Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Mendel chose for his experiments the plant

A. Bean

B. Pea

C. Cucumber

D. Rose

Correct Answer :

B. Pea

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What is the correct answer?


When a movement of a plant organ is stimulated by contact with an object, it is termed

A. heliotropism

B. geotropism

C. haptotropism

D. gardening

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a communicable disease?

A. Beri Beri

B. Diabetes

C. Leucoderma

D. Dysentery

What is the correct answer?


Cancer cells are more easily damaged by radiation than normal cells because they are

A. different in structure

B. non-dividing

C. starved of nutrition

D. undergoing rapid division

What is the correct answer?


Which hormone is secreted when there is a rise in the blood glucose level?

A. Glucagon

B. Insulin

C. Nor-adrenaline

D. Thyroxine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases are not bacterial?

A. cholera and diphtheria

B. trichomonasis and malaria

C. tetanus and typhoid

D. tuberculosis and leprosy

What is the correct answer?


Dr Khorana's work relates to

A. synthesis of simple DNA

B. genetic code

C. reduction of mutation

D. synthesis of RNA from bacterial cell

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One of the following is often called the master gland. Which one is it?

A. Thymus

B. Islets of Langerhans

C. Pituitary

D. Thyroid

What is the correct answer?


Pearl is secreted by the __________ of the pearl oyster.

A. foot

B. mantle

C. gills

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Haemophilia is a hereditary disease carried by

A. females and expressed by females

B. females and expressed by males

C. males and expressed by females

D. males and expressed by males

What is the correct answer?


Oparin is known for his hypothesis on

A. origin of species

B. origin of life

C. one germ one disease

D. one gene one enzyme

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The theory of use and disuse was used to explain evolution by

A. Lamarck

B. Darwin

C. De Vries

D. Wallace

What is the correct answer?


The radicle of the seeding always grows

A. towards the gravity

B. away from gravity

C. neutral to gravity

D. towards light

What is the correct answer?


In a gamete there will be

A. one pair of sex chromosomes

B. only one sex chromosome

C. no sex chromosome

D. only autosomes

What is the correct answer?


India's first transgenic crop was

A. Potato

B. Brinjal

C. Sugarcane

D. Bt cotton

What is the correct answer?


The life cycle of Malarial Parasite consists of two phases in man. Where do they occur?

A. In RBC and liver cells

B. In WBC and RBC

C. In lymph

D. In gall bladder and pancreas

What is the correct answer?


Prions are composed largely of


B. proteins


D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The condition in which there is abnormal decrease of white blood corpuscles is known as

A. leukaemia

B. leucoderma

C. leukopenia

D. anaemia

What is the correct answer?


Digestion of proteins starts in the

A. mouth

B. stomach

C. duodenum

D. intestine

What is the correct answer?


Who was the first scientist/doctor who attempted vaccination?

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Elie Metchnikoff

D. Edward Jenner

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a balanced fertiliser for plants?

A. Urea

B. Ammonium Sulphate

C. Nitrates

D. Compost

What is the correct answer?


Nucleus was first discovered by

A. Porter

B. Robert Brown

C. Palade

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Memory is the responsibility of

A. cerebrum

B. cerebellum

C. medulla oblongata

D. spinal cord

What is the correct answer?


Evergreen forests are confined to

A. Equatorial region

B. Temperate region

C. Alpine region

D. Arctic region

What is the correct answer?


The enzyme that is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is

A. peptidase

B. amylase

C. lipase

D. thrombokinase

What is the correct answer?


The juice from the leaves of ________ is used for the treatment of diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery.

A. Caeselpinea

B. Bryophyllum

C. Centella

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Food substances are substances by

A. hormones

B. enzymes

C. vitamins

D. zymogens

What is the correct answer?


The saliva contains an enzyme called

A. ptyalin

B. pepsin

C. trypsin

D. erepsin

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following may carry rabies?

A. Cat

B. Dog

C. Fox

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


The metallic part of haemoglobin is

A. copper

B. molybdenum

C. nickel

D. iron

What is the correct answer?


Most of the enzymes are

A. proteins

B. lipids

C. acids

D. alkalis