Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which data structure uses a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order?

A. Stack

B. Queue

C. Linked List

D. Binary Tree

Correct Answer :

B. Queue

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A. List

B. Tuple

C. Stack

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Which of the following is not a fundamental data type in Python?

A. int

B. float

C. list

D. char

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What does DNS stand for in the context of the internet?

A. Domain Name System

B. Dynamic Network Service

C. Digital Naming Service

D. Data Network System

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What is the purpose of the elif statement in Python?

A. It is used to define a new variable.

B. It is used to handle exceptions.

C. It is used to execute code if the if condition is false.

D. It is used to test multiple conditions sequentially.

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A. To organize and manage files and directories on storage devices

B. To connect to the internet

C. To display graphics on the screen

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A. To define a data type

B. To create graphics

C. To store data

D. To encapsulate a sequence of code that can be called multiple times

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A. float

B. int

C. str

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A. HyperText Markup Language

B. High-Level Text Language

C. Hyperlink Text Management Language

D. Home Tool Markup Language

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Which data structure uses a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order?

A. Queue

B. Stack

C. Linked List

D. Tree

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A. To exit the program

B. To print a message to the console

C. To stop a loop

D. To return a value from a function

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What is the purpose of the if statement in programming?

A. To repeat a block of code

B. To define a function

C. To make decisions and execute code conditionally

D. To create a loop

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What is the purpose of a compiler in programming?

A. To execute code line by line

B. To translate high-level code into machine code

C. To debug code

D. To create user interfaces

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A. HyperText Transfer Protocol

B. HyperTransfer Text Protocol

C. HyperTransfer Transfer Protocol

D. HyperText Text Protocol

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A. A unique identifier for a function

B. The name of a function

C. The body of a function

D. A comment within a function

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In binary, what is the result of the bitwise OR operation (|) between 1010 and 1100?

A. 1000

B. 1110

C. 0110

D. 1010

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Which of the following is not a primary color in the RGB color model?

A. Red

B. Green

C. Blue

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A. 128

B. 256

C. 64

D. 512

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A. Structured Query Language

B. Simple Query Language

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A. 11001

B. 11100

C. 10011

D. 11010

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What is the purpose of the elif statement in Python?

A. It is used to define a new variable.

B. It is used to handle exceptions.

C. It is used to execute code if the if condition is false.

D. It is used to test multiple conditions sequentially.

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A. for loop

B. if statement

C. switch statement

D. while loop

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A. Graphic User Interface

B. General User Instruction

C. Graphical Unit Integration

D. Global User Interface

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A. Internet Protocol

B. Internal Processor

C. Information Provider

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A. Binary Text

B. Binary Information Transfer

C. Binary Digit

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C. MP3


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A. Storing email messages

B. Translating domain names into IP addresses

C. Managing network hardware

D. Providing web hosting services

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What is the primary function of an operating system?

A. To manage hardware resources and provide services for software

B. To run applications

C. To create graphics

D. To store data

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A. An application for editing images

B. A programming language

C. A set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications

D. A type of computer hardware

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A. To prevent data corruption

B. To optimize data retrieval by providing fast access to specific records

C. To store large amounts of data

D. To encrypt data

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Which of the following is not a valid type of computer network?

A. Local Area Network (LAN)

B. Wide Area Network (WAN)

C. Personal Area Network (PAN)

D. Personal Computer Network (PCN)