Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?

A. William Carlos Williams

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Gerard Manly Hopkins

D. Robert Frost

Correct Answer :

A. William Carlos Williams

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B. She wrote in code

C. She never attempted to publish her poetry

D. She wrote her poems in invisible ink

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What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?

A. Alliterative

B. Epic

C. Acrostic

D. Haiku

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A. Victor Hugo

B. Alexander Pope

C. John Milton

D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?

A. William Carlos Williams

B. Emily Dickinson

C. Gerard Manly Hopkins

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A. Owner convicted of fraud

B. Fall in Sales

C. Rise in taxation on magazines

D. Shortage of paper

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A. Jintishi

B. Villanelle

C. Ode

D. Tanka

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What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A. No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing.

B. A simile is more descriptive.

C. A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and a metaphor doesnt.

D. A simile must use animals in the comparison.

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A. Geoffrey Chaucer

B. Dick Whittington

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A. A funeral

B. A wedding

C. Market

D. To the races

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A. Impediments

B. Inconveniences

C. Worries

D. Troubles

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A. Anthony Hopkins

B. Richard Burton

C. Tom Jones

D. Dylan Thomas

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from which language the name chaucer has been driven?

A. french

B. latin

C. italian

D. english

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Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?

A. Alliterative verse

B. Sonnet form

C. Iambic pentameter

D. Dactylic hexameter

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B. John Dryden

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. William Shakespeare

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A. Prosody

B. Allegory

C. Scansion

D. Assonance

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A. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte

B. Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth

C. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

D. Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley

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A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 5

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A. The Epic

B. The Comic

C. The Occult

D. The Tragic

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A. Queen Cristina

B. Top Girls

C. Camille

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A. Sea scenes

B. Rural Idyll

C. War

D. Innocent childhood

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A. pun

B. simile

C. haiku

D. metaphor

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A. Titus Andronicus

B. Taming of the Shrew

C. White Devil

D. Hamlet

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A. John keats

B. Lord Byron

C. Solan

D. Sappho

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A. A poem of six lines

B. A poem of eight lines

C. A poem of twelve lines

D. A poem of fourteen lines

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A. Comfort

B. Leisure

C. Relaxation

D. Tranquility

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A. The 12th

B. The 14th

C. The 17th

D. The 19th

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The theme is …?

A. a plot.

B. an character

C. an address

D. the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

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A. Denver

B. St Louis

C. Cuba

D. Toronto

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A. epic

B. tale

C. ballad

D. sonnet