Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The expression "b = 3 ^ 2;" will evaluate b = 9.

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer :

B. False

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What is the correct answer?


fopen() function returns a pointer to the open file.

A. True

B. False

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&& and & operators have the same meaning.

A. True

B. False

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unsigned char has a range from 0 to ------------

A. 253

B. 254

C. 255

D. 256

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strcat() function ----------------------- two strings.

A. delete

B. concatenate

C. compare

D. none of the above

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continue statement is used

A. to go to the next iteration in a loop

B. come out of a loop

C. exit and return to the main function

D. restarts iterations from beginning of loop

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Union is used to hold different data at different time.

A. True

B. False

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What is Keywords?

A. Keywords have some predefine meanings and these meanings can be changed.

B. Keywords have some unknown meanings and these meanings cannot be changed.

C. Keywords have some predefine meanings and these meanings cannot be changed.

D. None of the above

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Which of the following is a valid destructor of the class name "Country"

A. int ~Country()

B. void Country()

C. int ~Country(Country obj)

D. void ~Country()

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The identifier argv[] is a pointer to an array of strings.

A. True

B. False

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Which one of the following is not a fundamental data type in C++

A. float

B. string

C. int

D. wchar_t

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/* The C language.
/* is a procedural language .*/*/
The above statement is valid.

A. True

B. False

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Which of the following correctly describes C++ language?

A. Statically typed language

B. Dynamically typed language

C. Both Statically and dynamically typed language

D. Type-less language

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Variables declared as register storage type gets stored in CPU registers.

A. True

B. False

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When is std::bad_alloc exception thrown?

A. When new operator cannot allocate memory

B. When alloc function fails

C. When type requested for new operation is considered bad<  thisexception is thrown

D. When delete operator cannot delete teh allocated (corrupted) object

What is the correct answer?


What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

int main(){
char c=125;
return 0;


A. 135


C. -121

D. -135

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Only one break can be used in one loop.

A. True

B. False

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Single operations involving entire arrays are permitted in C.

A. True

B. False

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What is C Tokens?

A. The smallest individual units of c program

B. The basic element recognized by the compiler

C. The largest individual units of program

D. A & B Both

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Which of the following is not recommended in a header file?

A. Type definitions (typedefs)

B. Class definitions

C. Function definitions

D. Template definitions

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Which classes allow primitive types to be accessed as objects?

A. Storage

B. Virtual

C. Friend

D. Wrapper

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How many times the following loop will execute?
for (a = 0; a < 4; a++)

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. infinite

What is the correct answer?


What's wrong? (x = 4 && y = 5) ? (a = 5) ; (b = 6);

A. the question mark should be an equal sign

B. the first semicolon should be a colon

C. there are too many variables in the statement

D. the conditional operator is only used with apstrings

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a standard exception built in C++.

A. std::bad_creat

B. std::bad_alloc

C. std::bad_cast

D. std::bad_typeid

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The function fopen() on failure returns---------------------.

A. 0


C. 1

D. none of the above

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Left shift operator rotates the bits on the left and places them to the right.

A. True

B. False

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Right shifting an operand 1bit is equivalent to multiplying it by 2.

A. True

B. False

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The output of the following code is:
int k, num = 30;
k = (num > 5 ? (num <= 10 ? 100 : 200) : 500);
%d", num);

A. 200

B. 500

C. 30

D. Unpredictable

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
void main() 
float a;
int x = 10, y = 3; a = x / y;
printf("%f", a); }

A. 3.999999

B. Error

C. 3

D. 3.000000

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following keyword supports dynamic method resolution?

A. abstract

B. Virtual

C. Dynamic

D. Typeid

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a unconditional control structure

A. do-while

B. if-else

C. goto

D. for