Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When absorptivity (α) = 1, reflectivity (ρ) = 0 and transmissivity (τ) = 0, then the body is said to be a

A. Black body

B. Grey body

C. Opaque body

D. White body

Correct Answer :

A. Black body

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Thermal diffusivity of a substance is given by (where h = Thermal diffusivity, ρ = Density of substance, S = Specific heat, and k = Thermal conductivity)

A. h = k/ ρS

B. h = ρS/k

C. h = S/ρk

D. h = kρ/S

What is the correct answer?


Sensible heat factor is given by (where S.H. = Sensible heat, and L.H. = Latent heat)

A. S.H/(S.H + L.H)

B. (S.H + L.H) /S.H

C. (L.H - S.H)/S.H

D. S.H/(L.H - S.H)

What is the correct answer?


According to Newton's law of cooling, the heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body is

A. Directly proportional to the surface area

B. Directly proportional to the difference of temperatures between the two bodies

C. Either (A) or (B)

D. Both (A) and (B)

What is the correct answer?


The value of Prandtl number for air is about

A. 0.1

B. 0.3

C. 0.7

D. 1.7

What is the correct answer?


Temperature of steam at around 540°C can be measured by

A. Thermometer

B. Thermistor

C. Thermocouple

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


An ordinary passenger aircraft requires a cooling system of capacity.

A. 2 TR

B. 4 TR

C. 8 TR

D. 10 TR

What is the correct answer?


Unit of thermal conductivity in M.K.S. units is

A. K cal/kg m² °C

B. K cal m/hr m² °C

C. K cal/hr m² °C

D. K calm/hr °C

What is the correct answer?


In free convection heat transfer transition from laminar to turbulent flow is governed by the critical value of the

A. Reynold's number

B. Grashoff's number

C. Reynold's number, Grashoff's number

D. Prandtl number, Grashoff's number

What is the correct answer?


A non-dimensional number generally associated with natural convection heat transfer is

A. Grashoff number

B. Nusselt number

C. Weber number

D. Prandtl number

What is the correct answer?


Cork is a good insulator because it has

A. Free electrons

B. Atoms colliding frequency

C. Low density

D. Porous body

What is the correct answer?


The automobile radiator is a heat exchanger of

A. Parallel flow type

B. Counter flow type

C. Cross flow type

D. Regenerator type

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following has least value of conductivity?

A. Glass

B. Water

C. Plastic

D. Air

What is the correct answer?


The transfer of heat by molecular collision is known as

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


A composite slab has two layers of different materials with thermal conductivities k₁ and k₂. If each layer has the same thickness, then the equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab will be

A. k₁ k₂

B. (k₁ + k₂)

C. (k₁ + k₂)/ k₁ k₂

D. 2 k₁ k₂/ (k₁ + k₂)

What is the correct answer?


Thermal diffusivity of a substance is

A. Directly proportional to the thermal conductivity

B. Inversely proportional to density of substance

C. Inversely proportional to specific heat

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Heat transfer takes place as per

A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

B. First law of thermodynamic

C. Second law of the thermodynamics

D. Kirchoff's law

What is the correct answer?


Fourier's law of heat conduction is valid for

A. One dimensional cases only

B. Two dimensional cases only

C. Three dimensional cases only

D. Regular surfaces having non-uniform temperature gradients

What is the correct answer?


Depending on the radiating properties, a body will be white when

A. P = 0, x = 0 and a = 1

B. P=1, T = 0 and a = 0

C. P = 0, x = 1 and a = 0

D. X = 0, a + p = 1 Where a = absorptivity, p = reflectivity, x = transmissivity

What is the correct answer?


In regenerator type heat exchanger, heat transfer takes place by

A. Direct mixing of hot and cold fluids

B. A complete separation between hot and cold fluids

C. Flow of hot and cold fluids alternately over a surface

D. Generation of heat again and again

What is the correct answer?


The thermal diffusivities for solids are generally

A. Less than those for gases

B. Less than those for liquids

C. More than those for liquids and gases

D. More or less same as for liquids and gases

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a case of steady state heat transfer?

A. I.C. engine

B. Air preheaters

C. Heating of building in winter

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Upto the critical radius of insulation,

A. Added insulation will increase heat loss

B. Added insulation will decrease heat loss

C. Convective heat loss will be less than conductive heat loss

D. Heat flux will decrease

What is the correct answer?


Sensible heat is the heat required to

A. Change vapour into liquid

B. Change liquid into vapour

C. Increase the temperature of a liquid of vapour

D. Convert water into steam and superheat it

What is the correct answer?


The heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in

A. Melting of ice

B. Boiler furnaces

C. Condensation of steam in condenser

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


LMTD in case of counter flow heat exchanger as compared to parallel flow heat exchanger is

A. Higher

B. Lower

C. Same

D. Depends on the area of heat exchanger

What is the correct answer?


The time constant of a thermocouple is

A. The time taken to attain the final temperature to be measured

B. The time taken to attain 50% of the value of initial temperature difference

C. The time taken to attain 63.2% of the value of initial temperature difference

D. Determined by the time taken to reach 100°C from 0°C

What is the correct answer?


The unit of overall coefficient of heat transfer is

A. kcal/m²

B. kcal/hr °C

C. kcal/m² hr °C

D. kcal/m hr °C

What is the correct answer?


According of Kirchhoff's law

A. Radiant heat is proportional to fourth power of absolute temperature

B. Emissive power depends on temperature

C. Emissive power and absorptivity are constant for all bodies

D. Ratio of emissive power to absorptive power for all bodies is same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body.

What is the correct answer?


The use of heat exchangers is made in

A. Radiators in automobile

B. Condensers and boilers in steam plants

C. Condensers and evaporators in refrigeration and air conditioning units

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Thermal conductivity of air with rise in temperature

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remain constant

D. May increase or decrease depending on temperature