Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who painted the iconic artwork Liberty Leading the People (La Libert� guidant le peuple)?

A. Eug�ne Delacroix

B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

C. Camille Pissarro

D. �douard Manet

Correct Answer :

A. Eug�ne Delacroix

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What is the correct answer?


What is the French term for glasses (as in eyeglasses)?

A. Verres

B. Lunettes

C. Yeux

D. Vision

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What is the French word for train?

A. Avion

B. Voiture

C. Train

D. Bateau

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What is the French term for window?

A. Porte

B. Fen�tre

C. Mur

D. Toit

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Who was a French mathematician and physicist known for formulating the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

A. Blaise Pascal

B. Ren� Descartes

C. Pierre-Simon Laplace

D. Isaac Newton

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In which French region is the city of Lyon known for its culinary heritage?

A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

C. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

D. Grand Est

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Who was a French fashion designer known for his extravagant and avant-garde designs?

A. Jean-Paul Gaultier

B. Christian Louboutin

C. Coco Chanel

D. Yves Saint Laurent

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Which French composer is known for Carnival of the Animals (Le Carnaval des Animaux)?

A. Gabriel Faur�

B. Claude Debussy

C. Maurice Ravel

D. Camille Saint-Sa�ns

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What is the French word for river?

A. Rivi�re

B. Fleuve

C. Lac

D. Mer

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Who painted Olympia, a famous work depicting a reclining nude woman?

A. �douard Manet

B. Vincent van Gogh

C. Henri Matisse

D. Pablo Picasso

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In which region of France is the city of Bordeaux known for its wine production located?

A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

C. Brittany

D. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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Which French writer is known for In Search of Lost Time (� la recherche du temps perdu)?

A. Marcel Proust

B. Albert Camus

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Jean-Paul Sartre

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Which French philosopher and writer is known for Emile and The Social Contract?

A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. Montesquieu

C. Voltaire

D. Diderot

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Who was the famous French military leader who became Emperor of France?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte

B. Louis XIV

C. Charles de Gaulle

D. Joan of Arc

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What is the French word for book?

A. Livre

B. Journal

C. Magazine

D. Papier

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Which French scientist and chemist is known for his contributions to the field of microbiology and the development of pasteurization?

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Antoine Lavoisier

C. Pierre Curie

D. Marie Curie

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What is the French word for water?

A. Terre

B. Feu

C. Eau

D. Air

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Which French philosopher is known for his work on the separation of powers in government?

A. Montesquieu

B. Rousseau

C. Voltaire

D. Diderot

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What is the French word for shoes?

A. Chapeau

B. Chemise

C. Chaussures

D. Sac � main

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What is the French word for bread?

A. Pain

B. Fromage

C. Vin

D. Pomme

What is the correct answer?


What is the French word for clock?

A. Horloge

B. Montre

C. R�veil

D. Cadran

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In which French region is the city of Nice located?

A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

C. Brittany

D. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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Who was the French playwright known for The Barber of Seville (Le Barbier de S�ville)?

A. Moli�re

B. Jean Racine

C. Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

D. Voltaire

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Who wrote the novel Swann's Way (Du c�t� de chez Swann)?

A. Marcel Proust

B. Albert Camus

C. Jean-Paul Sartre

D. Simone de Beauvoir

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Which of the following is a French-speaking country in Africa?

A. Ghana

B. Nigeria

C. Senegal

D. Kenya

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What is the French term for good morning?

A. Bonjour

B. Bonsoir

C. Bonne nuit

D. Bon app�tit

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What is the French word for apple?

A. Pomme

B. Raisin

C. Banane

D. Cerise

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What is the French word for bed?

A. Lit

B. Chaise

C. Bureau

D. Table

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Which French composer is known for his Bol�ro?

A. Claude Debussy

B. Erik Satie

C. Maurice Ravel

D. Gabriel Faur�

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What is the French word for telephone?

A. T�l�phone

B. Portable

C. Appareil photo

D. Ordinateur

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What is the French term for Goodbye?

A. Bonjour

B. Au revoir

C. Merci

D. S'il vous pla�t