Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The rate of heartbeat is accelerated by the hormone

A. adrenaline

B. acetylcholine

C. thyroxine

D. pituitrin

Correct Answer :

A. adrenaline

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What is the correct answer?


The grouping o( blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes

What is the correct answer?


Which one is called anti-haemorrhagic vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. E

D. K

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The artificial kidney is a

A. machine

B. transplant

C. another's kidney

D. other kidney form same body

What is the correct answer?


The biologist who believed in the spontaneous creation of microorganisms was

A. Leuwenhock

B. Needham

C. Spallanzeni

D. Pasteur

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Evergreen forests are confined to

A. Equatorial region

B. Temperate region

C. Alpine region

D. Arctic region

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The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

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What are the symptoms of 'Pellagra'?

A. Colour blindness

B. Rickets

C. Patches of skin

D. Soft bones

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Late Blight' is a disease that affects the _______ crop.

A. coconut

B. cashew

C. potato

D. pepper

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Which among the following diseases is not caused by viral infection?

A. pneumonia

B. small pox

C. mumps

D. active transport

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Sexual selection theory was propounded by

A. Wallace

B. De Vires

C. Lamarck

D. Charles Darwin

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In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

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Darwinism does not explain

A. progression

B. retrogression

C. usefulness of all organs

D. presence of vestigial organs

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Rate of mutation can be increased in plants by

A. More manure

B. More pesticides

C. X-ray

D. More light

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Enzymes are produced by

A. endocrine glands

B. exocrine glands

C. liver

D. spleen

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Which among the following may carry rabies?

A. Cat

B. Dog

C. Fox

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


The thrombocytes are associated with

A. blood coagulation

B. transport of respiratory gases

C. removal of nitrogenous wastes

D. all the above

What is the correct answer?


The waste product In the urine of man is

A. urea

B. uric acid

C. ammonia

D. non-nitrogenous

What is the correct answer?


The protein synthesis takes place in

A. Ribosomes

B. Chromosomes


D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


What are oncogenes?

A. a dominant gene

B. a set of genes which produce cancer

C. a gene present in the X-chromosomes causing haemophilia

D. a recessive gene

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Who was the first scientist to use an instrument for biological studies in 1665?

A. Robert Hooke

B. Schwann

C. Schleiden

D. None of the above

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The mouth of a river opening into the sea is termed as

A. shore line

B. littoral zone

C. continental shelf

D. estuary

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Fishes send out their nitrogenous waste as

A. ammonia

B. urea

C. uric acid

D. sweat

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Which one of the following seeds can benefit a patient of diabetes mellitus by normalising his blood sugar level?

A. Coriander seeds

B. Fenugreek seeds

C. Cumin seeds

D. Mustard seeds

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Spiders can take only

A. solid food

B. liquid food

C. plant juice

D. flesh of dead animals

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Adaptation for flying is termed as

A. aquatic

B. volant

C. fossorial

D. cursorial

What is the correct answer?


Biologists have so far known, found and identified a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, the largest found and identified so far is from among the

A. fungi

B. plants

C. insects

D. bacteria

What is the correct answer?


The pH of normal urine of man ranges from

A. 6 - 8

B. 4.5 - 6

C. 2.5 - 6

D. 8 10

What is the correct answer?


Dr Khorana's work relates to

A. synthesis of simple DNA

B. genetic code

C. reduction of mutation

D. synthesis of RNA from bacterial cell

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Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of iron in human body?

A. Anaemia

B. Scurvy

C. Dermatosis

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The hormone that contains iodine is

A. Prolactin

B. Vasopressin

C. Thyroxine

D. Adrenalin