Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A resident with a stroke is fitted for a leg brace. Which intervention is most important when caring for this resident?

A. Skin care

B. Elimination assistance

C. Increased fluids

D. Increased ambulation

Correct Answer :

A. Skin care

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


How frequently should the nursing assistant record the totaled intake and output in the residents chart?

A. After each meal

B. Every six hours

C. At the end of the shift

D. Every four hours

What is the correct answer?


An alcohol-based hand cleanser should not be considered in which of the following situations?

A. After contact with a resident

B. When soap and water are not available

C. When hands are visibly soiled

D. After assisting a resident to the shower

What is the correct answer?


To obtain the most accurate patient weight, the nursing assistant should weigh the resident when?

A. First thing in the morning

B. Later in the afternoon

C. Before he or she goes to the bathroom

D. After exercise

What is the correct answer?


The following statements are correct regarding the residents phone rights, except

A. Telephones are provided to each resident.

B. Access to phones and privacy is provided to each resident.

C. Telephones can be used under supervision.

D. Resident access is provided during daytime hours only.

What is the correct answer?


What is the nursing assistants appropriate response to a resident who is making sexual comments?

A. Thank you, no one has flirted with me in a long time.

B. I am going to ignore that comment.

C. The comment is not acceptable to me.

D. I bet you tell all the girls that.

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate location for a thermometer when taking an axillary temperature.

A. Place the probe of the thermometer 1 inch under the arm.

B. Place the probe in the posterior 1/3 of the axillia.

C. Place the probe of the thermometer in the center of the axilla.

D. Place the probe in the anterior 1/3 of the axillia.

What is the correct answer?


The definition of the center of rehabilitative care is:

A. To improve the residents capabilities

B. To restore function to as near normal as possible

C. To return the resident to better than normal functioning

D. To prevent harm and injury

What is the correct answer?


While the CNA was assisting a new resident with his morning care, the CNA noticed that the new resident had several bruises in various stages of healing. The correct action of the CNA is to:

A. Question the resident about the bruises.

B. Report to the bruises to the nurse.

C. Make a note in the chart.

D. Call the family and demand to know what caused the bruising.

What is the correct answer?


The first action of a nursing assistant who discovers a fire is to do what?

A. Rescue the patient

B. Pull the fire alarm

C. Extinguish the fire

D. Follow the evacuation plan

What is the correct answer?


When assisting a resident who has rightsided weakness to get dressed in the morning, which arm is placed in the sleeve of the shirt first?

A. Right side (the affected side)

B. Left side (the non-affected side)

C. Both sides at the same time

D. Whichever side is easiest for the nursing assistant

What is the correct answer?


Why is an indwelling catheter taped or secured to the residents leg?

A. To ensure the catheter does not fall out

B. To prevent trauma to the resident

C. To allow the resident to use the bathroom if needed

D. To prevent leaking around the catheter

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate medical term for the abnormal shortening of muscle tissue.

A. Arthritis

B. Sprain

C. Fracture

D. Contracture

What is the correct answer?


Which of these statements regarding nail care is false?

A. Dry the residents hands and feet after soaking.

B. Report any breaks in the skin to the nurse.

C. Soak hands and feet at a safe temperature.

D. Rub lotion between the toes to prevent skin from breaking.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a safety device used to move a resident from the bed to the chair?

A. Hoyer lift

B. Slide board

C. Brace

D. Assistive

What is the correct answer?


Which condition is expected in an older resident?

A. Slowing of responses

B. Inability to make decisions

C. Increased agitation

D. Loss of long-term memory

What is the correct answer?


A nursing assistant is overheard telling a resident that the nurse caring for her is not a good nurse. The nursing assistant could be charged with which of the following?

A. Slander

B. Malpractice

C. Negligence

D. Assault

What is the correct answer?


Which phrase best defines the term STAT?

A. As soon as possible

B. Within the next 2 to 3 hours

C. By the end of the shift

D. Immediately

What is the correct answer?


The resident is wearing an elastic bandage on her arm, and the CNA notices swelling and discoloration of the skin. What should the CNA do?

A. Complete the residents a.m. care and then report the swelling and discoloration to the nurse.

B. Elevate the arm.

C. Report the swelling and discoloration to the nurse immediately.

D. Remove the elastic bandage.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a description of a stage one decubitus ulcer?

A. Redness that does not turn white when pressed

B. Open area with redness

C. Black area

D. Open area with visible bone

What is the correct answer?


What is the best action for the nursing assistant caring for a resident who is agitated and talking loudly?

A. Tell the resident he or she needs to be quiet because he or she is disturbing the other residents.

B. Speak to the resident in a calm and comforting manner.

C. Ask to have your assignment changed.

D. Report the behavior to the nurse.

What is the correct answer?


Seizures are also known as:

A. Sugar in the blood

B. Convulsions

C. Consumption

D. Heart troubles

What is the correct answer?


What device is used to prevent contractures?

A. Hand roll

B. Cane

C. Back support

D. Ace bandage

What is the correct answer?


When helping to lift a resident up in bed, which of the following positions demonstrates proper use of body mechanics?

A. Keep your back and knees straight, and lift using your thigh muscles.

B. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your legs muscles.

C. Bend slightly at the waist, keep knees partially flexed, and lift with your back muscles.

D. Use whatever position and muscles make you feel most comfortable.

What is the correct answer?


Gloves are worn to protect residents when the nursing assistant performs which of the following activities?

A. Changing the residents clothes

B. Feeding the resident

C. Performing peri-care

D. Changing the residents position in the chair

What is the correct answer?


Of the following selections, which one, when performed by the CNA, will most assist the resident to reach his or her highest possible functional and physical status?

A. Help the resident with activities when he or she becomes frustrated.

B. Wait to give the resident praise until he or she shows great improvements in functional ability.

C. Promote independence with activities of daily living.

D. Allow the resident to work on his or plan of care when he or she becomes fatigued.

What is the correct answer?


What team member is responsible for developing a discharge plan for a resident?

A. Social worker

B. Dietitian


D. Physical therapist

What is the correct answer?


The CNA is responsible to do which of following when providing post-mortem care?

A. Remove all the tubes.

B. Remove the dentures.

C. Clean the body for viewing by the family members.

D. Remove dressings.

What is the correct answer?


Elastic stockings are applied to the residents legs to help reduce venous stasis. Which of the following is a critical step to remember with the application and monitoring?

A. Pull the stocking up smoothly over the legs.

B. Make sure that the stockings are wrinkle free at all times.

C. Support the residents foot at the heel.

D. Slip the stockings over the toes before the heel.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following medical terms is used for describing a broken bone?

A. Fracture

B. Sprain

C. Strain

D. Laceration

What is the correct answer?


The CNA is asked to take the temperature of a resident who has been vomiting. Which of the routes is most appropriate?

A. Rectal

B. Axillary

C. Tympanic

D. Oral