Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called

A. hibernation

B. aestivation

C. laziness

D. lethargy

Correct Answer :

B. aestivation

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What is the correct answer?


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A. Lamarck

B. Darwin

C. De Vries

D. Wallace

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Those small organisms which float on the surface of water are called

A. Necton

B. pH indicators

C. Plankton

D. Benthos

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The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

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The cellular and molecular control o( programmed cell death is known as

A. Apoptosis

B. Ageing

C. Degeneration

D. Necrosis

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What are the symptoms of Xeroph-thalmia?

A. eye weakness

B. dry skin and night blindness

C. nervous break down

D. All the above

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Antisnake venom is prepared by

A. Pasteur institute

B. Hoffkine's institute

C. Birla's institute

D. Indian Science Institute

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Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of _______ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream.

A. ozone

B. radium

C. moonlight

D. sunlight

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Spontaneous generation signifying the development of living organisms from non-living has been termed

A. Biogenesis

B. Abiogenesis

C. Cosmozoic

D. Catastrophism

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Plants grown in darkness show

A. stout stem

B. long internodes

C. bigger leaves

D. no growth at all

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The grey matter of the brain is so coloured because of the concentration of

A. nerve cells

B. a pigment

C. nerve fibres

D. melanin

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Which of the following diseases is considered as completely eradicated from India, as no case of the same has been reported in last one year?

A. Polio

B. Tuberculosis

C. Cancer

D. Swine flu

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The spider spins its web from a liquid secreting from its

A. posterior silk gland

B. posterior abdomen glands

C. mouth

D. salivary glands

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Which one of the following is caused by the expression of a recessive gene present on sex chromosome?

A. Rheumatism

B. Nervous shock

C. Muscular dystrophy

D. Cerebral haemorrhage

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Turner's syndrome is a disease caused by

A. bacteria

B. virus

C. fungus

D. chromosomal imbalance

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Necrosis is a symptom which is recognised by

A. pattern colouration on leaves

B. little leaves

C. out growth

D. death of tissues

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Which of the following is a good and rich source of vitamin 'C'?

A. Milk

B. Radish

C. Mango

D. Lemon Juice

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Athlete's Coot is the common name for the fungal disease

A. Tinea pedis

B. Tinea cruris

C. Tinea corporis

D. Tinea capitis

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What do you mean by lentic biota?

A. Plants and animals in lakes and ponds

B. Plants and animals in forest

C. Plants and animals in sea water

D. Desert plants and animals

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In movable joints the tips of the bones are covered with

A. hyaline cartilage

B. calcified cartilage

C. elastic cartilage

D. fibrous cartilage

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Scurvy is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following vitamins is considered to be a harmone?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

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Timberline shows

A. a line of trees

B. the limit of the forest

C. annual rings

D. height of trees

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A. xerophthalmia

B. haemopoiesis

C. haemophilia

D. haemoerythrin

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Biocatalysts are

A. hormones

B. vitamins

C. enzymes

D. pheromones

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The hormone that contains iodine is

A. Prolactin

B. Vasopressin

C. Thyroxine

D. Adrenalin

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Which one of the following was probably absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?

A. Ammonia

B. Oxygen

C. Hydrogen

D. Carbon

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The study of heart is called

A. haematology

B. cardiology

C. pathology

D. nephrology

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Who first observed the plasma membrane?

A. William Seifriz

B. Schwann

C. Palade

D. None of the above

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The waste product In the urine of man is

A. urea

B. uric acid

C. ammonia

D. non-nitrogenous

What is the correct answer?


The eland having endorine as well as exocrine function is

A. Adrenal gland

B. Thyroid gland

C. Pituitary gland

D. Pancreatic gland