Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an example of a network protocol?



C. MP3


Correct Answer :


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What is the correct answer?


What does the term protocol mean in the context of computer networking?

A. A set of rules and conventions for communication between devices

B. A type of hardware

C. A programming language

D. A software application

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What does the term bit stand for?

A. Binary Text

B. Binary Information Transfer

C. Binary Digit

D. Byte Interval Time

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What does GUI stand for in the context of computer software?

A. Graphic User Interface

B. General User Instruction

C. Graphical Unit Integration

D. Global User Interface

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What does the acronym HTML stand for?

A. HyperText Markup Language

B. High-Level Text Language

C. Hyperlink Text Management Language

D. Home Tool Markup Language

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What is a conditional operator in programming?

A. An operator that performs mathematical calculations

B. An operator that combines two values

C. An operator that evaluates a condition and returns one of two values based on the condition

D. An operator that compares two values for equality

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What is the purpose of the try and except blocks in Python?

A. To define a function

B. To create graphics

C. To handle exceptions and errors

D. To write comments in code

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What is the purpose of a while loop in programming?

A. To define a function

B. To create graphics

C. To execute a block of code a specific number of times

D. To repeat a block of code while a condition is true

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What does DNS stand for in the context of the internet?

A. Domain Name System

B. Dynamic Network Service

C. Digital Naming Service

D. Data Network System

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Which of the following is not a primary color in the RGB color model?

A. Red

B. Green

C. Blue

D. Yellow

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What is the purpose of the switch statement in programming?

A. To execute code based on multiple conditions

B. To define a function

C. To create graphics

D. To exit a loop

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What is a DNS server responsible for in the context of the internet?

A. Storing email messages

B. Translating domain names into IP addresses

C. Managing network hardware

D. Providing web hosting services

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What does the acronym SQL stand for?

A. Structured Query Language

B. Simple Query Language

C. System Query Language

D. Sequential Query Language

What is the correct answer?


What is the purpose of the if statement in programming?

A. To repeat a block of code

B. To define a function

C. To make decisions and execute code conditionally

D. To create a loop

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What is the binary representation of the decimal number 8?

A. 1000

B. 1001

C. 100

D. 1010

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What is the purpose of a compiler in programming?

A. To execute code line by line

B. To translate high-level code into machine code

C. To debug code

D. To create user interfaces

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Which programming language is often used for data analysis and machine learning?

A. Java

B. Ruby

C. Python

D. C#

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Which of the following is not a fundamental data type in Python?

A. int

B. float

C. list

D. char

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Which of the following is not a type of computer memory?

A. RAM (Random Access Memory)

B. ROM (Read-Only Memory)

C. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

D. Cache

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What is the purpose of the break statement in programming?

A. To create a loop

B. To exit a loop prematurely

C. To define a function

D. To print output to the console

What is the correct answer?


What does IP stand for in the context of computer networking?

A. Internet Protocol

B. Internal Processor

C. Information Provider

D. Internet Program

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What is the purpose of the else statement in programming?

A. To define a new variable

B. To handle exceptions

C. To execute code if the if condition is true

D. To execute code if the if condition is false

What is the correct answer?


What is the purpose of a function in programming?

A. To store data

B. To perform a specific task or calculation

C. To display information on the screen

D. To create graphics

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What is a variable in programming?

A. A value that cannot be changed

B. A container for storing data

C. A type of loop

D. A function

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What is the purpose of a constructor in object-oriented programming?

A. To define a function

B. To create graphics

C. To initialize the attributes of an object when it is created

D. To exit a loop

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a valid way to define a constant in Python?

A. const pi = 3.14159

B. final float PI = 3.14159

C. PI = 3.14159

D. constant PI = 3.14159

What is the correct answer?


What is the purpose of the while loop in programming?

A. To execute a block of code a specific number of times

B. To define a function

C. To make decisions and execute code conditionally

D. To repeat a block of code while a condition is true

What is the correct answer?


What is an algorithm in computer science?

A. A type of data structure

B. A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem

C. A type of programming language

D. A hardware component

What is the correct answer?


What is an IP address used for in computer networking?

A. To identify a specific website

B. To identify a specific computer or device on a network

C. To encrypt network traffic

D. To block spam emails

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Which programming language is often used for web development?

A. Python

B. Java


D. C++

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Which of the following is a valid way to comment out code in Python?

A. /* This is a comment */

B. // This is a comment

C. # This is a comment
