer

What is the correct answer?


The red colour of the setting sun is due to

A. the least scattered red colour reaching the eye

B. the dispersion of sun light occurred in air molecule in atmosphere

C. the diffraction of sunrays in atmospheric layers

D. interference of all the rays coming from the sun

What is the correct answer?


In a concert hall reverberation is controlled by

A. reduction of seating capacity in the hall

B. increase of sound intensity in the hall

C. lining the walls, with leather panels put on over a layer of sound absorbent glass fibre

D. by opening the doors and windows of concert hall

What is the correct answer?


A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs is not correct?

A. Television - Baird

B. Transistor ~ Shockley

C. Thermometer - Celsius

D. Barometer Torricelli

What is the correct answer?


The phenomenon of spontaneous disintegration of certain heavy nuclei is termed

A. radioactivity

B. fission

C. fusion

D. implosion

What is the correct answer?


The largest reserve of radioactive element which can be used in a nuclear reactor has been found in India, The name of the element is

A. Thorium

B. Uranium

C. Plutonium

D. Radium

What is the correct answer?


A light year means

A. a unit of time

B. a unit of length

C. a year of no consequence

D. illumination throughout the year

What is the correct answer?


A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

What is the correct answer?


The stars that shine brightly then dimly and then brightly are known as

A. meteors

B. binaries

C. variable stars

D. bright stars

What is the correct answer?


Increase in pressure

A. has no effect on the boiling point of a liquid

B. raises the boiling point of a liquid

C. lowers the boiling point of a liquid

D. increases the volume of a liquid

What is the correct answer?


The attraction of unlike molecules at the common surface is known as

A. adhesion

B. cohesion

C. surface tension

D. capillarity

What is the correct answer?


Cosmic rays are

A. powerful X-rays falling on the earth from space

B. ultraviolet rays from the sun

C. gamma rays from radioactive minerals

D. very energetic radiation falling upon the earth from outer space consisting chiefly of charged particles

What is the correct answer?


Isotones are species of atoms containing

A. same number of protons but different number of neutrons

B. same number of neutrons but different number of protons

C. the same total number of protons and neutrons

D. same number of protons and different number of electrons

What is the correct answer?


Chronometer la an instrument to measure

A. heat

B. electric potential

C. time

D. distance between two points