Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the play The Glass Menagerie, which draws on elements of memory and illusion?

A. Tennessee Williams

B. Arthur Miller

C. Eugene O'Neill

D. Samuel Beckett

Correct Answer :

A. Tennessee Williams

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What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of the novel Moby-Dick, which tells the story of Captain Ahab's obsessive quest for a white whale?

A. Herman Melville

B. Nathaniel Hawthorne

C. Mark Twain

D. Washington Irving

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Who is the author of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, a landmark work of magic realism?

A. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

B. Jorge Luis Borges

C. Isabel Allende

D. Pablo Neruda

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Which American poet is known for his confessional poetry and wrote Daddy and Lady Lazarus?

A. Sylvia Plath

B. Anne Sexton

C. Adrienne Rich

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What is the title of the novel by George Orwell that warns against totalitarianism and features the character Winston Smith?

A. 1984

B. Brave New World

C. Fahrenheit 451

D. The Handmaid's Tale

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Which play by Arthur Miller is an allegory for McCarthyism and the Red Scare in America during the 1950s?

A. The Glass Menagerie

B. Death of a Salesman

C. The Crucible

D. A Streetcar Named Desire

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In Shakespeare's play Othello, who is Iago's wife, known for her innocence and honesty?

A. Desdemona

B. Emilia

C. Bianca

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Who wrote the play A Doll's House, which addresses issues of gender roles and societal expectations?

A. Henrik Ibsen

B. August Strindberg

C. Anton Chekhov

D. Eugene O'Neill

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What is the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, set in the fictional town of Macondo and known for its magical realist elements?

A. One Hundred Years of Solitude

B. Love in the Time of Cholera

C. Chronicle of a Death Foretold

D. The Autumn of the Patriarch

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In T.S. Eliot's poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, what is the repeated phrase that suggests a sense of futility?

A. Do I dare disturb the universe?

B. In the room where women come and go

C. I have heard the mermaids singing

D. Let us go then, you and I

What is the correct answer?


In T.S. Eliot's poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, what is the repeated phrase that suggests a sense of futility?

A. In the room where women come and go

B. I have heard the mermaids singing

C. Let us go then, you and I

D. Do I dare disturb the universe?

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A. Lorraine Hansberry

B. August Wilson

C. Langston Hughes

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What is the title of the dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley that explores themes of technology, conformity, and individuality?

A. Brave New World

B. 1984

C. Fahrenheit 451

D. The Handmaid's Tale

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Which Russian author wrote the novel Crime and Punishment, exploring themes of guilt and redemption?

A. Fyodor Dostoevsky

B. Leo Tolstoy

C. Anton Chekhov

D. Ivan Turgenev

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Who wrote the novel The Old Man and the Sea, which tells the story of an aging fisherman's struggle with a giant marlin?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. John Steinbeck

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. William Faulkner

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Who wrote the poem The Road Not Taken, which includes the famous lines Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by?

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughes

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Walt Whitman

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Which American poet wrote Song of Myself and was a prominent figure in the transcendentalist movement?

A. Walt Whitman

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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A. Ken Kesey

B. Kurt Vonnegut

C. Philip K. Dick

D. Joseph Heller

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A. Nathaniel Hawthorne

B. Herman Melville

C. Edgar Allan Poe

D. Washington Irving

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In George Orwell's essay Politics and the English Language, what does Orwell argue about the relationship between language and thought?

A. Language shapes thought

B. Thought shapes language

C. Language and thought are unrelated

D. Language and thought are fixed

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A. The Catcher in the Rye

B. Catch-22

C. On the Road

D. The Great Gatsby

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Which novel by Emily Bront� features the characters Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw?

A. Jane Eyre

B. Wuthering Heights

C. Sense and Sensibility

D. Middlemarch

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A. John Milton

B. John Donne

C. Andrew Marvell

D. George Herbert

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A. Aeschylus

B. Sophocles

C. Euripides

D. Aristophanes

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A. The Metamorphosis

B. The Trial

C. The Castle

D. Amerika

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B. Jordan Baker

C. Myrtle Wilson

D. Nick Carraway

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A. Samuel Beckett

B. Harold Pinter

C. Tom Stoppard

D. Anton Chekhov

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A. Ralph Ellison

B. James Baldwin

C. Toni Morrison

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B. Wuthering Heights

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A. Virginia Woolf

B. James Joyce

C. E.M. Forster

D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

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A. John Bunyan

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. Jonathan Swift