Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Encystment in Amoeba serves for

A. perennation

B. reproduction

C. dispersal

D. all of these

Correct Answer :

D. all of these

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What is the correct answer?


Asexual reproduction during schizogony of malarial parasite is a kind of

A. binary fission

B. budding

C. fragmentation

D. multiple fission

What is the correct answer?


Schizont stage in the life cycle of malarial parasite occurs in

A. erythrocytes of man

B. stomach of Anopheles

C. salivary glands of Anopheles

D. blood of man

What is the correct answer?


Sleeping sickness in man is caused by Trypanosoma by the bite of the infective

A. female Tsetse fly

B. male Tsetse fly

C. both male and female Tsetse flies

D. male and female aedes mosquito

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Malaria is a disease transmitted by the bite of

A. male Culex

B. female Culex

C. male A nopheles

D. female Anopheles

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According to Whittaker's system of classification, all the living organisms are classifed into 5 kingdoms and Viruses are placed under

A. Monera

B. Protista

C. Protoctista

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


N.M.E.P is the abbreviation of

A. Naitonal Mosquito Eridication Programme

B. National Malaria Elimination Programme

C. National Malaria Eradication Programme

D. National Malaria Elimination Process

What is the correct answer?


Process of reconstitution of nuclei in a single paramecium without fusion of gametic nuclei is

A. endomixis

B. hemimixis

C. cytogamy

D. none of these

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Vector can be defined as

A. disease transmitting host

B. natural reservoir of disease causing organism

C. pathogenic organism

D. any kind of disease transmitting organism

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The cysts of E.histolytica develop in an infected individual in the

A. intestinal wall

B. lumen of intestine

C. tissues of man

D. areas of metastatic inversion

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In the life cycle of Plasmodium, man is the

A. primary host

B. intermediate host

C. secondary host

D. alternative host

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Locomotory organelles in the parasitic protozoa of class sporozoa are

A. cilia

B. flagella

C. pseudopodia

D. absent

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosomiasis is a disease, transmitted by vector

A. Louse

B. Tsetse fly

C. Mayfly

D. Firefly

What is the correct answer?


Trophozoites of E.histolytica reproduced by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. autogamy

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


The first generation in the asexual phase of Plasmodium in RBCs of man is known as

A. trophozoites

B. merozoites

C. metacryptomerozoi tes

D. phanerozoites

What is the correct answer?


The pseudopodia ar formed in Amoeba

A. when it comes in contact with food particles

B. by movement of surrounding water

C. by exchange of salts with the medium

D. by sol-gel transformation of cytoplasm

What is the correct answer?


In Amoeba proteus, the term proteus is after the name of

A. the discoverer

B. a disease

C. a god

D. a place

What is the correct answer?


Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. encystment

D. endomixis

What is the correct answer?


The function of neuro-motor system of Paramecium is

A. co-ordination of various external stimuli

B. co-ordination of ciliary beat

C. control of contractile vacuole

D. any of these

What is the correct answer?


In Paramecium, proteins are digested

A. partly in endoplasm and partly in food vacuole

B. during the acid phase of the food vacuole

C. during the alkaline phase of the food vacuole

D. both (b) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


If a fresh water Amoeba for some reason in unable to form contractile vacuole, it will

A. stop forming pseudopodia

B. stop manufacturing metabolic water

C. burst consequent to osmotic swelling

D. become static for some time

What is the correct answer?


Quinine, utilised in the treatment of malaria, is extracted from

A. cinnamom

B. cinchona

C. blister flies

D. red ants

What is the correct answer?


The trophozoite of Entamoeba histolytica reproduces by

A. binary fission

B. sporulation

C. amitosis

D. mitosis

What is the correct answer?


The number of daughter paramecia produced following conjugation is

A. 8 from one conjugant

B. 8 from two conjugants

C. 16 from two conjugants

D. 8-16 from two conjugants

What is the correct answer?


A liver biopsy of a patient suffering from amoebic hepatic abscess would demonstrate the presence of

A. trophozoites

B. cysts

C. precystic stages

D. sporozoites

What is the correct answer?


The trophozoite of Plasmodium lives in

A. erythrocytes of man

B. liver cells

C. stomach of mosquito

D. blood plasma

What is the correct answer?


Oocyst of Plasmodium develops from

A. female gametocyte

B. fertilised microgamete

C. fertilised macrogamete

D. ookinete

What is the correct answer?


Mapacrine and Paludrine drugs are used for

A. malaria

B. amoebiasis

C. tapeworms

D. ascariasis

What is the correct answer?


In Plasmodium, gametocytes are formed by j the trophozoites in the RBS of man. They do not develop fully in RBC because of

A. antibodies present in blood

B. antigens present in blood

C. higher temperautre of blood

D. lower temeprature of blood

What is the correct answer?


Encystment in Amoeba serves for

A. perennation

B. reproduction

C. dispersal

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The intermediate host in the life cycle of �. histolytica is

A. Housefly

B. Mosquitoes

C. Tsetse fly

D. None of these