Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, which explores themes of decadence and moral corruption?

A. Oscar Wilde

B. Henry James

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. D.H. Lawrence

Correct Answer :

A. Oscar Wilde

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What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the poem The Raven, known for its melancholic atmosphere and refrain of Nevermore?

A. Edgar Allan Poe

B. Nathaniel Hawthorne

C. Washington Irving

D. Emily Dickinson

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In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, what is the name of the powerful ring that is the central focus of the story?

A. The One Ring

B. The Ring of Power

C. The Ring of Sauron

D. The Precious

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What is the title of the novel by George Orwell that warns against totalitarianism and features the character Winston Smith?

A. 1984

B. Brave New World

C. Fahrenheit 451

D. The Handmaid's Tale

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Who wrote the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, which follows the life and development of Stephen Dedalus?

A. James Joyce

B. D.H. Lawrence

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. E.M. Forster

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Which author wrote the satirical novel Animal Farm, which allegorically critiques the Russian Revolution?

A. George Orwell

B. Aldous Huxley

C. Franz Kafka

D. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Who is the author of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, set in a mental institution and narrated by Chief Bromden?

A. Ken Kesey

B. Kurt Vonnegut

C. Philip K. Dick

D. Joseph Heller

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Which American author wrote The Sun Also Rises, a novel that explores the experiences of the Lost Generation after World War I?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck

D. Sinclair Lewis

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In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, which character famously utters the soliloquy beginning with To be, or not to be?

A. Hamlet

B. Ophelia

C. Claudius

D. Polonius

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Who wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost?

A. John Bunyan

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. Jonathan Swift

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Who wrote the play Long Day's Journey into Night, a semi-autobiographical work centered on a dysfunctional family?

A. Eugene O'Neill

B. Arthur Miller

C. Tennessee Williams

D. August Wilson

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Which American poet wrote Song of Myself and was a prominent figure in the transcendentalist movement?

A. Walt Whitman

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

D. Henry David Thoreau

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Who wrote the poem The Road Not Taken, which includes the famous lines Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by?

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughes

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Walt Whitman

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In George Orwell's essay Politics and the English Language, what does Orwell argue about the relationship between language and thought?

A. Language shapes thought

B. Thought shapes language

C. Language and thought are unrelated

D. Language and thought are fixed

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Who wrote the novel In Cold Blood, a true crime story based on the murder of the Clutter family in Kansas?

A. Truman Capote

B. Norman Mailer

C. Harper Lee

D. John Updike

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Which American author wrote The Sun Also Rises, a novel that explores the experiences of the Lost Generation after World War I?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck

D. Sinclair Lewis

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In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, which house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry values bravery and chivalry?

A. Gryffindor

B. Hufflepuff

C. Ravenclaw

D. Slytherin

What is the correct answer?


In T.S. Eliot's poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, what is the repeated phrase that suggests a sense of futility?

A. In the room where women come and go

B. I have heard the mermaids singing

C. Let us go then, you and I

D. Do I dare disturb the universe?

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Which poet is known for writing Leaves of Grass, a collection of poems celebrating individualism and the human spirit?

A. Emily Dickinson

B. Walt Whitman

C. Langston Hughes

D. Robert Frost

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Which British author is known for the His Dark Materials trilogy, including the novel The Golden Compass?

A. Philip Pullman

B. J.K. Rowling

C. C.S. Lewis

D. J.R.R. Tolkien

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Who wrote the poem A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, known for its metaphysical conceits about separation and love?

A. John Milton

B. John Donne

C. Andrew Marvell

D. George Herbert

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Who is the author of the play Waiting for Godot, characterized by its absurdist themes and minimalistic setting?

A. Samuel Beckett

B. Harold Pinter

C. Tom Stoppard

D. Anton Chekhov

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Which Greek poet is credited with composing the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?

A. Homer

B. Hesiod

C. Sappho

D. Pindar

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Which American playwright wrote Death of a Salesman, which examines the American Dream and its impact on a struggling family?

A. Arthur Miller

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Eugene O'Neill

D. August Wilson

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A. John Steinbeck

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. William Faulkner

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Which American author wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

A. Mark Twain

B. Edgar Allan Poe

C. Nathaniel Hawthorne

D. Herman Melville

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In George Orwell's novella Animal Farm, which animal represents the proletariat and the working class?

A. Boxer

B. Napoleon

C. Snowball

D. Old Major

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What is the title of the novel by Mark Twain that follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?

A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

C. The Call of the Wild

D. Treasure Island

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Which novel by Charlotte Bront� follows the life of the orphaned protagonist Jane Eyre?

A. Wuthering Heights

B. Villette

C. Jane Eyre

D. Agnes Grey

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Who wrote the novel The Stranger (L'�tranger) which explores the absurdity of human existence?

A. Albert Camus

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Franz Kafka

What is the correct answer?


In George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, which animal represents the working class and is often associated with the motto All animals are equal?

A. Boxer

B. Napoleon

C. Snowball

D. Old Major