Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The straight line passing through the two poles of magnet is called

A. Real axis

B. Cartesian axis

C. Magnetic axis

D. Imaginary axis

Correct Answer :

C. Magnetic axis

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What is the correct answer?


Who demonstrated the theory of electromagnetic induction in 1831?

A. Michael Faraday

B. Andre Ampere

C. James Clerk Maxwell

D. Charles Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following magnetic materials can be easily magnetized in both direction?

A. Soft magnetic materials

B. Hard magnetic materials

C. High hysteresis loss materials

D. Low hysteresis loss materials

What is the correct answer?


The reluctance of a magnetic circuit is not dependent on which of the following?

A. Number of turns of coil

B. Magnetomotive force

C. Flux density in the circuit

D. Current in the coil

What is the correct answer?


______ is an electromagnet with its core in the form of a close magnetic ring.

A. S olenoid

B. Paraboloid

C. Toroid

D. Cycloid

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The hot resistance of an incandescent lamp is about _______ its cold resistance.

A. 10 times

B. 100 times

C. 5 times

D. 50 times

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The science of adapting electronics to aerospace flight.

A. Avionics

B. Aerotronics

C. Aerodynamics

D. Astrionics

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A factor used to correct for the electrostatic forces of the more distant ions in an ionic solid.

A. Avogadro's number

B. Planck's constant

C. Boltzmann's constant

D. Madelung constant

What is the correct answer?


The magnitude of the induced emf in a coil is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux linkages. This is known as

A. Joule's Law

B. Faraday's second law of electromagnetic induction

C. Faraday's first law of electromagnetic induction

D. Coulomb's Law

What is the correct answer?


What is the usual value of leakage coefficient for electrical machines?

A. 0.5 to 1

B. 1 to 5

C. 5 to 10

D. 1.15 to 1.25

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What is the SI unit of conductivity?

A. Ohms/m

B. Ohms-m

C. Siemens-m

D. Siemens/m

What is the correct answer?


When the current flowsa the magnetic field ��. conductor is in what direction?

A. The same as the current direction

B. Opposite the current direction

C. Omnidirectional

D. In the direction determined by the left hand rule

What is the correct answer?


A substance that attracts pieces iron

A. Conductor

B. Semiconductor

C. Magnet

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The lagging effect between flux density of the material and the magne

A. Permeance

B. Eddy current

C. Hysteresis

D. R eluctance

What is the correct answer?


Core materials of a good relay have _________ hysteresis loop.

A. large

B. narrow

C. very large

D. very narrow

What is the correct answer?


An atom or a group of atoms that carries a net electric charge.

A. Positive ion

B. Negative ion

C. Ion

D. Electron

What is the correct answer?


When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic fielda the maximum force will act on the conductor when the conductor is at an angle of _______ to the magnetic field.

A. 45o

B. 60o

C. 30o

D. 90o

What is the correct answer?


A law establishing the fact that the algebraic su of the rises and drops of the mmf around a closed loop of a magnetic circuit is equal to zero.

A. Kirchhoff's circuital law

B. Maxwell's circuital law

C. Ampere's circuital law

D. Coulomb's circuital law

What is the correct answer?


Why is it that the magnitude of magnetomotive force required for air gap is much greater than that required for iron part of a magnetic circuit?

A. Because air is a gas

B. Because air has the highest relative permeability

C. Because air is a conductor of magnetic flux

D. Because air has the lowest relative permeability

What is the correct answer?


What determines the atomic number of an element?

A. The number of protons

B. The number of electrons

C. The number of neutrons

D. The number of neutrons and protons

What is the correct answer?


A magnetic field is

A. The current flow through space around a permanent magnet

B. The force set up when current flows through a conductor

C. The force that drives current through a resistor

D. The force between the plates of a charged capacitor

What is the correct answer?


Temporary magnets are commonly employed in

A. electric instruments

B. motors

C. moving coils loudspeakers

D. magnetos

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One farad equals

A. 1 coulomb/volt

B. 1 newton/coulomb

C. 1 newton-meter

D. 1 volt/second/ampere

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A 200-watt lamp working for 24 hours will consume approximately _____ units.



What is the correct answer?


Who developed the electromagnetic theory of light in 1862?

A. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

B. Wilhelm Rontgen

C. James Clerk Maxwell

D. Andre Ampere

What is the correct answer?


Back emf refers to the

A. Current equal to the applied emf

B. Opposing emf

C. Current opposing the applied emf

D. Voltage opposing the applied emf

What is the correct answer?


The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is directly proportional to their strengths.

A. Newton's first law

B. Faraday's first law of electromagnetic induction

C. Coulomb's first law

D. Coulomb's second law

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The magnetic potential in a magnetic circuit can be measured in terms of

A. Mmf

B. Emf

C. Farad

D. Coulomb

What is the correct answer?


A good conductor has how many valence electrons?



What is the correct answer?


What bond is formed when one or more electrons in the outermost energy orbit of an atom are transferred to another?

A. Ionic

B. Covalent

C. Metallic

D. Van der Waals

What is the correct answer?


__________ is a substance of whose molecules consist of the same kind of atom.

A. Mixture

B. Compound

C. Element

D. Isotope