Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?
  1. Cork cambium is also called phellogen.
  2. Cork is also called phellem.
  3. Secondary cortex is also called periderm.
  4. Cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called phelloderm.

A. (iii) and (iv)

B. (i) and (ii)

C. (ii) and (iii)

D. (ii) and (iv)

Correct Answer :

A. (iii) and (iv)

Secondary cortex is also called phelloderm cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called periderm.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Tissues are classified into two main groups, namely meristematic and permanent tissues on the basis of

A. whether the cells being able to divide or not.

B. position of the cells.

C. whether they are living or dead.

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


During the formation of leaves and elongation of stem, some cells left behind from the shoot apical meristem, constitute the

A. lateral meristem

B. axillary bud

C. cork cambium

D. fascicular cambium

What is the correct answer?


One of the primary function of the ground tissue in a plant is

A. photosynthesis.

B. to protect the plant.

C. to anchor the plant.

D. water and sugar conduction.

What is the correct answer?


Trees at sea do not have annual rings because

A. soil is sandy.

B. there is climatic variation.

C. there is no marked climatic variation.

D. there is enough moisture in the atmosphere.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements are correct ?
  1. Xylem transports water and minerals.
  2. Gymnosperms lack sieve tubes and companion cells in phloem.
  3. The first formed primary xylem is called metaxylem.
  4. Phloem fibres (bast fibres) are made up of collenchymatous cells.

A. (i) and (iii)

B. (i) and (ii)

C. (iii) and (iv)

D. (i) and (iv)

What is the correct answer?


A student was given a tissue to observe under the microscope. He observes the tissue and concludes that the tissue is a type of simple plant tissue and provides mechanical support to young stem and petiole of leaf.
Identify the tissue.

A. Parenchyma

B. Collenchyma

C. Sclerenchyma

D. Xylem parenchyma

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following figure is a type of permanent tissue having many different types of cell?





What is the correct answer?


In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the _____________ and the metaxylem lies towards the ____________ of the organ.

A. centre; periphery

B. periphery; centre

C. periphery; periphery

D. centre; centre

What is the correct answer?


A plant tissue when stained showed the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in cells wall of its cells. The tissue is called

A. collenchyma

B. sclerenchyma

C. xylem

D. meristem

What is the correct answer?


Choose the correct labelling of (A J) in the given figure of T.S. of monocot root.

A. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Passage cell, F Pericycle, G Pith, H Phloem, I Metaxylem.

B. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Passage cell, F Pith, G Pericycle, H Metaxylem, I Phloem.

C. A Root hair, B Epiblema, C Cortex, D Endodermis, E Pericycle, F Phloem, G Protoxylem, I Metaxylem

D. A Root hair, B Cortex, C Epiblema, D Pericycle, E Endodermis, F Pith, G Phloem, H Protoxylem, I Metaxylem

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following option shows the correct labelling of the parts marked as A, B, C and D in the given figure of a typical dicot root?

A. A Primary phloem, B Vascular cambium, C Secondary phloem, D Primary xylem

B. A Secondary phloem, B Vascular cambium, C Primary phloem, D Primary xylem

C. A Primary phloem, B Primary xylem, C Secondary phloem, D Vascular cambium

D. A Secondary phloem, B Primary xylem, C Primary phloem, D Vascular cambium

What is the correct answer?


Tissue(s) present in an annual ring is/are

A. secondary xylem and phloem.

B. primary xylem and phloem.

C. secondary xylem only.

D. primary phloem and secondary xylem.

What is the correct answer?


The vessel elements of angiosperms differ from other elements of xylem in having

A. simple pits on their radial walls.

B. bordered pits on their lateral walls.

C. simple and bordered pits on their end walls.

D. simple perforation on their end walls.

What is the correct answer?


Apical, intercalary and lateral meristems are differentiated on the basis of

A. origin

B. function

C. position

D. development

What is the correct answer?


Cambium is considered as a lateral meristem because

A. it gives rise to lateral branches.

B. it causes increase in girth.

C. it increases height and diameter of a plant.

D. it adds bulk to a plant.

What is the correct answer?


Cork cambium and vascular cambium are

A. the parts of secondary xylem and phloem.

B. the parts of pericycle.

C. lateral meristems.

D. apical meristems.

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the followings option shows the correct labelling of the parts marked as A, B, C and D in the given figure a lenticel?

A. A Epidermis, B Secondary cortex, C Cork cambium, D Cork

B. A Pore, B Cork cambium, C Secondary cortex, D Cork

C. A Pore, B Cork, C Complimentary cells, D Cork cambium

D. A Epidermis, B Complimentary cells, C Cork cambium, D Secondary cortex

What is the correct answer?


Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack

A. cambium

B. phloem fibres

C. thick-walled tracheids

D. xylem fibres

What is the correct answer?


An organised and differentiated cellular structure having cytoplasm but no nucleus is called _________.

A. vessels

B. xylem parenchyma

C. sieve tubes

D. tracheids

What is the correct answer?


A common structural feature of vessel elements and sieve tube elements are

A. pores on lateral walls.

B. presence of p-protein.

C. enucleate condition.

D. thick secondary walls.

What is the correct answer?


The length of different internodes in a culm of sugarcane is variable because of

A. size of leaf lamina at the node below each internode

B. intercalary meristem

C. shoot apical meristem

D. position of axillary buds

What is the correct answer?


A narrow layer of thin walled cells found between phloem/ bark and wood of a dicot is

A. cork cambium

B. vascular cambium

C. endodermis

D. both (a) & (c)

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are present in monocot root ?

A. conjoint, collateral, open polyarch vascular bundle.

B. exodermis, endarch, tetrarch closed vascular bundles.

C. suberized exodermis, casparian strip, passage cells, cambium.

D. suberized exodermis, polyarch xylem, pith.

What is the correct answer?


A tissue is a group of cells which are

A. similar in origin, but dissimilar in form and function.

B. dissimilar in origin, form and function.

C. dissimilar in origin, but similar in form and function.

D. similar in origin, form and function.

What is the correct answer?


Xylem functions as a conducting tissue for water and minerals from _________to the ______and__________.

A. roots, stems, leaves

B. stems, roots, leaves

C. leaves, stems, roots

D. leaves, stems, leaves

What is the correct answer?


The given figure shows T.S. of monocot stem. Identify the correct labelling of A to F marked in the given figure.

A. A Epidermis, B Hypodermis, C Vascular bundles, D Phloem, E Xylem, F Ground tissue

B. A Cuticle, B Epidermis, C Sclerenchymatous sheath, D Sclerenchymatous hypodermis, E Parenchymatous sheath, F Phloem

C. A Cuticle, B Epidermis, C Sclerenchymatous hypodermis, D Sclerenchymatous sheath, E Parenchymatous sheath, F Phloem

D. A Cuticle, B Epidermis, C Sclerenchymatous hypodermis, D Sclerenchymatous sheath, E Parenchymatous sheath, F Protoxylem

What is the correct answer?


Match the elements of xylem given in column I with their character given in the column II and choose the correct option.
A. Xylem vesselsI. Store food materials
B. Xylem tracheidsII. Obliterated lumen
C. Xylem fibresIII. Perforated plates
D. Xylem parenchymaIV. Chisel-like ends





What is the correct answer?


Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.
Column -IColumn -II
A. Bulliform cellsI. Initiation of lateral roots
B. PericycleII. Root
C. Endarch xylemIII. Grasses
D. Exarch xylemIV. Dicot leaf
E. Bundle sheath cellsV. Stem

A. A III, B V, C IV, D I, E II

B. A II, B V, C I, D III, E IV

C. A II, B IV, C I, D III, E V

D. A III, B I, C V, D II, E IV

What is the correct answer?


Main function of lenticel is

A. transpiration

B. guttation

C. gaseous exchange

D. both (a) & (c)

What is the correct answer?


The __________ occurs in layers below the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants.

A. parenchyma

B. sclerenchyma

C. collenchyma

D. aerenchyma