Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The private key in asymmetric key cryptography is kept by

A. Sender

B. Receiver

C. Sender and receiver

D. All the connected devices to the network

Correct Answer :

B. Receiver

The private key is kept by the receiver.

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What is the correct answer?


Cipher block chaining or CBC is an advancement made on _____.

A. Electronic Code Book

B. Decrypted code

C. System engineering

D. All of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


The private key in asymmetric key cryptography is kept by

A. Sender

B. Receiver

C. Sender and receiver

D. All the connected devices to the network

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a mode of operation for the Block ciphers in cryptography?

A. Electronic Code Book (ECB)

B. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

C. Counter (CTR) mode

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a principle of data security?

A. Data Confidentiality

B. Data Integrity

C. Authentication

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When do we compare the AES with DES, which of the following functions from DES does not have an equivalent AES function in cryptography?

A. f function

B. permutation p

C. swapping of halves

D. xor of subkey with function f

What is the correct answer?


Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform _____.

A. Cryptographic system

B. Cryptographic tasks

C. Decryption system

D. None of the mentioned above

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Data encryption standard is a block cipher and encrypts data in blocks of size of _____ each.

A. 16 bits

B. 64 bits

C. 32 bits

D. All of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


With symmetric key algorithms, the ____ key is used for the encryption and decryption of data.

A. Different

B. Same

C. Both A and B

D. None of the mentioned above

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Which of the following cipher techniques include the involvement of matrix operations in their algorithms of encryption and decryption?

A. Hill Cipher

B. Playfair cipher

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following options is not correct according to the definition of the Hash Function?

A. Hash Functions are mathematical functions

B. They compress the input values

C. The hash functions work on arbitrary length input but produces fixed length output.

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


How many elements are used in cryptography tools?

A. 1

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following security attacks is not an active attack? ORWhich of the following attacks is a passive attack?

A. Masquerade

B. Modification of message

C. Denial of service

D. Traffic analysis

What is the correct answer?


What is the full-form of RSA in the RSA encryption technique?

A. Round Security Algorithm

B. Rivest, Shamir, Adleman

C. Robert, Shamir, Addie

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The process of decryption of an AES ciphertext is similar to the encryption process in the ______.

A. Reverse order

B. Next order

C. Both A and B

D. All of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


Hash functions are used in ___ and have variable levels of complexity and difficulty.

A. System approach

B. Cyber safe

C. Cryptography

D. None of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is /are offered by the Hash functions?

A. Authentication

B. Non repudiation

C. Data Integrity

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following properties are the characteristic properties of a block cipher technique which differs from stream cipher?

A. Avalanche effect

B. Completeness

C. Both a. and b.

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Study with quantum computers of future being expected to solve the discrete logarithmic problem and the popularly know cryptography methods such as AES, RSA, DES, quantum cryptography becomes which solution?

A. Quantum Solution

B. Foreseen Solution

C. Cryptographic Solution

D. Block Cipher Solution

What is the correct answer?


What does IDEA stand for in the world of cryptography?orThe IDEA word in the IDEA algorithm is the abbreviation for which of the following?

A. Independent Decryption Environment Analysis

B. International Defense Encryption Area

C. International Data Encryption Algorithm

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Hash functions are mathematical functions that transform or map a given set of data into a bit string of fixed size, also known as the hash value.

A. Hash value

B. Map value

C. Both A and B

D. None of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


To encrypt the plaintext, a cryptographic algorithm works in combination with a key...

A. Word, number, or phrase

B. Special Symbols

C. Function Keys

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The above steps are performed in each round of which of the following ciphers?

A. Rail fence cipher

B. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

C. Advance Encryption Standard (AES)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an example of a ...

A. Conventional cryptosystem

B. Asymmetric cryptosystem

C. Caesar's cryptosystem

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following modes of operations can be followed for both stream ciphers as well as block ciphers?

A. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)

B. ECB (Electronic Code Book)

C. CFB (Cipher text Feed Back)

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following modes of operation in DES is used for operating?

A. Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

B. Cipher Block chaining (CBC)

C. Electronic code book (ECB)

D. Output Feedback Modes (OFB)

What is the correct answer?


Digital Signatures authenticates the sender by appending the original message with the ____ digest.

A. Decrypted message

B. Encrypted message

C. Systematic approach

D. None of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


In the AES-128 algorithm there are mainly __________ similar rounds and _________ round is different from other round.

A. 5 similar rounds having 2 pair ; every alternate

B. 9 ; the last

C. 8 ; the first and last

D. 10 ; no

What is the correct answer?


What is the output of the N 1024-bit blocks from the Nth stage in this?

A. 512 bits

B. 1024 bits

C. N x 1024bits

D. N x 512 bits

What is the correct answer?


A cryptographic hash function is an equation used to verify the ____ of data.

A. Variety

B. Validity

C. Veracity

D. None of the mentioned above

What is the correct answer?


_____ and encryption is two separate cryptographic processes.

A. Hashing

B. Decryption

C. Processing

D. None of the mentioned above