Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A fossil is a

A. laboratory preserved animal

B. dead animal of the past

C. organic relic of the past

D. stuffed animal

Correct Answer :

C. organic relic of the past

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What is the correct answer?


Which is not a vestigeal organ

A. Wisdom teeth

B. Fossa ovalis

C. Muscles of ear pinna

D. Ileum

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Pangenesis theory was given by

A. Charles Darwin

B. Lamarck

C. Wsismann

D. Becker

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Connecting link between nonchordata and chordata is

A. Peripatus

B. Archaeopteryx

C. Tachyglossus

D. Balanoglossus

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An example of analogy is

A. wings of a bird and butterfly

B. wings of pigeon and bat

C. limbs of horse and man

D. paddles of dolphin and fins of a fish

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A starfish with six arms, may be a case of

A. variation

B. evolution

C. autotomy

D. mutation

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Which of these does not play a role in evolution ?

A. Mutation

B. Polyploidy

C. Natural selection

D. Acquired characters

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The recent ancestors of modem man were

A. Java Ape and Peking man

B. Peking man and Rhodesian man

C. Cromagnon man and Rhodesian man

D. Cromagnon man and Neanderthal man

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Peking man is known as

A. Homo sapiens

B. Pithecanthropus

C. Sinanthropus

D. None of these

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Geological evidence of most primitive mammals is found in

A. Centred Africa

B. China

C. India

D. Australia

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Doubis in 1891 found the fossil of Java ape man. It is

A. Sinanthropus pekinensis

B. Homoerectus

C. Homo rhodesiensis

D. Homo spisaens

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The function affected by point mutation in p-globin in sickle cell anaemia is

A. protein folding

B. transcriptional control

C. nonsense mutation

D. none of these

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Some of the important evidences of organic evolution are

A. occurrence of homologous and vestigeal organs

B. occurrence of analogous and vestigial organs

C. occurrence of homologous and analogous organs

D. occurrence of analogous oragans only

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Which of the following gases were absent in free form when life originated on earth?

A. Oxygen

B. Hydrogen

C. Methane

D. Ammonia

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The idea of "Survival of fittest" was given by

A. Darwin

B. Herbert Spencer

C. Mai thus

D. Lovell

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Species were regarded as unchangeable by

A. Lamarck

B. Morgan

C. Charles Darwin

D. Many biologists of 19th century

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Fire was first used for protection and cooking by

A. Java man

B. Neanderthal man

C. Peking man

D. Cromagnon man

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In forming the theory of evolution by Natural Selection, Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by

A. environmental factors

B. mutations

C. malthu's ideas on population control

D. all of these

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Which were dominant during Mesozoic era

A. Pisces

B. Birds

C. Ruling mammals

D. Ruling reptiles

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A fossil is a

A. laboratory preserved animal

B. dead animal of the past

C. organic relic of the past

D. stuffed animal

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The epoch of human civilisation is

A. Pliocene

B. Holocene

C. Pleistocene

D. Palaeocene

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Amphibians appeared and became dominant in the

A. Mesozoic era

B. Coenozoic era

C. Palaeozoic era

D. None of these

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A. differentiation of species

B. maintenance of species

C. evolutionary divergence

D. extermination of species

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The book "Voyage of the Beagle" is concerned with which one of the following ?

A. Lamarckism

B. Theory of natural selection

C. Bird flight mechanisms

D. Both and

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Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny is the statement relating to

A. morphology

B. physiology

C. taxonomy

D. embryology

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Which is a vestigeal organ of python

A. Nose

B. Scales

C. Teeth

D. Hindlimbs

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We use the term hybrid breakdown when the

A. offspring of hybrids are inviable or sterile

B. a hybrid zygote is formed but it fails to develop

C. hybrid adults fail to produce functional gametes

D. sperms and ova of different species of animals are unable to fuse

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The fossil formed from harder parts of the body infiltrated by minerals and turned into stony shapes is

A. moulds

B. coprolites

C. petrified

D. cast

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The idea of spontaneous generation is essentially correct in regard to

A. origin of life

B. evolution

C. mutations

D. embryology

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The study of Galapagos Finches shows

A. adaptive radiation

B. adaptive convergence

C. use and disuse of organs

D. none of these

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The resemblance between the south American llama and the African camel indicates a common ancestry. This is

A. homological evidence for evolution

B. palaentological evidence for evolution

C. biogeographic evidence for evolution

D. none of these