Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


There are the following statements that are given below which of them are correct about the host command in the Linux operating system?

A. This command is used to display domain name for specified IP address.

B. This command is used to display an IP address for the specified domain name.

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

C. Both of the above

The host command is used to display the domain name for a specified IP address and vice versa.

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A. +

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A. /proc

B. /dev

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a) Kernel
b) Kernel Modules
c) Shared Libraries
d) User Programs

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A. :q

B. :Q

C. :wq

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A. ()

B. {}

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a) Basic Regular Expression
b) Extended Regular Expression
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There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are correct about bang bang command in the Linux operating system?

A. The bang bang command is used to remove commands history.

B. The bang bang command is used to remove execute last executed command.

C. The bang bang command is used to display the last login time of the current user.

D. None of the above

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A. $

B. d$

C. d0


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A. listgroup

B. list

C. getent

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a) System libraries are a special program.
b) We can use kernel functionalities using system libraries.
c) System libraries are user programs.
d) System libraries used system calls.

A. A and B

B. B and C

C. A, B, and D

D. A, B, and C

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A. ;

B. %

C. &&

D. ||

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A. ls l | grep ^d

B. ls | grep ^d

C. ls l | grep #d

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A. rename 'r/txt/text' *

B. rename 'e/text/txt' *

C. rename 's/txt/text' *

D. rename 's/text/txt' *

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A. I

B. h

C. j

D. k

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a) This command describes the user id.
b) This command describes the group id.
c) This command describes the list of groups belongs to the user.
d) All the above

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B. A and C

C. B and C

D. D

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A. ##

B. ,

C. !!

D. @@

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A. arpmod

B. arpalter

C. arptable

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A. ?string

B. /string

C. string

D. #string

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A. rmdir -removeall

B. rmdir -n

C. rmdir -rf

D. rmdir -ra

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A. dd

B. r

C. x

D. X

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B. tar

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A. reverse

B. tac

C. cat

D. gedit

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A. Just File System

B. Journaled File System

C. Joint File System

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A. ifconfig down eth0

B. ifdown eth0

C. down eth0

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A. Dot (.)

B. !

C. @

D. $

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A. removegroup

B. deletegroup

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A. -p

B. -u

C. -l

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