Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which Greek poet is credited with composing the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?

A. Homer

B. Hesiod

C. Sappho

D. Pindar

Correct Answer :

A. Homer

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A. Harper Lee

B. Truman Capote

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Who wrote the poem The Raven, known for its melancholic atmosphere and refrain of Nevermore?

A. Edgar Allan Poe

B. Nathaniel Hawthorne

C. Washington Irving

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A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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A. William Butler Yeats

B. W.H. Auden

C. Robert Frost

D. T.S. Eliot

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Which American author is known for his works set in the American South, including As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury?

A. William Faulkner

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Harper Lee

D. Eudora Welty

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Which novel by Emily Bront� features the characters Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw?

A. Jane Eyre

B. Wuthering Heights

C. Sense and Sensibility

D. Middlemarch

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Which American author is known for his works set in the American South, including As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury?

A. William Faulkner

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Harper Lee

D. Eudora Welty

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In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, which character famously utters the soliloquy beginning with To be, or not to be?

A. Hamlet

B. Ophelia

C. Claudius

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Who wrote the novel Moby-Dick, which tells the story of Captain Ahab's obsessive quest for a white whale?

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne

B. Herman Melville

C. Mark Twain

D. Washington Irving

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Who wrote the poem The Road Not Taken, which includes the famous lines Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by?

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughes

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Walt Whitman

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What is the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, set in the fictional town of Macondo and known for its magical realist elements?

A. One Hundred Years of Solitude

B. Love in the Time of Cholera

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A. Elinor and Marianne Dashwood

B. Jane and Elizabeth Bennet

C. Emma and Harriet Smith

D. Catherine and Isabella Morland

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A. Fyodor Dostoevsky

B. Leo Tolstoy

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Who is the author of the novel Moby-Dick, which tells the story of Captain Ahab's obsessive quest for a white whale?

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B. Nathaniel Hawthorne

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A. Henrik Ibsen

B. August Strindberg

C. Anton Chekhov

D. Eugene O'Neill

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A. Joseph Conrad

B. Chinua Achebe

C. Franz Kafka

D. J.M. Coetzee

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A. The Catcher in the Rye

B. Catch-22

C. On the Road

D. The Great Gatsby

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A. George Orwell

B. Aldous Huxley

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D. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Which American poet is known for his poem The Road Not Taken and his frequent use of rural settings and themes?

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughes

C. Walt Whitman

D. Emily Dickinson

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Who wrote the novel Middlemarch, which explores various social and political issues in 19th-century England?

A. George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

B. Charlotte Bront�

C. Jane Austen

D. Emily Bront�

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A. Emily Bront�

B. Jane Austen

C. Charles Dickens

D. Charlotte Bront�

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Which play by Arthur Miller is an allegory for McCarthyism and the Red Scare in America during the 1950s?

A. The Glass Menagerie

B. Death of a Salesman

C. The Crucible

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What is the title of the novel by Charlotte Bront�, featuring the character Jane Eyre's journey through adversity and love?

A. Jane Eyre

B. Wuthering Heights

C. Villette

D. Agnes Grey