Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which escape character can be used to beep from speaker in C?

A. \a

B. \b

C. \m


Correct Answer :

A. \a

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int k, num = 30;
k = (num > 5 ? (num <= 10 ? 100 : 200) : 500);
%d", num);

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/* The C language.
/* is a procedural language .*/*/
The above statement is valid.

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A. ''

B. " "

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int a = 5, b = 6;
(a == b? printf("%d", a));

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B. 5

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B. A number

C. A special symbol other than underscore

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A. Work same as printf()

B. prints the error message specified by the compiler

C. prints the garbage value assigned by the compiler

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B. Throw by reference and catch by reference.

C. Throw by value and catch by value

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B. False

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The output of the following code is:
void main() 
char a = 'B';
switch (a)
case 'A' : printf("a");
case 'B' : printf("b");
default : printf("c");

A. B

B. b

C. bca

D. bc