Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

Correct Answer :

D. 72 times

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What are top carnivores?

A. biggest carnivores

B. tigers

C. all carnivorous animals

D. carnivores that are not eaten by any other animal

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following animals has the largest Intestine?

A. Cow

B. Lion

C. Monkey

D. Tiger

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not an essential micronutrient for plants?

A. Boron

B. Zinc

C. Sodium

D. Copper

What is the correct answer?


One of the following is often called the master gland. Which one is it?

A. Thymus

B. Islets of Langerhans

C. Pituitary

D. Thyroid

What is the correct answer?


Turner's syndrome is a disease caused by

A. bacteria

B. virus

C. fungus

D. chromosomal imbalance

What is the correct answer?


Best growth of plants is attained if they are supplied with

A. low carbohydrate and high nitrogen

B. high carbohydrate and low nitrogen

C. high carbohydrate and moderate nitrogen

D. equal carbohydrate and nitrogen

What is the correct answer?


Niche' refers to

A. place of living

B. type of food

C. place of living and type of food

D. food and movement

What is the correct answer?


Carbohydrates are mainly needed for

A. growth

B. immunity

C. repair

D. energy

What is the correct answer?


The plant hormone which promotes ripening of fruits is

A. auxin

B. ethylene

C. gibberellin

D. cytokinin

What is the correct answer?


The best and easy method of control of crop pests is by

A. crop rotation

B. chemicals

C. quarantine

D. biological control

What is the correct answer?


Adaptation for flying is termed as

A. aquatic

B. volant

C. fossorial

D. cursorial

What is the correct answer?


Fusarium causes the wilting of the cotton plants by

A. clogging the vessels

B. producing toxic substance

C. causing necrosis of roots

D. killing the leaves

What is the correct answer?


The juice from the leaves of ________ is used for the treatment of diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery.

A. Caeselpinea

B. Bryophyllum

C. Centella

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The closing and opening of the leaves of Mimosa pudica (Touch me not) plant is due to _______ movement.

A. chemonastic

B. seismonastic

C. thermonastic

D. photonastic

What is the correct answer?


The heart of the human embryo starts beating in the _____ week of its development.

A. second

B. third

C. fourth

D. first

What is the correct answer?


Necrosis is a symptom which is recognised by

A. pattern colouration on leaves

B. little leaves

C. out growth

D. death of tissues

What is the correct answer?


The medulla oblongata encloses the

A. optic lobe

B. optic capsule

C. second ventricle

D. fourth ventricle

What is the correct answer?


Coagulation of blood in vessels is prevented during normal circulation by

A. heparin

B. prothrombin

C. plasmogen

D. thromboplastin

What is the correct answer?


Chromosome theory of inheritance was propounded by

A. Sutton and Boveri

B. Mendel

C. Muller

D. Beadle and Tatum

What is the correct answer?


The spores of Puccinia formed on the leaves of wheat are called

A. Basidiospores

B. Ascidiospores

C. Uredospores

D. Pycnospores

What is the correct answer?


The first person to observe the bacteria, protozoa and spermatozoa under the microscope was

A. Theodore Schwann

B. Matthias Schleidon

C. Robert Hooke

D. Leuwenhoek

What is the correct answer?


Synthesis of nutrients by green plants is called

A. photo-oxidation

B. photo-respiration

C. photo-synthesis

D. photo-periodism

What is the correct answer?


Blood is a kind of

A. epithelial tissue

B. connective tissue

C. nervous tissue

D. cartilage

What is the correct answer?


Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by

A. bad air

B. flies

C. anopheles mosquito

D. culex mosquito

What is the correct answer?


The nerve messages enter the cell through the

A. Dendrite

B. Axon

C. Cyton

D. Synapse

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of _______ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream.

A. ozone

B. radium

C. moonlight

D. sunlight

What is the correct answer?


Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands

A. Thymus

B. Parathyroid

C. Thyroid

D. Adrenal

What is the correct answer?


The suggestion that the chromosomes are the carriers of hereditary material was first made by

A. Johanson

B. Flemming

C. Sutton and Boveri

D. Morgan

What is the correct answer?


Leafy trees help in preventing

A. Land pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Noise pollution

D. Air pollution

What is the correct answer?


The oldest era is

A. Palaeozoic

B. Mesozoic

C. Cenozoic

D. Proterozoic