Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the novel In Cold Blood, a true crime story based on the murder of the Clutter family in Kansas?

A. Truman Capote

B. Norman Mailer

C. Harper Lee

D. John Updike

Correct Answer :

A. Truman Capote

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What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of the novel Invisible Man, which explores themes of identity and racism in America?

A. Ralph Ellison

B. James Baldwin

C. Toni Morrison

D. Richard Wright

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Who wrote the play Long Day's Journey into Night, a semi-autobiographical work centered on a dysfunctional family?

A. Eugene O'Neill

B. Arthur Miller

C. Tennessee Williams

D. August Wilson

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In Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility, which two sisters are the central characters?

A. Elinor and Marianne Dashwood

B. Jane and Elizabeth Bennet

C. Emma and Harriet Smith

D. Catherine and Isabella Morland

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Who wrote the poem Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, which includes the refrain Rage, rage against the dying of the light?

A. W.B. Yeats

B. Dylan Thomas

C. John Keats

D. William Wordsworth

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In George Orwell's essay Shooting an Elephant, what does the elephant represent symbolically?

A. Imperialism

B. Freedom

C. Democracy

D. Enlightenment

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Who wrote the play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? which delves into the dysfunctional marriage of George and Martha?

A. Edward Albee

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Arthur Miller

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Who wrote the play Death of a Salesman, which examines the American Dream and its impact on a struggling family?

A. Arthur Miller

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Eugene O'Neill

D. August Wilson

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A. Oscar Wilde

B. Henry James

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. D.H. Lawrence

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Who wrote the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, which follows the life and development of Stephen Dedalus?

A. James Joyce

B. D.H. Lawrence

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. E.M. Forster

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Who wrote the poem The Raven, known for its melancholic atmosphere and refrain of Nevermore?

A. Edgar Allan Poe

B. Nathaniel Hawthorne

C. Washington Irving

D. Emily Dickinson

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What is the title of the novel by Franz Kafka, which tells the story of Gregor Samsa's transformation into a giant insect?

A. The Metamorphosis

B. The Trial

C. The Castle

D. Amerika

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Who is the author of the novel Invisible Man, which explores themes of identity and racism in America?

A. James Baldwin

B. Ralph Ellison

C. Richard Wright

D. Toni Morrison

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What is the title of the novel by Leo Tolstoy that chronicles the lives of five aristocratic families during the Napoleonic era?

A. War and Peace

B. Anna Karenina

C. Crime and Punishment

D. Fathers and Sons

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What is the title of the dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley that explores themes of technology, conformity, and individuality?

A. Brave New World

B. 1984

C. Fahrenheit 451

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What is the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, set in the fictional town of Macondo and known for its magical realist elements?

A. One Hundred Years of Solitude

B. Love in the Time of Cholera

C. Chronicle of a Death Foretold

D. The Autumn of the Patriarch

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Who is the author of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, a landmark work of magic realism?

A. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

B. Jorge Luis Borges

C. Isabel Allende

D. Pablo Neruda

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Which poet is known for writing Leaves of Grass, a collection of poems celebrating individualism and the human spirit?

A. Emily Dickinson

B. Walt Whitman

C. Langston Hughes

D. Robert Frost

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A. William Faulkner

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Harper Lee

D. Eudora Welty

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Who is the author of Beloved, a novel about the horrors of slavery and its aftermath in America?

A. Toni Morrison

B. Maya Angelou

C. Alice Walker

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Who wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost?

A. John Bunyan

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. Jonathan Swift

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Who wrote the poem The Waste Land, known for its complex structure and themes of cultural disillusionment?

A. T.S. Eliot

B. W.B. Yeats

C. Ezra Pound

D. Wallace Stevens

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Which American poet wrote Song of Myself and was a prominent figure in the transcendentalist movement?

A. Walt Whitman

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

D. Henry David Thoreau

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Which American poet is known for her reclusive lifestyle and unique use of dashes in her poetry?

A. Emily Dickinson

B. Sylvia Plath

C. Anne Sexton

D. Adrienne Rich

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Which author wrote the novel Brave New World, depicting a dystopian future where individuality is suppressed in favor of social stability?

A. George Orwell

B. Aldous Huxley

C. Ray Bradbury

D. Isaac Asimov

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Which Greek poet is credited with composing the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?

A. Homer

B. Hesiod

C. Sappho

D. Pindar

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Who wrote the poem The Waste Land, a key work of modernist poetry?

A. T.S. Eliot

B. W.B. Yeats

C. Ezra Pound

D. Robert Frost

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Who wrote the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, known for its modernist style and introspective themes?

A. T.S. Eliot

B. W.B. Yeats

C. Ezra Pound

D. Wallace Stevens

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Who wrote the play A Doll's House, which addresses issues of gender roles and societal expectations?

A. Henrik Ibsen

B. August Strindberg

C. Anton Chekhov

D. Eugene O'Neill

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Who wrote the novel To the Lighthouse, known for its exploration of consciousness and stream-of-consciousness narrative style?

A. Virginia Woolf

B. D.H. Lawrence

C. E.M. Forster

D. James Joyce

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Who wrote the poem The Second Coming, which includes the lines Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold?

A. William Butler Yeats

B. W.H. Auden

C. Robert Frost

D. T.S. Eliot