Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who was the famous French military leader who became Emperor of France?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte

B. Louis XIV

C. Charles de Gaulle

D. Joan of Arc

Correct Answer :

A. Napoleon Bonaparte

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A. �galit�, Fraternit�, Libert� (Equality, Brotherhood, Liberty)

B. Libert�, �galit�, Fraternit� (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood)

C. Fraternit�, �galit�, Libert� (Brotherhood, Equality, Liberty)

D. �galit�, Libert�, Fraternit� (Equality, Liberty, Brotherhood)

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A. Bonjour

B. Bonsoir

C. Bonne nuit

D. Bon app�tit

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B. Fen�tre

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A. Moli�re

B. Jean Racine

C. Pierre Corneille

D. Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

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B. Normandy

C. Brittany

D. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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B. Ren� Descartes

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B. Christian Dior

C. Yves Saint Laurent

D. Pierre Cardin

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A. Rhine

B. Seine

C. Loire

D. Danube

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A. Montesquieu

B. Rousseau

C. Voltaire

D. Diderot

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A. Pain

B. Fromage

C. Vin

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A. Bonjour

B. Au revoir

C. Merci

D. S'il vous pla�t

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A. Merci

B. S'il vous pla�t

C. Excusez-moi

D. De rien

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A. Ren� Descartes

B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

C. Blaise Pascal

D. Montesquieu

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A. Moli�re

B. Voltaire

C. Rousseau

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B. Famille

C. Fr�re

D. Voisin

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A. T�l�phone

B. Portable

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D. Ordinateur

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B. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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A. Occitanie

B. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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B. Lunettes

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B. Fleuve

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A. Grand Est

B. Occitanie

C. Normandy

D. Hauts-de-France

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B. Pluie

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B. Albert Camus

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A. Porte

B. Fen�tre

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B. Miroir

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