Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If the altitudes of a star at its upper and lower transits are 60° 30' and 19° 30' respectively, the latitude of the place, is

A. 30°

B. 35°

C. 40°

D. 45°

Correct Answer :

C. 40°

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


If E is the spherical excess and R the radius of the earth, the surface area of the triangle, is

A. πR²E/90°

B. πR²E/180°

C. πR²E/270°

D. πR²E/360°

What is the correct answer?


Homologous points are

A. Opposite corners of a photograph

B. Nodal points of the camera lens

C. Corresponding points on the ground and photograph

D. Plumb points of stereo pair of photographs

What is the correct answer?


Latitude of a place is the angular distance from

A. Greenwich to the place

B. Equator to the poles

C. Equator to the nearer pole

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. If the applied tension to the tape is more than the standard, the tension correction is positive

B. If the applied tension to the tape is less than the standard, the tension correction is negative

C. If the temperature during measurement is greater than the standard temperature, the temperature correction is positive

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The altitude of a circumpolar star is maximum when it is

A. At east elongation

B. At upper culmination

C. At west elongation

D. At lower culmination

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Refraction correction is zero when the celestial body is in the zenith

B. Refraction correction is 33' when the celestial body is on the horizon

C. Refraction correction of celestial bodies depends upon their altitudes

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The necessary geometrical condition for triangulation adjustment is:

A. The sum of the angles around a station should be 360°

B. The sum of the three angles of a plane triangle should be 180°

C. The sum of the eight angles of a braced quadrilateral should be 360°

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The prime vertical passes through

A. The east point of the horizon

B. The west point of the horizon

C. The zenith point of the observer

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23° 27' N and 90° respectively on

A. March 21

B. June 21

C. September 21

D. December 22

What is the correct answer?


If θ and δ be the latitude of a place and declination of a star respectively, the upper culmination of the star will be north of zenith if its zenith distance, is

A. δ - θ

B. θ - δ

C. θ + δ

D. (θ + δ)/2

What is the correct answer?


The relief displacement of a building 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is

A. 500 m

B. 1000 m

C. 1500 m

D. 2000 m

What is the correct answer?


The altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70° and 10°, both culminations being north of zenith. The declination of the star, is

A. 80°

B. 70°

C. 60°

D. 50°

What is the correct answer?


The point on the photograph where bisector between the vertical line through optical centre of the camera lens and the plate perpendicular meets, is known as

A. Principal point

B. Isocenter

C. Plumb point

D. Perspective centre

What is the correct answer?


The principal plane contains

A. Nadir point

B. Iso centre

C. Principal point

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Napier's Rules of circular parts for a right angled triangle, sine of middle part equals the product of

A. Tangents of two adjacent parts

B. Sines of two adjacent parts

C. Cosines of two adjacent parts

D. Both (a) and (b) above

What is the correct answer?


The following points form a pair of homologous points:

A. Photo principal point and ground principal point

B. Photo isocenter and ground isocenter

C. Photo plumb point and ground plumb point

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere

A. East of observer

B. West of observer

C. North of observer

D. South of observer

What is the correct answer?


On vertical photographs, height displacement is

A. Positive for points above datum

B. Negative for points below datum

C. Zero for points vertically below the air station

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Places having same latitude

A. Lie on the parallel of the latitude

B. Are equidistant from the nearer pole

C. Are equidistant from both the poles

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


A star in northern sphere is said to transit

A. When its altitude is maximum

B. When its azimuth is 180°

C. When it is in south

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is

A. Altitude and azimuth system

B. Declination and hour angle system

C. Declination and right ascension system

D. Declination and altitude system

What is the correct answer?


If v, t and f/H are the ground speed of the aircraft, the shutter speed of the camera and the scale of the photograph respectively, then the amount of image displacement

A. i = v. t. H/f

B. i = v. f/t. H

C. i = v. t. (f/H)

D. i = t. H/v. f

What is the correct answer?


The coverage is least if photography is

A. High oblique

B. Low oblique

C. Vertical

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The difference of height of two points whose parallax difference is 0.8 mm on a pair of stereo pair taken from a height H is 100 m. If mean photo base is 95.2 mm, the flying height is

A. 8,000 m

B. 10,000 m

C. 12,000 m

D. 14,000 m

What is the correct answer?


In observations of equal precision, the most probable values of the observed quantities are those that render the sum of the squares of the residual errors a minimum, is the fundamental principle of

A. Gauss' Mid Latitude formula

B. D'Alembert's method

C. Legendre's method

D. Least square method

What is the correct answer?


The difference in longitude of two places expressed in time is equal to the difference in their

A. Sidereal time

B. Apparent solar time

C. Mean solar time

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The angle between the observer's meridian and declination circle of a heavenly body, is known as

A. Hour angle

B. Azimuth

C. Right ascension

D. Declination

What is the correct answer?


The Polaris remains below horizon at

A. 10° N

B. 50° N Latitude

C. Equator

D. 5° S latitude

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. One degree of longitude has greatest value at the equator

B. One degree of longitude has greatest value at the poles

C. One degree of longitude has the same value everywhere

D. One degree of latitude decreases from the equator to the poles

What is the correct answer?


Spring tides are caused when

A. Sun and moon are in line with earth

B. Solar tidal force acts opposite to lunar tidal force

C. Solar tidal force and lunar tidal force both coincide

D. None of these