Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A resident, who is usually alert and oriented, is having difficulty remembering where he is today. What should the nurse aide do first?

A. Increase the resident's fluids since dehydration causes confusion.

B. Consider that some memory loss is a normal part of aging.

C. Ask where the resident believes he is.

D. Report the change to the charge nurse.

Correct Answer :

D. Report the change to the charge nurse.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The nursing home is having a Christmas party. A resident who is Jewish is not interested in going to the party. The nurse aide should

A. remind the resident how much the resident enjoys parties.

B. encourage the resident to go since so many other residents are attending.

C. respect the resident's decision and ask what the resident would like to do.

D. ask if the resident participated in any activities for the Jewish Hanukah holiday.

What is the correct answer?


Which foods are found on a high protein diet?

A. Pasta and rice

B. Meat and eggs

C. Fruits and vegetables

D. Whole grains and milk products

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best describes how persons affected by Parkinson's disease typically walk?

A. They tend to walk quickly.

B. They tend to lean back when walking.

C. They walk normally but with some shakiness.

D. They shuffle their feet while taking small steps.

What is the correct answer?


How should the nurse aide respond when a resident tries to talk about the recent death of another resident?

A. Explain that HIPAA laws forbid staff from discussing residents that died.

B. Suggest the resident talk to other residents feeling the same loss.

C. Try distracting the resident with a more cheerful subject.

D. Allow the resident to talk about the resident who died.

What is the correct answer?


A nurse aide is assigned to provide postmortem care for a resident, but has never done this procedure before. Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the nurse aide?

A. Ask another nurse aide to trade assignments.

B. Provide the care since the resident cannot be harmed.

C. Talk to other nurse aides about how to perform the procedure.

D. Discuss the nurse aide's lack of experience with the nurse.

What is the correct answer?


The resident is on a toileting schedule for bladder retraining. Which of the following is the best response by the nurse aide when it is time to toilet the resident?

A. Have you been able to hold it since you last went to the toilet?

B. How much longer do you feel like you can hold it?

C. May I please check to see if you are wet?

D. Can I help you to the bathroom now?

What is the correct answer?


Areas of the body where bone lies close to the skin is known as

A. a skin fold.

B. a pressure ulcer.

C. skin breakdown.

D. a pressure point.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following describes an important requirement when providing colostomy care?

A. Use sterile technique when providing care.

B. Wear gloves for Standard Precautions.

C. Avoid cleansing skin near the stoma.

D. Position the resident on the side.

What is the correct answer?


When weighing a resident, it is important to make sure the

A. resident's last measured weight is available.

B. scale measures both pounds and kilograms.

C. resident is wearing light weight clothing such as pajamas.

D. scale is balanced or calibrated before helping the resident onto the scale.

What is the correct answer?


The first step the nurse aide should take when discovering a fire is to

A. check how quickly the fire is spreading.

B. remove any residents near the fire.

C. throw a blanket over the flames.

D. pull the alarm.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the nurse aide most likely to observe in a resident who has a low blood sugar?

A. Shakiness or trembling

B. Thirst and dry mouth

C. Sweet breath odor

D. Increased urine

What is the correct answer?


The nurse aide can help the resident have regular bowel movements by

A. making sure the resident gets a lot of rest.

B. providing a routine time for the resident to toilet.

C. giving the resident cereal for breakfast every morning.

D. keeping a bedpan within reach while the resident is in bed.

What is the correct answer?


When a resident is unable to stand, the residents height is generally obtained by

A. having coworkers hold the resident upright to allow for the measurement.

B. adding the length of legs, chest, and neck/head to determine the height.

C. asking the residents height and subtracting an inch for age-related shrinkage.

D. taking the measurement from head to heels while the resident is flat in bed.

What is the correct answer?


A nurse aide is walking a resident using a gait belt. The resident tells the nurse aide she feels dizzy. The nurse aide should

A. hold the gait belt tighter and ask the resident to rest for a minute.

B. suggest the resident lean on the nurse aide for more support.

C. guide the resident over to the handrail and ask to hold.

D. ease the resident to the floor if a chair is not available.

What is the correct answer?


A resident is admitted to the nursing home for rehabilitation after a stroke. The plan is for the resident to stay only a short time, before returning home. Which of the following shows the best support of the resident's needs?

A. Provide total care for the resident.

B. Set high standards for the resident's achievements.

C. Help the resident focus on even small accomplishments.

D. Remind the resident that she will be happier when she is home.

What is the correct answer?


A nurse aide enters a room to help the resident to the bathroom. A trash can in the room is on fire. What should the nurse aide do first?

A. Use the residents pitcher of water to put out the fire.

B. Open the window to allow smoke to escape.

C. Remove the resident from the room.

D. Yell Fire! along with the location.

What is the correct answer?


The use of a physical restraint helps

A. control a resident's behavior.

B. protect the resident from injury.

C. make staff members' jobs easier.

D. decrease how often staff need to check the resident.

What is the correct answer?


A resident reports that his wrist watch is missing. The nurse aide should ask

A. if the resident thinks someone took it.

B. if the resident has checked the lost and found box.

C. who was assigned to the resident on the previous shift.

D. for permission to help look around the resident's room.

What is the correct answer?


A resident with a feeding tube is scheduled for a shower. The residents feeding tube is connected to a pump. Which of the following is the appropriate response by the nurse aide?

A. Disconnect the feeding tube temporarily to give the shower.

B. Protect the pump with a plastic bag before bringing into the shower room.

C. Ask the charge nurse for assistance with the feeding pump.

D. Give the resident a bed bath since the resident has a feeding tube.

What is the correct answer?


A nurse aide hears the charge nurse scream at a resident. The nurse aide goes to the resident to provide immediate protection of the resident. The nurse aide should also

A. call the police immediately.

B. ask if the nurse is feeling stressed about something.

C. report the situation to the charge nurse's supervisor.

D. ask if any other staff have ever observed this behavior.

What is the correct answer?


If a resident is lying in bed vomiting, why does the nurse aide need to help the resident to turn onto the resident's side quickly?

A. To get the resident into a more comfortable position

B. To get towels placed to protect the bed linen

C. To keep the vomit off the resident's face

D. To help prevent aspiration

What is the correct answer?


To help prevent burns to residents during meals, the nurse aide should

A. place a clothing protector on the resident.

B. wait to serve the food until hot food is cold.

C. add ice to any hot liquids, such as coffee or soup.

D. let residents know which foods and beverages are hot.

What is the correct answer?


A resident who is Roman Catholic is dying. The resident comments that she has not been to confession and she worries that she will die in a state of sin. Which of the following is the best response by the nurse aide?

A. Don't you think God knows you are in a nursing home?

B. Would you like it arranged for a priest to visit you?

C. Sounds like you are not ready to die.

D. Have you considered praying?

What is the correct answer?


A resident has an indwelling urinary catheter. When the resident sits in a wheelchair, where should the nurse aide place the drainage bag?

A. On the floor directly next to the wheelchair, positioned well below the resident's bladder

B. Tucked at the resident's side on the seat of the chair to keep the drainage bag level with the resident's bladder

C. Hung from back of the wheelchair so that it is out of the resident's view and above the bladder

D. Attached to the seat of the wheelchair, positioned below the level of the resident's bladder

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following describes a residents concern that needs to be reported to the charge nurse immediately?

A. A residents complaint of not getting to activities on time.

B. A resident who states a need for a new pair of elastic stockings.

C. A resident with dementia who states the need to talk to the residents son.

D. A resident who has always been oriented is suddenly scared and confused.

What is the correct answer?


Before helping a resident to stand who has been lying in bed, the nurse aide needs to

A. find out what the resident plans to do for the day.

B. make sure a walker is available for support in case it is needed.

C. ask if the resident has taken any medication recently.

D. allow time for the resident to adjust to sitting at the edge of the bed.

What is the correct answer?


The purpose of a gait or transfer belt is to

A. limit physical contact with ill residents who are transferred or walked.

B. protect the nurse aide's back when walking or transferring a resident.

C. help steady and support a resident when transferring or walking.

D. allow residents to transfer or walk independently.

What is the correct answer?


A nurse aide notices that a resident with dementia is walking with a limp on the right foot. The nurse aide's first response should be to

A. return the resident to bed.

B. provide the resident with a cane.

C. tell the nurse the resident is having foot pain.

D. remove the resident's shoe and inspect the foot.

What is the correct answer?


While performing range of motion exercises, the nurse aide notices that the resident's elbow is stiff and will not bend. The nurse aide should

A. continue exercises but move onto another joint.

B. continue since stiff joints are a normal part of aging.

C. apply very gentle pressure to try to bend the elbow slightly.

D. suggest the resident see a physical therapist for the elbow.

What is the correct answer?


The care plan requires that the resident be ambulated 100 feet twice a day at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. When the nurse aide arrives to walk the resident at 10 a.m., the resident refuses. Which of the following is the best response by the nurse aide?

A. Maybe you can plan to walk a little further this afternoon.

B. The doctor ordered your walking exercise. You really need to try.

C. You have the right to refuse. Do you want me to tell the nurse?

D. Would you prefer to walk a little later?