Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The CNA can encourage a residents rehabilitation by which of the following?

A. Doing everything for the resident for a few days until he or she feels comfortable at the rehab facility

B. Showing sympathy for the residents situation

C. Not talking about the activities the resident cannot do by himself or herself

D. Focusing on what the resident can do for himself or herself

Correct Answer :

D. Focusing on what the resident can do for himself or herself

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


For what condition would the nursing assistant be directed by the nurse to apply a cold pack?

A. To decrease a burn injury

B. To stop bleeding

C. To decrease swelling

D. To stop back pain

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following best defines an ombudsman?

A. A person who represents a resident and investigates his or her complaint

B. A nurse representative who assures quality care

C. A person appointed by the court to handle an estate

D. A union representative

What is the correct answer?


The number one way to prevent contamination from resident to resident is for the CNA to

A. Close the residents door.

B. Wash his or her hands.

C. Bathe the resident every day.

D. Clean the residents bathroom after use by visitors.

What is the correct answer?


Select the observation that should be reported to the nurse STAT?

A. Cloudy yellow urine

B. Brown loose stools

C. Respiratory rate of 38

D. Radial pulse of 80

What is the correct answer?


What device is used to prevent contractures?

A. Hand roll

B. Cane

C. Back support

D. Ace bandage

What is the correct answer?


What is the normal range of a residents pulse at rest?

A. 55105 beats per minute

B. 60100 beats per minute

C. 4565 beats per minute

D. 70120 beats per minute

What is the correct answer?


For an accurate blood pressure reading

A. The arm the blood pressure reading is being taken from should be at heart level.

B. The resident should sit comfortably with legs crossed.

C. The resident does not need to avoid talking while taking the CNA obtains his or her blood pressure.

D. The resident can drink while the CNA obtains his or her blood pressure.

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant is cleaning a residents dentures. What is the correct safety precaution?

A. The nursing assistant places a towel in the sink while cleaning the dentures.

B. The nursing assistant keeps the dentures in a glass on the sink to soak.

C. The nursing assistant places the dentures on the bedside table for easy access.

D. The nursing assistant places the dentures on tissues in the sink while cleaning the dentures.

What is the correct answer?


The resident calls the nursing assistant into his room to tell her that his dentures are lost. What is the best action for the nursing assistant to take first?

A. Tell the resident that he will be able to eat without them because he is on a pureed diet.

B. Notify the charge nurse.

C. Go through all the residents belongings in case he hid them.

D. Notify the residents family.

What is the correct answer?


Washing your hands as a nursing assistant is very important. Which of the following is a part of the handwashing procedure?

A. Drying both hands thoroughly with a discarded towel

B. Applying soap to both hands before turning on the water

C. Applying friction for at least 20 seconds

D. Wiping soiled hands on a towel as the first step in the procedure

What is the correct answer?


A resident who has discovered he or she is dying is crying a lot. What should the nursing assistant do?

A. Ignore the resident as much as possible.

B. Tell the resident to begin to live each day to the fullest.

C. Stay with the resident as much as possible.

D. Explain to the resident that he or she might not die for a while yet.

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate action of the nursing assistant when a resident refuses to transfer out of the bed into the chair.

A. Threaten the resident if he or she continues to refuse.

B. Ignore the resident and transfer him or her anyway.

C. Call for help to transfer the resident because he or she might become agitated.

D. Respect the residents wishes.

What is the correct answer?


What is the best use of restraints?

A. To protect the resident from harm

B. As a punishment

C. To decrease time spent attending to the resident

D. To keep the resident out of the way

What is the correct answer?


A nursing assistant can help meet the residents spiritual needs by which of the following?

A. Telling the resident about his or her beliefs

B. Letting the resident know that the resident is not to talk about his or her beliefs

C. Allowing the resident to share his or her beliefs

D. Inviting someone from your church to talk to the resident

What is the correct answer?


A CNA is reviewing a patients diet during shift change. Which of the following actions would be indicated for a resident who has difficulty sleeping?

A. Allow the resident to drink fluids until he or she is ready to go to bed.

B. Offer tea and coffee after 6 p.m.

C. Encourage residents to drink only caffeine-free beverages later in the day.

D. Offer sodas with dinner.

What is the correct answer?


Where is the best location for the physical therapist to stand when ambulating a resident who has experienced a stroke?

A. On the residents affected side

B. Behind the resident

C. On the residents unaffected side

D. In front of the resident

What is the correct answer?


While trimming a residents nails, you accidently cut his or her finger. This is considered which of the following legal terms?

A. Physical abuse

B. Negligence

C. Malpractice

D. Assault

What is the correct answer?


What is the best response of the CNA when a resident requests that his or her toenails be trimmed?

A. The CNA cleans and trims the toenails.

B. The CNA notifies the nurse of the residents request so the nurse can contact the podiatrist.

C. The CNA informs the nurse that it is time for him to cut his toenails.

D. The CNA provides the resident with nail clippers.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not part of the procedure when documenting in the medical record?

A. Writing in pencil

B. Writing in pen

C. Crossing through mistakes and initialing them

D. Using correct spelling

What is the correct answer?


The wife asks to pray with the resident before leaving, but visiting hours are over. Which of the following is the CNA's best response?

A. To tell the wife that you are sorry, but visiting hours are over. Please come back tomorrow.

B. To pray with the wife and the resident.

C. To provide the wife and the resident privacy to pray.

D. To let the wife know that the chapel is provided for praying.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a sign that a resident is being physically or verbally abused?

A. A daughter discusses changes in care with her mother.

B. The residents sleeping medication is withheld because the resident would not take a bath.

C. A son does not return his father for several hours whenever they go out to lunch.

D. The wrong medication is given to a resident.

What is the correct answer?


When the CNA is helping a resident perform passive range-of-motion movements, the most effective indicator that movement should be stopped occurs when the resident reports

A. Stiffness

B. Weakness

C. Pain

D. Muscle size increasing

What is the correct answer?


The resident is wearing an elastic bandage on her arm, and the CNA notices swelling and discoloration of the skin. What should the CNA do?

A. Complete the residents a.m. care and then report the swelling and discoloration to the nurse.

B. Elevate the arm.

C. Report the swelling and discoloration to the nurse immediately.

D. Remove the elastic bandage.

What is the correct answer?


A Jewish resident asks the CAN if he is getting kosher meals. The CNA realizes that kosher meals are

A. Meals that are specially prepared when requested by Jewish residents who adhere to the Jewish culture

B. Religious meals made for special days in the Jewish culture

C. Prepared in the same way as regular meals.

D. Prepared by rabbis and delivered by family members

What is the correct answer?


All of the following are the correct care of a resident with a beard, except

A. Wash the beard daily.

B. Trim the beard daily.

C. Comb the beard daily.

D. Wash the beard when it is visibly soiled.

What is the correct answer?


When residents have visitors, it is important for the nursing assistant to do which of the following?

A. Provide snacks for the resident and family members.

B. Provide privacy.

C. Remain close enough to hear the residents conversation.

D. Leave the intercom on in case the resident needs assistance.

What is the correct answer?


5A precaution against what type of danger requires the nursing assistant to wear a mask.

A. Blood borne

B. Standard

C. Contact

D. Droplet

What is the correct answer?


How can a nursing assistant encourage the independence of a resident when assisting with a.m. (morning) care?

A. Allowing the resident to do as much as possible for himself or herself and then assisting with the rest of the a.m. care

B. Waiting until the resident is well rested and then offering a.m. care

C. Providing the resident with the needed materials and then leaving him or her alone to complete the a.m. care without further assistance

D. Waiting until the resident complains of the need to be cleaned, and then he or she will want to do more for himself or herself

What is the correct answer?


There are times when the blood pressure cannot be taken in one arm. Which of the following sites is recommended to take a blood pressure?

A. An arm that is paralyzed

B. An arm on the side where the resident has had a mastectomy

C. An arm without any abnormalities

D. An arm with an IV infusing

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the best position in which to place the resident to assist with oral care?

A. Left lateral

B. High Fowler's

C. Supine

D. Lithotomy