
Square - Square Root and Cube - Cube Root

Friday 1st of January 2016

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Square, when any number is multiplied by itself, then the produce is known as square of the number.
e.g., Square of 5=52=5×5=25
Square Root, Square may be define the number whose square is equal to given number. In other words, square root of a given number is the number when multiplied by itself, gives the product equal to the given number.
e.g., Square root of 16=16=4
Cube, cube of a number is the triple product obtained on multiplying the number by itself.
e.g., Cube of 5=53=5×5×5=125
Cube Root, cube root of a number is the number whose cube is the given number.
e.g., Cube root of 216=2163=6×6×63=6

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