Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which French philosopher wrote The Second Sex (Le Deuxi�me Sexe)?

A. Simone de Beauvoir

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

C. Albert Camus

D. Voltaire

Correct Answer :

A. Simone de Beauvoir

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A. Albert Camus

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

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B. Libellule

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A. Claude Debussy

B. Erik Satie

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B. Miroir

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A. Verres

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A. Oui

B. Non

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B. Chat

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A. Occitanie

B. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

C. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

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A. Bourgogne-Franche-Comt�

B. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

C. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

D. Occitanie

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A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

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A. Albert Camus

B. Simone de Beauvoir

C. Jean-Paul Sartre

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B. Thalys

C. TGV (Train � Grande Vitesse)

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