Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the French word for hat?

A. Casquette

B. Chapeau

C. Bonnet

D. �charpe

Correct Answer :

B. Chapeau

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A. Lit

B. Chaise

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A. Bonjour

B. Bonsoir

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A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

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B. Maurice Ravel

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B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

C. �douard Manet

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B. La Vie en Rose

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B. Victor Hugo

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A. Blaise Pascal

B. Ren� Descartes

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B. Miroir

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In which French region is the city of Toulouse known for its aerospace industry?

A. Occitanie

B. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

C. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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B. Henri Matisse

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A. Papillon

B. Libellule

C. Abeille

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A. Lune

B. Soleil

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A. Oui

B. Non

C. Peut-�tre

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B. Louis XIV

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B. Jean-Paul Sartre

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A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. Montesquieu

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A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. Voltaire

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A. Coco Chanel

B. Yves Saint Laurent

C. Christian Dior

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Which region of France is known for its lavender fields?

A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

C. Alsace

D. Brittany

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A. Montesquieu

B. Rousseau

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What is the French word for window?

A. Porte

B. Fen�tre

C. Toit

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