Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What does the Latin term Ex Libris mean in English?

A. From the books of

B. In the beginning

C. To be or not to be

D. Through adversity to the stars

Correct Answer :

A. From the books of

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What is the correct answer?


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A. Virgil

B. Ovid

C. Horace

D. Catullus

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Which Roman author wrote the philosophical work Meditations?

A. Seneca

B. Marcus Aurelius

C. Cicero

D. Lucretius

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Which Roman author is known for his philosophical work On the Ends of Good and Evil (De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum)?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Lucretius

D. Marcus Aurelius

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Tabula Rasa?

A. Blank slate

B. Clean slate

C. White table

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Q.E.D.)?

A. Which was to be demonstrated

B. The end of the demonstration

C. Therefore, it is proven

D. In the beginning

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Cogito, Sum (Cogito ergo sum)?

A. I think, I am

B. I think, therefore I am

C. I am, therefore I think

D. To think is to be

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori?

A. It is sweet and proper to die for one's country

B. In the beginning

C. To be or not to be

D. Love conquers all

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Panem et Circenses?

A. Bread and circuses

B. In the name of the Father

C. To be or not to be

D. Love conquers all

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What does the Latin term caveat emptor mean in English?

A. Let the buyer beware

B. Buyer's remorse

C. Buyer's paradise

D. Buyer's delight

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What does the Latin term Cui Bono mean in English?

A. Who benefits?

B. What is good?

C. When in Rome

D. Where is the love?

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What Latin term is used for a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory but may be true?

A. Paradox

B. Irony

C. Fallacy

D. Antithesis

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a logical fallacy where one argues that because something has not been proven true, it must be false?

A. Argumentum ad Ignorantiam

B. Non Sequitur

C. Red Herring

D. Straw Man

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What does the Latin term Memento Mori mean in English?

A. Remember you will die

B. Remember the good times

C. Remember to live

D. Remember your destiny

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What does the Latin phrase Cave Canem mean in English?

A. Beware of the dog

B. Beware of the cat

C. Beware of the lion

D. Beware of the snake

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What case in Latin is used to indicate the direct object of a verb?

A. Nominative

B. Genitive

C. Accusative

D. Dative

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Post Meridiem (P.M.)?

A. After noon

B. Before noon

C. In the morning

D. In the evening

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Magnum Opus?

A. Great work

B. Great artist

C. Great emperor

D. Great architect

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Which Roman poet is known for his fables, including The Tortoise and the Hare?

A. Ovid

B. Virgil

C. Aesop

D. Horace

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Which Latin poet is known for his epic poem Metamorphoses, a narrative of transformations in Greco-Roman mythology?

A. Virgil

B. Ovid

C. Horace

D. Catullus

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Which Latin case is used to indicate the indirect object of a verb?

A. Nominative

B. Genitive

C. Accusative

D. Dative

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Which Roman author is known for his work On the Good Life (De Senectute) and other philosophical treatises?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus

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What does the Latin term Vox Populi, Vox Dei mean in English?

A. The voice of the people is the voice of God

B. In the name of the Father

C. Love conquers all

D. United we stand

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Which Latin phrase means after this, therefore because of this?

A. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

B. Ad hoc

C. Carpe Diem

D. In vino veritas

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What is the superlative form of the Latin adjective bonus meaning good?

A. Optimus

B. Pessimus

C. Melior

D. Malus

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What does the Latin phrase Veni, Vidi, Vici mean in English?

A. I came, I saw, I conquered

B. To be or not to be

C. In the beginning

D. Love conquers all

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin term Quid Pro Quo?

A. Something for something

B. This for that

C. Something for nothing

D. All for one

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Veni, Vidi, Emi?

A. I came, I saw, I bought

B. I came, I saw, I conquered

C. I came, I saw, I loved

D. I came, I saw, I ate

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a type of logical fallacy where one argues that because something is popular or widely believed, it must be true?

A. Appeal to Popularity

B. Non Sequitur

C. Red Herring

D. Straw Man

What is the correct answer?


What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Cogito, ergo sum?

A. I think, therefore I am

B. To be or not to be

C. In the beginning

D. Love conquers all

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin phrase means by the fact itself?

A. Ipso Facto

B. Ex post facto

C. Ad hoc

D. Quid pro quo