Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..

A. Scenarios

B. Size

C. Save

D. Spelling Check

Correct Answer :

C. Save

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What is the correct answer?


What is the smallest width of a column?

A. 0"

B. 0.5"

C. 1"

D. 1.5"

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + Up Arrow is used to

A. Moves the cursor one page up

B. Moves the cursor one line up

C. Moves the cursor one screen up

D. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

What is the correct answer?


What is the Short cut key for line break?

A. CTRL + Enter

B. Space + Enter

C. Shift + Enter

D. Alt + Enter

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + End is used to

A. Moves the cursor to the end of Line

B. Moves the cursor to the end of Document

C. Moves the cursor to the end of Paragraph

D. None of the Above

What is the correct answer?


When inserting Page number in footer it appeared 1 but you wish to show How can you do that?

A. From Insert menu choose Page Number and specify necessary setting

B. From format menu choose bullets and Numbering and configure necessary setting

C. Click on Page Number Format tool and specify required setting

D. All of above

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When typing in Preeti font all the Ukars turn to something else? Whats the cause?

A. Autotext

B. Autocorrect

C. Speller

D. Preeti font does not work with Word

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Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as

A. font effects

B. text effects

C. font styles

D. word art

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Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?

A. Auto Format

B. Auto Correct

C. Smart Tags

D. Auto Text

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Ctrl + S

A. Save Document with different name

B. Save Document with same name

C. Save Document and Close Word Application

D. Save Document and Print whole Pages

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> Picture?

A. Chart

B. Graph

C. Clip Art

D. Word Art

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How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?

A. Ctrl + S

B. Ctrl + Shift + S

C. Ctrl + P

D. Ctrl + Shift + P

What is the correct answer?


Small squares, called _____, on the selection rectangle that surrounds a graphic can be used to change the dimensions of the graphi

A. scroll boxes

B. sizing handles

C. status indicators

D. move handles

What is the correct answer?


A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options is

A. Menu Bar

B. Tool Bar

C. Status Bar

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


How can you remove tab stop markers from ruler?

A. Double click the tab marker and choose Clear All

B. Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler

C. Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page?

A. Normal

B. Print Layout

C. Outline

D. Web Layout

What is the correct answer?


To Redo the last work, press …..

A. Ctrl+U

B. Ctrl+Y

C. Ctrl+Z

D. Ctrl+W

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + V is used to

A. Paste Texts in the beginning of Document

B. Paste Images in the beginning of Document

C. Paste Tables at the middle of Document

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The word wrap feature .....

A. automatically moves text to the next line when necessary

B. appears at the bottom of the document

C. allows you to type over text

D. is the short horizontal line indicating the end of the document

What is the correct answer?


Portrait and Landscape are

A. Page Orientation

B. Paper Size

C. Page Layout

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


Home Key uses for

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the document

B. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph

C. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen

D. Moves the cursor beginning of the line

What is the correct answer?


What is gutter margin?

A. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing

B. Margin that is added to right margin when printing

C. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing

D. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing

What is the correct answer?


In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..

A. Scenarios

B. Size

C. Save

D. Spelling Check

What is the correct answer?


By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed?

A. on first page

B. on alternate page

C. on every page

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What do you mean by vertical separation between columns?

A. Orientation

B. Gutter

C. Margin

D. Index

What is the correct answer?


Suppose you wanted to create an AutoCorrect entry that would type the words We regret to inform you that your submission has been declined Of the following choices, which would be the best name you could assign to this entry?

A. Regret

B. Subdual

C. We regret to inform you that your submission has been declined

D. 11

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + Left Arrow is used to

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the Line

B. Moves the cursor one word left

C. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

D. Moves the cursor one paragraph down

What is the correct answer?


When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.

A. restored

B. hidden

C. minimized

D. closed

What is the correct answer?


How can you insert a sound file in your word document?

A. From insert -> sound menu option

B. From insert -> file menu option

C. From insert -> object menu option

D. None of These

What is the correct answer?


Which file starts MS Word?

A. winworexe

B. worexe

C. msworexe

D. word2003.exe

What is the correct answer?


To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you display the KeyTips by pressing the _____________key?

A. Alt

B. Ctrl

C. Shift+Enter

D. Alt+Enter