Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Two long parallel surfaces each of emissivity 0.7 are maintained at different temperatures and accordingly have radiation heat exchange between them. It is desired to reduce 75% of the radiant heat transfer by inserting thin parallel shields of emissivity 1 on both sides. The number of shields should be

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Correct Answer :

C. Three

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A grey body is one whose absorptivity

A. Varies with temperature

B. Varies with wavelength of the incident ray

C. Is equal to its emissivity

D. Does not vary with temperature and. wavelength of the incident ray

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following has least value of conductivity?

A. Glass

B. Water

C. Plastic

D. Air

What is the correct answer?


A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal conductivities. For the minimum heat transfer,

A. The better insulation must be put inside

B. The better insulation must be put outside

C. One could place either insulation on either side

D. One should take into account the steam temperature before deciding as to which insulation is put where

What is the correct answer?


Thermal conductivity of glass wool varies from sample to sample because of variation in

A. Composition

B. Density

C. Porosity

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Unit of thermal conductivity in M.K.S. units is

A. K cal/kg m² °C

B. K cal m/hr m² °C

C. K cal/hr m² °C

D. K calm/hr °C

What is the correct answer?


Heat is closely related with

A. Liquids

B. Energy

C. Temperature

D. Entropy

What is the correct answer?


According to Wien's law, the wavelength corresponding to maximum energy is proportion to

A. Absolute temperature (T)


C. F

D. T

What is the correct answer?


Two balls of same material and finish have their diameters in the ratio of 2: 1 and both are heated to same temperature and allowed to cool by radiation. Rate of cooling by big ball as compared to smaller one will be in the ratio of

A. 1 : 1

B. 2 : 1

C. 1 : 2

D. 4 : 1

What is the correct answer?


Kirchhoff's law states that

A. The total radiation from a black body per second per unit area is directly proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature

B. The wave length corresponding to the maximum energy is proportional to the absolute temperature

C. The ratio of the emissive power and absorptive power of all bodies is the same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is correct?

A. A grey body is one which absorbs all radiations incident on it.

B. At thermal equilibrium, the emissivity and absorptivity are same.

C. The energy absorbed by a body to the total energy falling on it, is called emissivity.

D. A perfect body is one which is black in colour.

What is the correct answer?


Moisture would find its way into insulation by vapour pressure unless it is prevented by

A. High thickness of insulation

B. High vapour pressure

C. Less thermal conductivity insulator

D. A vapour seal

What is the correct answer?


Sensible heat factor is given by (where S.H. = Sensible heat, and L.H. = Latent heat)

A. S.H/(S.H + L.H)

B. (S.H + L.H) /S.H

C. (L.H - S.H)/S.H

D. S.H/(L.H - S.H)

What is the correct answer?


The unit of Stefan-Boltzmann constant is

A. Watt/mK

B. Watt/m²K²

C. Watt/m²K4

D. Watt/mK²

What is the correct answer?


The critical thickness of insulation for a sphere is

A. k/h₀

B. 2k/h₀

C. h₀/k

D. h₀/2k

What is the correct answer?


In heat transfer, conductance equals conductivity (kcal/hr/sq.m/ °C/cm) divided by

A. Hr (time)

B. Sq. m (area)

C. °C (temperature)

D. K.cal (heat)

What is the correct answer?


The unit of overall coefficient of heat transfer is

A. W/m²K

B. W/m²

C. W/mK

D. W/m

What is the correct answer?


A composite slab has two layers of different materials with thermal conductivities k₁ and k₂. If each layer has the same thickness, then the equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab will be

A. k₁ k₂

B. (k₁ + k₂)

C. (k₁ + k₂)/ k₁ k₂

D. 2 k₁ k₂/ (k₁ + k₂)

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following has maximum value of thermal conductivity?

A. Aluminium

B. Steel

C. Brass

D. Copper

What is the correct answer?


The use of heat exchangers is made in

A. Radiators in automobile

B. Condensers and boilers in steam plants

C. Condensers and evaporators in refrigeration and air conditioning units

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The value of the wave length for maximum emissive power is given by

A. Kirchhoff's law

B. Stefan's law

C. Wines law

D. Planck's law

What is the correct answer?


According of Kirchhoff's law

A. Radiant heat is proportional to fourth power of absolute temperature

B. Emissive power depends on temperature

C. Emissive power and absorptivity are constant for all bodies

D. Ratio of emissive power to absorptive power for all bodies is same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body.

What is the correct answer?


The transfer of heat by molecular collision is smallest in

A. Solids

B. Liquids

C. Gases

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Total emissivity of polished silver compared to black body is

A. Same

B. Higher

C. More or less same

D. Very much lower

What is the correct answer?


The ratio of surface convection resistance to the internal conduction resistance is known as

A. Grashoff number

B. Biot number

C. Stanton number

D. Prandtl number

What is the correct answer?


Depending on the radiating properties, a body will be opaque when

A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1

B. P=1, x = 0 and a = 0

C. P = 0, x = 1 and a = 0

D. X = 0, a + p = 1 Where a = absorptivity, p = reflectivity, X = transmissivity.

What is the correct answer?


Cork is a good insulator because it has

A. Free electrons

B. Atoms colliding frequency

C. Low density

D. Porous body

What is the correct answer?


The heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body is directly proportional to the surface area and difference of temperatures between the two bodies. This statement is called

A. First law of thermodynamics

B. Newton's law of cooling

C. Newton's law of heating

D. Stefan's law

What is the correct answer?


When α is absorptivity, ρ is reflectivity and τ is transmissivity, then for a diathermanous body,

A. α = 1, ρ = 0 and τ = 0

B. α = 0, ρ = 1 and τ = 0

C. α = 0, ρ = 0 and τ = 1

D. α + ρ = 1 and τ = 0

What is the correct answer?


Heat transfer in liquid and gases takes place by

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Conduction and convection

What is the correct answer?


If the temperature of a solid surface changes from 27°C to 627°C, then its emissive power changes in the ratio of

A. 6

B. 9

C. 27

D. 81