Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the French term for Goodbye?

A. Bonjour

B. Au revoir

C. Merci

D. S'il vous pla�t

Correct Answer :

B. Au revoir

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What is the correct answer?


Who was a prominent French philosopher and writer known for his satirical works, including Candide?

A. Voltaire

B. Montesquieu

C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

D. Denis Diderot

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What is the French word for water?

A. Terre

B. Feu

C. Eau

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What is the French word for train?

A. Avion

B. Voiture

C. Train

D. Bateau

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What is the French term for umbrella?

A. Ombre

B. Pluie

C. Parapluie

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B. Normandy

C. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

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What is the French word for beach?

A. Plage

B. Mer

C. �le

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A. Albert Camus

B. Simone de Beauvoir

C. Jean-Paul Sartre

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A. Albert Camus

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Voltaire

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A. Lune

B. Soleil

C. �toile

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A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. Voltaire

C. Denis Diderot

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A. Victor Hugo

B. Emile Zola

C. Marcel Proust

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A. T�l�phone

B. Portable

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D. Ordinateur

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A. Blaise Pascal

B. Ren� Descartes

C. Pierre-Simon Laplace

D. Isaac Newton

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What is the French word for book?

A. Livre

B. Journal

C. Magazine

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B. Montesquieu

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Which French composer is known for his Bol�ro?

A. Claude Debussy

B. Erik Satie

C. Maurice Ravel

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What is the French word for shoes?

A. Chapeau

B. Chemise

C. Chaussures

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A. Casquette

B. Chapeau

C. Bonnet

D. �charpe

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A. Porte

B. Fen�tre

C. Mur

D. Toit

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A. Lit

B. Chaise

C. Bureau

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Which French philosopher is known for his political treatise The Spirit of the Laws (De l'Esprit des Lois)?

A. Montesquieu

B. Voltaire

C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

D. Denis Diderot

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A. Avignon

B. Nice

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A. Albert Camus

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Voltaire

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Which French landmark is a Gothic cathedral located in Paris?

A. Eiffel Tower

B. Notre-Dame Cathedral

C. Palace of Versailles

D. Louvre Museum

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A. Pain

B. Fromage

C. Vin

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B. Paul C�zanne

C. Georges Seurat

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Which French region is known for its production of Roquefort cheese?

A. Occitanie

B. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

C. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

D. Bourgogne-Franche-Comt�

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Which French impressionist painter is known for his paintings of ballet dancers?

A. Edgar Degas

B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

C. �douard Manet

D. Henri Cartier-Bresson

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A. Auguste Rodin

B. Edgar Degas

C. Henri Matisse

D. Paul C�zanne

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What is the French term for butterfly?

A. Papillon

B. Libellule

C. Abeille

D. Araign�e