
Urology Basic Science MCQ Solved Paper for NEET PG

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which zone of the prostate originates from the Wolffian duct tissue:
A. central zone
B. peripheral zone
C. transitional zone
D. periurethral glands
Answer : A
2. What are the abnormalities that might accompany complete ureteral duplications?
A. reflux to the upper pole ureter, obstruction to the lower pole ureter
B. reflux to the lower pole ureter, obstruction to the upper pole ureter
C. left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, right ureterocele
D. right ureteropelvic junction obstruction, left ureterocele
Answer : B
3. What is the creatinine clearance in ml/min for a 70 kg man aging 50 yrs. with 1.1 mg/dL serum creatinine?
A. 79.54
B. 44.19
C. 84.15
D. 94.25
Answer : A
4. Which statement is false concerning capacitation of spermatozoa?
A. occurs after acrosome reaction
B. entails removal of a glycoprotein layer
C. it is a biochemical event of sperm maturation
D. changes occur in the female genital tract
Answer : A
5. What is the prime effect of antidiuretic hormone on kidneys?
A. increase collecting duct permeability
B. increase medullary blood flow
C. decrease cortical blood flow
D. decrease potassium secretion
Answer : A
6. Which of the following explains infertility in liver cirrhosis male patients?
A. decrease plasma estradiol levels
B. increase plasma testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin levels
C. suppression of suprarenal androgens
D. exaggerated pituitary response to feedback hormones
Answer : B
7. Which statement concerning urine pH is false?
A. influenced by food and medications
B. renal stones form at the extremes of pH range
C. reliable only when measured by 24 hr. urine collection
D. ranges from 4 7
Answer : C
8. What increases blood volume and pressure in corpora cavernosa during erection is:
A. increase in sympathetic discharge
B. contraction of ischiocavernosa and bulbocavernosa muscles
C. increase arterial flow and closure of emissary veins
D. shunting of blood from the dorsal to the central cavernosal artery
Answer : C
9. What is the half-life of ?-HCG?
A. 5 7 days
B. 24 36 hours
C. 2 3 days
D. 12 24 hours
Answer : B
10. Which artery is NOT a branch of the anterior division of internal iliac artery?
A. superior vesical artery
B. inferior vesical artery
C. superior gluteal artery
D. inferior gluteal artery
Answer : C
11. Which of the following does NOT affect serum creatinine?
A. gender
B. age
C. obstructing stone at left lower ureter
D. rhabdomyolysis
Answer : C
12. What degrades semenogelin and determines the consistency of the seminal coagulum is:
A. spermine
B. acid phosphatase
D. semenoglobulin
Answer : C
13. Which organ contributes most to the seminal fluid volume?
A. testes
B. prostate
C. seminal vesicles
D. bulbourethral glands
Answer : C
14. What is the nerve supply of the adrenal gland?
A. sympathetic to the medulla
B. parasympathetic to the medulla
C. sympathetic to the cortex
D. parasympathetic to the cortex
Answer : A
15. Which organism is capable of proliferation in the urine and causing urethritis?
A. Ureaplasma urealyticum
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. E. coli
D. Neisseria gonorrhea
Answer : A
16. In utero, which hormone stimulates the development of the prostate gland?
A. estradiol
D. testosterone
Answer : B
17. Where is Santorini plexus located?
A. at either side of the prostate
B. in the pubo-prostatic space
C. anterior to the seminal vesicles
D. posterior to the vaso-epididymal junction
Answer : B
18. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics may occur because of:
A. inherited chromosomal-mediated resistance
B. acquired chromosomal-mediated resistance
C. extrachromosomal-mediated resistance
D. all of the above
Answer : D
19. What could render red urine workup, false positive for hematuria?
A. dehydration
B. myoglobinuria
C. high doses of vitamin C
D. all of the above
Answer : D
20. By which of the following structures, do the fused lower poles of hoarseshoe kidneys get trapped during embryologic ascent?
A. inferior mesenteric artery
B. superior mesenteric artery
C. celiac artery
D. common iliac artery
Answer : A
21. Regarding renal ectopia, usually, the adrenals:
A. are cross ectopic
B. are at their normal position
C. travel with the kidneys
D. undergo ischemic atrophy
Answer : B
22. Which medicine(s) might enhance hypoprothrombinemic effect on oral anticoagulants?
A. allopurinol
B. aminoglycosides
C. cimetidine
D. all of the above
Answer : D
23. How long post bilateral orchiectomy, will patients be functionally castrated?
A. immediately
B. after 2 hrs.
C. after 12 hrs.
D. after 24 hrs.
Answer : B
24. Which period of intrauterine life does the process of organ formation (organogenesis) take place?
A. 9 12 weeks
B. 12 15 weeks
C. 15 18 weeks
D. 18 21 weeks
Answer : A
25. What is false concerning the urinary bladder anatomy?
A. as it distends, it peels off the peritoneum from the abdominal wall
B. the interureteric ridge is located between the 2 ureteric orifices and the uvula vesicae
C. Waldeyer`s sheath covers only the distal ureter and forms the deep trigone
D. in adults, it is percussible over the abdomen when contains at least 150 ml
Answer : B
26. What helps in treating Candida albicans cystitis is:
A. sodium bicarbonate
B. phyto soya
C. ascorbic acid
D. sol palmetto
Answer : A
27. In utero, which hormone stimulates the development of Wolffian ducts?
A. estradiol
D. testosterone
Answer : D
28. Which of the following hormones, primarily, controls spermatogenesis?
B. testosterone
Answer : B
29. Which drug does NOT result in urinary retention?
A. terazosin, antihypertensive
B. benzodiazepines, psychotropic medicine
C. levodopa, anti-Parkinsonism medicine
D. brimonidine, glaucoma eye drops
Answer : A
30. What is the most significant complication of cyclosporine?
A. hepatic toxicity
B. renal toxicity
C. neural toxicity
D. cardiac toxicity
Answer : B
31. Which of the following is NOT a component of the normal semen?
A. zinc
B. fructose
C. prostate-specific antigen
D. alkaline phosphatase
Answer : D
32. All of the following conditions are related to obesity syndrome, EXCEPT:
A. super fertility
B. increase aromatization reaction
C. increase resistance to circulating insulin
D. sleep apnea
Answer : A
33. Which area in the nervous system is tested by bulbocavernosus reflex?
A. brain stem
B. C2 C4
C. S2 - S4
D. L2 - L4
Answer : C
34. How many days does spermatogenesis take in the man?
A. 16
B. 32
C. 64
D. 90
Answer : C
35. Which part of the prostate prevents the seminal fluid from entering the bladder during ejaculation?
A. central zone
B. peripheral zone
C. preprostatic tissue
D. anterior fibromuscular stroma
Answer : C
36. At which condition is alpha-fetoprotein most frequently elevated?
A. infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast
B. seminoma
C. hepatocellular carcinoma
D. malignant melanoma
Answer : C
37. Which of the following diabetes mellitus treatments causes erectile dysfunction?
A. long-acting insulin
B. metformin
C. sulfonylurea
D. none of the above
Answer : D
38. Which of the prostate medications could result in retrograde ejaculation?
A. tamsulosin
B. doxazosin
C. dutasteride
D. alfuzosin
Answer : A
39. To which group of lymph nodes do tumors at the anterior superior area of the bladder, first, drain?
A. hypogastric
B. internal iliac
C. external iliac
D. lateral sacral
Answer : C
40. Branches of what artery travel under the endopelvic fascia form the prostate to the sidewall of the pelvis?
A. obturator artery
B. midrectal artery
C. inferior vesical artery
D. pudendal artery
Answer : D
41. What vessels are located in the prostate neurovascular bundle?
A. Watson plexus
B. capsular arteries and veins
C. inferior vesical and midrectal vessels
D. Santorini plexus
Answer : B
42. Which action of thigh muscles could be impaired if the obturator nerve was injured during endoscopic resection of bladder tumors?
A. adduction
B. abduction
C. flexion
D. extension
Answer : A
43. What is false concerning the collecting system structures of a typical kidney?
A. the renal pelvis could be intra or extra renal
B. the renal pelvis divides into 2 or 3 major calyces
C. major calyces divide into 2 or 3 minor calyces
D. unlike lateral calyces, polar calyces are often paired
Answer : D
44. In which condition can NOT creatinine level be 1200 mg/dL?
A. an aspirate of pelvic urinoma
B. in untreated end-stae renal failure disease
C. a sample from a wound drain after pyeloplasty
D. a sample from suprapubic catheter
Answer : B
45. What class of antibiotics might cause vestibular and/or auditory impairment?
A. aminoglycosides
B. ?antipseudomonal penicillins
C. cephalosporins
D. fluoroquinolones
Answer : A
46. Which of the following contributes second to the seminal fluid by volume?
A. seminal vesicles
B. the prostate
C. testes
D. bulbourethral glands
Answer : B
47. What do the specialized cells, at the juxtaglomerular apparatus, produce?
A. erythropoietin
B. renin
C. angiotensin I
D. angiotensinogen
Answer : B
48. Which of the following does NOT increase PSA value?
A. trauma to the prostate
B. digital rectal examination
C. urinary retention
D. prostatitis
Answer : B
49. Which of the following might cause sterile pyuria?
A. renal tuberculosis
B. urinary tract stones
C. interstitial cystitis
D. all of the above
Answer : D
50. Which of the following is NOT a sex accessory tissue?
A. the prostate gland
B. seminal vesicles
C. epididymi
D. bulbourethral glands
Answer : C

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