Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Cipher block chaining or CBC is an advancement made on _____.

A. Electronic Code Book

B. Decrypted code

C. System engineering

D. All of the mentioned above

Correct Answer :

A. Electronic Code Book

Cipher block chaining, also known as CBC, is an improvement on the Electronic Code Book. The electronic code book is the most straightforward block cypher manner of operation. It is simpler since each block of input plaintext is directly encrypted, and the output is in the form of blocks of encrypted ciphertext.

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A. Systematic

B. Symmetric

C. Asymmetric

D. None of the mentioned above

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Which one of the following algorithms is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?

A. DSA algorithm

B. Electronic code book algorithm

C. Diffie-Hellman algorithm

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A. Possible Attacks in Quantum Cryptography and Birthday Attack

B. Birthday attack and Boomerang attack

C. Brute force attack and Faked-State-Attack

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A. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Photon Polarization Principle.

B. Fundamental Principle and Bohr's Model Principle

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A. Hash Functions are mathematical functions

B. They compress the input values

C. The hash functions work on arbitrary length input but produces fixed length output.

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A. Sender

B. Receiver

C. Sender and receiver

D. All the connected devices to the network

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The above steps are performed in each round of which of the following ciphers?

A. Rail fence cipher

B. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

C. Advance Encryption Standard (AES)

D. None of the above

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A. Digital signatures and

B. Key exchange

C. Both A and B

D. None of the mentioned above

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Amongst which of the following is /are good for Hashes,

A. Password protection

B. Data integrity / file verification

C. Digital signatures and virus signatures

D. All of the mentioned above

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What is the full-form of RSA in the RSA encryption technique?

A. Round Security Algorithm

B. Rivest, Shamir, Adleman

C. Robert, Shamir, Addie

D. None of the above

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Which of the following is the main disadvantage of the ECB (Electronic Code Book)?orWhich of the following is the major drawback of ECB?

A. It requires large block size

B. Padding is done to make the plain text divisible into blocks of fixed size

C. It is prone to cryptanalysis since there is a direct relationship between plain text and cipher text.

D. None of the above

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A hash function is a _____ that converts a numerical input value into another compressed numerical value.

A. Abstract view

B. Mathematical function

C. Both A and B

D. None of the mentioned above

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In the AES-128 algorithm there are mainly __________ similar rounds and _________ round is different from other round.

A. 5 similar rounds having 2 pair ; every alternate

B. 9 ; the last

C. 8 ; the first and last

D. 10 ; no

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Which of the following is a mode of operation for the Block ciphers in cryptography?

A. Electronic Code Book (ECB)

B. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

C. Counter (CTR) mode

D. All of the above

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Basically, in SHA-512, the message is divided into blocks of size ___ bits for the hash computation.

A. 1024

B. 512

C. 256

D. 1248

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Cipher in cryptography is

A. Encrypted message

B. Algorithm for performing encryption and decryption

C. Both algorithm for performing encryption and decryption and encrypted message

D. Decrypted message

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Amongst which of the following is / are true with reference to the rounds in AES

A. Byte Substitution

B. Shift Row

C. Mix Column and Key Addition

D. All of the mentioned above

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Which of the following ciphers uses asymmetric key cryptography?

A. Rail Fence Cipher

B. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

C. Diffie Hellman Cipher

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Cipher block chaining or CBC is an advancement made on _____.

A. Electronic Code Book

B. Decrypted code

C. System engineering

D. All of the mentioned above

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A. Output type

B. Input type

C. Process type

D. All of the mentioned above

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Hash functions are used in ___ and have variable levels of complexity and difficulty.

A. System approach

B. Cyber safe

C. Cryptography

D. None of the mentioned above

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An initialization vector (IV) or starting variable (SV) is a block of bits that is used by several modes to _____.

A. Randomize the decryption

B. Randomize the encryption

C. Minimize and maximize the randomization

D. None of the mentioned above

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A. Different

B. Same

C. Both A and B

D. None of the mentioned above

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Codes and ciphers are different ways to _____ a message.

A. Encrypt

B. Decrypt

C. Both A and B

D. All of the mentioned above

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Which of the following modes of operation in DES is used for operating?

A. Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

B. Cipher Block chaining (CBC)

C. Electronic code book (ECB)

D. Output Feedback Modes (OFB)

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A. 16 bits

B. 64 bits

C. 32 bits

D. All of the mentioned above

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A. Quantum adversaries

B. Quantum integration

C. Quantum hash

D. None of the mentioned above

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How many sub-keys in the total are used by the IDEA for encrypting the plain text into ciphertext?

A. 64 sub- keys

B. 48 sub- keys

C. 52 sub- keys

D. Only one key and no subkeys