Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant is cleaning a residents dentures. What is the correct safety precaution?

A. The nursing assistant places a towel in the sink while cleaning the dentures.

B. The nursing assistant keeps the dentures in a glass on the sink to soak.

C. The nursing assistant places the dentures on the bedside table for easy access.

D. The nursing assistant places the dentures on tissues in the sink while cleaning the dentures.

Correct Answer :

A. The nursing assistant places a towel in the sink while cleaning the dentures.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the medical term for intestinal gas?

A. Feces

B. Flatus

C. Flank

D. Friction

What is the correct answer?


What is the best way to improve communication with a resident who is 100% deaf?

A. An amplified phone system

B. A loud voice

C. Reduced noise

D. Pen and paper

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate action by the nursing assistant that demonstrates adherence to the residents right to privacy.

A. When assisting the resident onto the bedside commode, the nursing assistant forgets to close the curtains.

B. While the resident is talking on the phone, the nursing assistant stands beside the resident.

C. Before beginning a procedure, the nursing assistant closes the curtains.

D. When dressing the resident, the nursing assistant does not provide adequate clothing.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following medical terms is used for describing a broken bone?

A. Fracture

B. Sprain

C. Strain

D. Laceration

What is the correct answer?


Select the appropriate equipment to use when giving mouth care to an unconscious resident.

A. Toothbrush

B. Toothpaste

C. Mouthwash

D. Soft tooth Ette

What is the correct answer?


A nursing assistant is offered a $10 tip by a family member of a resident for taking good care of the members mother. Which of the following is the best course of action for the nursing assistant?

A. Ask another nursing assistant what he or she would do.

B. Say thank you and take the money.

C. Refuse to accept the money.

D. Instruct the family member to give the money to the supervisor.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the most appropriate skin care for a resident who is on nasal oxygen?

A. Place Vaseline around the nostrils.

B. Clean the nostrils with soap and water every two hours.

C. Make sure to check the pressure areas and reposition tubing every two hours.

D. Use petroleum jelly a couple of times a day.

What is the correct answer?


A resident who sometimes has episodes of aggressive behavior is admitted to the Alzheimers unit. Which response by the CNA is important for safety when the resident is aggressive?

A. Tell the resident that if his or her behavior does not change, you will have the nurse put him or her in restraints.

B. Talk loudly and use force if necessary to subdue the resident, and then tell the nurse.

C. Speak quietly and leave the situation if you can and tell the nurse before returning to the resident.

D. Tell the resident that you do not have time for this behavior and to calm down.

What is the correct answer?


When the CNA washes a patient's hair, the best way to keep it from tangling and matting is to

A. Trim the hair.

B. Wash and condition hair daily.

C. Brush or comb hair daily.

D. Place hats on the patient's head in between washes.

What is the correct answer?


Select the best definition for restorative nursing.

A. Helping to regain strength

B. Promoting well-being

C. Increasing self-care ability

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the illegal activity a nursing assistant can be charged with when they threaten to restrain a resident?

A. Assault

B. Battery

C. Slander

D. Negligence

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following actions regarding the CPR procedure for one rescuer is false?

A. Wait to start CPR until help arrives.

B. Call for help and activate the emergency response system.

C. Get the AED.

D. Look for breathing.

What is the correct answer?


How can a nursing assistant encourage the independence of a resident when assisting with a.m. (morning) care?

A. Allowing the resident to do as much as possible for himself or herself and then assisting with the rest of the a.m. care

B. Waiting until the resident is well rested and then offering a.m. care

C. Providing the resident with the needed materials and then leaving him or her alone to complete the a.m. care without further assistance

D. Waiting until the resident complains of the need to be cleaned, and then he or she will want to do more for himself or herself

What is the correct answer?


The CNA is asked to take the temperature of a resident who has been vomiting. Which of the routes is most appropriate?

A. Rectal

B. Axillary

C. Tympanic

D. Oral

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant should use a mask when entering the room of a resident who has been placed on what type of precautions?

A. MRSA precautions

B. Droplet precautions

C. Contact precautions

D. Standard precautions

What is the correct answer?


What is the important basic procedure for the nursing assist to perform to increase muscle strength and joint mobility of a resident who is unable to voluntarily move his or her limbs?

A. Resistance exercises

B. Aerobic exercises

C. Active range of motion exercises

D. Passive range of motion exercises

What is the correct answer?


When the CNA washes a residents feet, the water temperature should be

A. Hot

B. Tepid

C. Cold

D. Warm

What is the correct answer?


What should the nursing assistant do when he or she discovers a resident has edema?

A. Carefully clean the area.

B. Place compression stockings on the resident.

C. Notify the nurse.

D. Do nothing.

What is the correct answer?


When the CNA is helping a resident perform passive range-of-motion movements, the most effective indicator that movement should be stopped occurs when the resident reports

A. Stiffness

B. Weakness

C. Pain

D. Muscle size increasing

What is the correct answer?


The nursing assistant is preparing to assist a resident with a partial bath. Which action is appropriate?

A. Use only tepid water.

B. Cover the resident with a towel.

C. Close the curtain to provide privacy.

D. Wash the feet first.

What is the correct answer?


Select all that apply to the goals of restorative care.

A. Decrease falls and injuries.

B. Promote activity & mobility.

C. Increase muscle strength.

D. All of the above.

What is the correct answer?


Which 6f the following is not a healthy way for a nursing assistant to reduce stress in his or her life?

A. Get plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet.

B. Get involved in a new hobby.

C. Go out several times a week for drinks after work.

D. Exercise several times a week.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following selections could be grounds for legal action by a resident?

A. Assisting the patient with a bath at his or her request

B. Taking the resident for a walk outside when the family asked the CNA to keep the resident inside

C. Making unwelcomed explicit or implied sexual statements to the resident

D. Mistakenly feeding the resident culturally taboo foods

What is the correct answer?


When providing oral care to the unconscious or conscious resident, the CNA should brush all the following areas except:

A. Teeth

B. Gums

C. Lips

D. Tongue

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following actions will help to prevent injury to the skin from a cold compress?

A. Do not remove the compress until it has reached room temperature.

B. Place a washcloth between the cold pack and the skin.

C. Place a heating pad on the skin after the cold pack is removed.

D. Wash the area after removing the cold pack.

What is the correct answer?


It is important for the nursing assistant who is caring for a resident who is anxious to do which of the following?

A. Have restraints available in case of escalation to violence.

B. Remain calm and speak softly.

C. Keep the room bright.

D. Turn on the television to distract the resident.

What is the correct answer?


When a sharps container is full it should be

A. Shaken to be sure it is full

B. Taken off the wall, closed, and set in the dirty utility room

C. Closed, sealed, and disposed of according to facility safety policy

D. Emptied into a larger container for disposal

What is the correct answer?


A resident is scheduled for a procedure and is NPO. What type of tray would be delivered to the resident?

A. A can of Sprite and frozen treat

B. Salad and cottage cheese

C. No tray will be delivered

D. Applesauce and toast

What is the correct answer?


When one of the residents is in restraints, what is the responsibility of the nursing assistant?

A. Apply tape securely around the mitt restraints to keep them fastened.

B. Check extremities for circulation, motion, and sensitivity over a 4-hour period.

C. Document the reason for application of restraints in the chart.

D. Promote resident comfort throughout the use of restraints.

What is the correct answer?


A resident whose spouse has recently died cries frequently. What should the nursing assistant do?

A. Change the subject.

B. Introduce him or her to the other available residents on the unit.

C. Stay and listen to the resident as much as possible.

D. Tell the resident that things will get better over time.