Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


The theme is …?

A. a plot.

B. an character

C. an address

D. the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

Correct Answer :

D. the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

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Which culture is known for their long, rhymic poetic verses known as Qasidas?

A. Hindu

B. Celtic

C. Arabic

D. Arameic

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How many languages did chaucer know?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 5

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Who wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles?

A. Agatha Christie

B. H Ryder-Haggard

C. P D James

D. Arthur Conan Doyle

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In what form did Dylan Thomass Under Milk Wood first become known?

A. Book of poetry

B. A radio play

C. A stage play

D. a short film

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Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?

A. The Epic

B. The Comic

C. The Occult

D. The Tragic

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chaucer was imprisoned during-?

A. hundred years war

B. Black death

C. Peasant revolt

D. None of the above

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how many children chaucer had?

A. 4

B. 1

C. 0

D. 2

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Which of the following is not a work of John Keats?

A. Endymion

B. To some ladies

C. To hope

D. None of above

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Who wrote The Winters Tale?

A. George Bernard Shaw

B. John Dryden

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. William Shakespeare

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What is a funny poem of five lines called?

A. Quartet

B. Limerick

C. Sextet

D. Palindrome

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Which of the following is not a Shakespeare tragedy?

A. Titus Andronicus

B. Macbeth

C. Hamlet

D. None of the above

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Which American writer published A brave and startling truth in 1996

A. Robert Hass

B. Jessica Hagdorn

C. Maya Angelou

D. Micheal Palmer

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Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?

A. John keats

B. Lord Byron

C. Solan

D. Sappho

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What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A. No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing.

B. A simile is more descriptive.

C. A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and a metaphor doesnt.

D. A simile must use animals in the comparison.

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What was strange about Emily Dickinson?

A. She rarely left home

B. She wrote in code

C. She never attempted to publish her poetry

D. She wrote her poems in invisible ink

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Where did chaucer bury?

A. westminster abbey

B. kent church

C. chapel at windsor

D. None of the above

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What is the word for a play on words?

A. pun

B. simile

C. haiku

D. metaphor

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Sylvia Plath married which English poet?

A. Masefield

B. Causley

C. Hughes

D. Larkin

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William Shakespeare was born in the year:

A. 1564

B. 1544

C. 1578

D. 1582

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Which of the following is not a poet?

A. William Shakespeare

B. Terry Saylor

C. Elizabeth b. Browning

D. Emily Dickinson

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Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city?

A. Vancouver

B. Toronto

C. Ottowa

D. Montreal

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Which is an example of a proverb?

A. Get a stake in our business.

B. You cant have your cake and eat it, too

C. The snow was white as cotton.

D. Youre driving me crazy.

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Which of the following is a Japanese poetic form?

A. Jintishi

B. Villanelle

C. Ode

D. Tanka

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Wlliam Shakespeare is not the author of:

A. Titus Andronicus

B. Taming of the Shrew

C. White Devil

D. Hamlet

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Which of the following is not an English poet (i. e. from England)?

A. Victor Hugo

B. Alexander Pope

C. John Milton

D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Which figure of speech is it when a statement is exaggerated in a poem?

A. Onomatopeia

B. Metonymy

C. Alliteration

D. Hyperbole

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Ted Hughes was married to which American poetess?

A. Carolyn Kizer

B. Mary Oliver

C. Sylvia Plath

D. Marianne Moore

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Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?

A. William Carlos Williams

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Gerard Manly Hopkins

D. Robert Frost

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Who wrote Canterbury Tales?

A. Geoffrey Chaucer

B. Dick Whittington

C. Thomas Lancaster

D. King Richard II