Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the physical appearance of an organism based on its genetic makeup?

A. Genotype

B. Phenotype

C. Allele

D. Homozygote

Correct Answer :

B. Phenotype

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A. Atom

B. Molecule

C. Cell

D. Tissue

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Which microorganism is responsible for the majority of human yeast infections?

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Protist

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A. Mammals

B. Amphibians

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A. Coordination of muscle movements

B. Regulation of body temperature and hormone secretion

C. Memory storage

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Which of the following is a viral disease transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Malaria

C. Influenza

D. Lyme disease

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Which of the following is a characteristic of arachnids?

A. Six legs

B. Two pairs of antennae

C. Exoskeleton made of chitin

D. Segmented body

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Which of the following is an example of an invasive species?

A. Native grasses in their natural habitat

B. A non-native tree planted in a garden

C. A species that naturally occurs in a specific ecosystem

D. A species that is endangered

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A. Gas exchange

B. Water retention and protection

C. Photosynthesis

D. Nutrient absorption

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A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

C. Digestion of food

D. Filtration of blood

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A. Vaccination

B. Antibody production

C. Immunity

D. Immune response

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A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Production of red blood cells

C. Filtration of blood and excretion of waste products

D. Digestion of food

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A. Storage of bile

B. Production of insulin

C. Digestion of proteins

D. Filtration of blood

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A. Sustainability

B. Biodiversity

C. Ecology

D. Conservation

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Which bone in the human body is often referred to as the collarbone?

A. Radius

B. Femur

C. Clavicle

D. Tibia

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The human heart has how many chambers?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

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Which type of behavior involves the establishment and maintenance of a territory for mating and/or obtaining resources?

A. Agonistic behavior

B. Courtship behavior

C. Dominance hierarchy

D. Territorial behavior

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A. Habitat loss

B. Climate change

C. Pollution

D. Invasive species

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A. Ovulation

B. Fertilization

C. Implantation

D. Menstruation

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A. Speciation

B. Convergent evolution

C. Divergent evolution

D. Coevolution

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A. Pepsin

B. Amylase

C. Trypsin

D. Lipase

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A. Insects

B. Arachnids

C. Crustaceans

D. Myriapods

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A. Antibiotic

B. Parasite

C. Pathogen

D. Virus

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A. Digestion of proteins

B. Regulation of blood sugar levels

C. Filtration of blood

D. Production of bile

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Which of the following is a bacterial disease that primarily affects the respiratory system and can be prevented by vaccination?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Malaria

C. Cholera

D. Whooping cough (Pertussis)

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Homo sapiens originated on which continent?

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. Europe

D. South America

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Which process involves the copying of DNA into a complementary RNA molecule?

A. Transcription

B. Translation

C. Replication

D. Mutation

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What is the name of the enzyme that unwinds and separates the DNA strands during replication?

A. RNA polymerase

B. Ligase

C. Helicase

D. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

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Which plant hormone is responsible for promoting cell elongation and growth in response to light?

A. Auxin

B. Gibberellin

C. Ethylene

D. Cytokinin