Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to:

A. Explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory

B. Establish trade routes with Native American tribes in the Northwest

C. Investigate gold deposits in the Appalachian Mountains

D. Investigate the possibility of a Northwest Passage to Asia

Correct Answer :

A. Explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which event is often considered the catalyst for the start of the American Revolution?

A. Boston Tea Party

B. Declaration of Independence

C. Battle of Yorktown

D. Proclamation of 1763

What is the correct answer?


The 1935 Social Security Act established a system of:

A. Old-age pensions and unemployment insurance

B. Universal healthcare

C. College scholarships for low-income students

D. Veterans' benefits for World War II veterans

What is the correct answer?


The 1920s cultural phenomenon known as the Lost Generation was characterized by:

A. Disillusionment and cynicism following World War I

B. A resurgence of traditional values and moralism

C. The popularity of mass consumerism and materialism

D. The emergence of the civil rights movement

What is the correct answer?


What was the main purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

A. To establish a trading post with Native Americans

B. To explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory

C. To search for gold in the Rocky Mountains

D. To establish a settlement on the Pacific coast

What is the correct answer?


Which event directly preceded the United States' entry into World War II?

A. Attack on Pearl Harbor

B. D-Day invasion

C. The Battle of Midway

D. The Munich Agreement

What is the correct answer?


The 1950s cultural phenomenon known as McCarthyism refers to:

A. The anti-communist hysteria and witch hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy

B. The widespread popularity of fast food restaurants

C. The rise of the counterculture movement

D. The spread of suburban development

What is the correct answer?


The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was a tense standoff between the United States and which other nation?

A. Soviet Union

B. China

C. Cuba

D. North Korea

What is the correct answer?


The Progressive Movement advocated for various reforms, including:

A. Regulation of big businesses and monopolies

B. The expansion of territorial acquisitions

C. A return to laissez-faire economic policies

D. The elimination of the federal income tax

What is the correct answer?


The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was a cultural movement primarily focused on:

A. Celebrating African American art, literature, and music

B. Promoting European art styles in the United States

C. Advocating for women's suffrage

D. Opposing Prohibition laws

What is the correct answer?


The 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion was an unsuccessful attempt by the United States to overthrow the government of which country?

A. Cuba

B. Nicaragua

C. Guatemala

D. Venezuela

What is the correct answer?


The Tet Offensive, which occurred during the Vietnam War, was a:

A. Massive surprise attack by North Vietnamese forces on cities and military bases in South Vietnam

B. U.S. military operation to invade North Vietnam

C. Negotiation attempt between the U.S. and North Vietnam

D. Successful South Vietnamese counteroffensive against the North

What is the correct answer?


The 19th-century social reformer Susan B. Anthony is best known for her advocacy of:

A. Women's suffrage

B. Civil rights for African Americans

C. Labor rights

D. Temperance

What is the correct answer?


The 1947 Truman Doctrine was aimed at providing financial and military assistance to countries threatened by:

A. Communism

B. Fascism

C. Imperialism

D. Nationalism

What is the correct answer?


The policy of containment, which guided U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, was aimed at:

A. Preventing the spread of communism

B. Encouraging the expansion of NATO

C. Promoting economic cooperation with the Soviet Union

D. Establishing military dominance in Europe

What is the correct answer?


The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were important pieces of legislation that:

A. Regulated the food and drug industries, ensuring consumer safety and labeling

B. Established labor rights and workplace safety standards

C. Expanded the military during a period of international tension

D. Enforced prohibition of alcoholic beverages

What is the correct answer?


The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court established:

A. The right to abortion under certain circumstances

B. The legality of physician-assisted suicide

C. The right to free speech for students in public schools

D. The prohibition of the death penalty

What is the correct answer?


Which U.S. president signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, leading to the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the southeastern U.S.?

A. Andrew Jackson

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. John Adams

D. James Madison

What is the correct answer?


Which event led to the United States' entry into World War I?

A. Sinking of the Lusitania

B. Attack on Pearl Harbor

C. Invasion of Normandy

D. Bombing of Hiroshima

What is the correct answer?


Which U.S. president was responsible for the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

A. Richard Nixon

B. Lyndon B. Johnson

C. Gerald Ford

D. Jimmy Carter

What is the correct answer?


The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1865, abolished:

A. Slavery

B. Alcohol consumption

C. Child labor

D. Income taxes

What is the correct answer?


The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech under which amendment?

A. First Amendment

B. Second Amendment

C. Fourth Amendment

D. Tenth Amendment

What is the correct answer?


The 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City are often cited as a catalyst for:

A. The LGBTQ+ rights movement

B. The Women's Liberation Movement

C. The Civil Rights Movement

D. The Environmental Movement

What is the correct answer?


Which president is associated with the policy of d�tente during the Cold War era?

A. Richard Nixon

B. Harry Truman

C. Dwight D. Eisenhower

D. Ronald Reagan

What is the correct answer?


The 1960 U-2 incident strained U.S.-Soviet relations when a U.S. spy plane was shot down over which country?

A. Soviet Union

B. Cuba

C. China

D. East Germany

What is the correct answer?


Which U.S. president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law?

A. Lyndon B. Johnson

B. John F. Kennedy

C. Richard Nixon

D. Dwight D. Eisenhower

What is the correct answer?


The 1913 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established:

A. The direct election of U.S. senators by the people

B. The right to bear arms

C. Prohibition of alcohol

D. Women's suffrage

What is the correct answer?


The Red Scare of the 1920s was primarily a reaction to:

A. Fear of Communist influence and revolution in the United States

B. The spread of Spanish Influenza

C. The Great Depression

D. Racial tensions in Southern states

What is the correct answer?


The Boston Massacre, which occurred in 1770, involved:

A. A confrontation between British soldiers and American colonists that resulted in several deaths

B. A protest against the Stamp Act

C. The dumping of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea Act

D. A rebellion led by slave revolts in the South

What is the correct answer?


The 1950s cultural phenomenon known as McCarthyism refers to:

A. The anti-communist hysteria and witch hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy

B. The widespread popularity of fast food restaurants

C. The rise of the counterculture movement

D. The spread of suburban development

What is the correct answer?


The 1862 Homestead Act provided land to settlers in the western United States under the condition that they:

A. Improve and cultivate the land

B. Pay a fixed fee to the federal government

C. Build a fortification on the land

D. Allow Native American tribes to use the land for hunting