Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Tracheae of cockroach and mammal are similar in having

A. paired nature.

B. non-collapsible walls.

C. ciliated inner lining.

D. origin from head.

Correct Answer :

B. non-collapsible walls.

Trachae act as passage of air during respiration in both cockroach and mammals. In cockroach, the cuticular lining is spirally thickened forming taenidia which prevents the trachael tubes from collapsing. In mammals, cartilaginous ring supporting the walls of the trachae prevent their collapsing.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following animal's body is covered by calcareous shell and unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot, and visceral hump? 

A. Click to check answer

B. Click to check answer

C. Click to check answer

D. Click to check answer

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a poisonous snake?

A. Naja (Cobra)

B. Bangarus (Krait)

C. Viper (Viper)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following characteristic distinguish arthropoda from annelids and molluscs ?

A. An external skeleton made of chitin (a polysaccharide) and protein rather than a shell made chiefly of mineral salts.

B. Subdivision of the legs into movable segments.

C. Distinct group of muscles, derived from many body segments, that move the separate parts of the exoskeleton.

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The organisms attached to the substratum generally possess

A. one single opening to the digestive canal.

B. cilia on the surface to create water current.

C. radial symmetry.

D. asymmetrical body.

What is the correct answer?


The figure given below is the characteristic structure of the phylum in which animals are aquatic, free swimming or sessile, mostly marine, radially symmetrical. Identify the phylum and correct function of the structure. 

A. Ctenophora; Emission of light.

B. Porifera; Feeding, respiration and excretion.

C. Cnidarian; Anchorage, Defense and food capturing

D. Mollusca; Locomotion, transport of food and respiration.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following class is being correctly described by given statements (i - iv)?
(i) All living members of this class are ectoparasites on some fishes.
(ii) They have a sucking and circular mouth without jaws.
(iii) Circulation is of closed type.
(iv) They are marine but migrate for spawning to fresh water. After spawing, within a few days they die.

A. Cyclostomata

B. Chondrichthyes

C. Osteichthyes

D. Amphibia

What is the correct answer?


Match the features given in column I with their examples given in column II and choose the correct match from the option given below.
A. Pseudocoelomatesa. Hydra, Adamsia
B. Diploblasticb. Ctenoplana, Aurelia
C. Cellular level ofc. Ascaris, Wuchereria organization
D. Radial symmetryd. Sycon, Spongilla
E. Metamerisme. Pheretima, Neries

A. A - e, B - b, C - d, D - c, E - a

B. A - c, B - a, C - d, D - b, E - e

C. A - b, B - a, C - c, D - e, E - d

D. A - c, B - b, C - d, D - a, E - e

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements (i – v) are incorrect ?

  1. Circulatory system in arthropods is of closed type.

  2. Parapodia in annelids helps in swimming.

  3. Phylum mollusca is the second largest animal phylum.

  4. Aschelminthes are dioecious.

A. (i) only

B. (iii) only

C. (i) and (iii)

D. (iii) and (iv)

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following possesses electric organs and belongs to class chondrichthyes?

A. Torpedo

B. Petromyzon

C. Trygon

D. Exocoetus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a living fossil?

A. Balanoglossus

B. Echinus

C. Ancylostoma

D. Limulus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following animals are bilaterally symmetrical?

A. 1 & 2

B. 2 & 4

C. 3 & 4

D. 1 & 3

What is the correct answer?


The given figures A, B, C and D are the examples of first true land vertebrates. They are dominant in mesozoic era and belong to phylum ‘X’. Identify ‘X’ and the animals which have four chambered heart. 

A. X – Reptile; B

B. X – Reptile; A

C. X – Amphibia, C

D. X – Pisces; D

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following traits is not shared by both sea anemones and jellyfish ?

A. A medusa as the dominant stage in the life cycle.

B. Possession of a gastro vascular cavity.

C. Sexual reproduction.

D. Nematocysts present on the tentacles.

What is the correct answer?


Animals like annelids, arthropods, etc. where the body can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane, exhibit___________symmetry.

A. radial

B. bilateral

C. asymmetrical

D. non- symmetrical

What is the correct answer?


Match the phylum given in column - I with the special features present in them given in column - II and choose the correct option.
Column -IColumn- II
(Phylum)(Special features present)
A. PoriferaI. Mammary glands
B. MolluscaII. Cloaca
C. CtenophoraIII. Choanocytes
D. AmphibiaIV. Radula
E. MammaliaV. Comb plates

A. A III; B IV; C V; D II; E I

B. A IV; B III; C V; D II; E I

C. A III; B IV; C II; D V; E I

D. A III; B V; C IV; D II; E I

What is the correct answer?


The given figures (A & B) shows the germinal layer. The animals having structures shown in the figures are respectively called 

A. diploblastic, triploblastic

B. triploblastic, diploblastic

C. diploblastic, diploblastic

D. triploblastic, triploblastic

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

A. Prawn has two pairs of antennae.

B. Nematocysts are characteristic feature of the phylum cnidaria.

C. Millipedes have two pairs of appendages in each segment of the body.

D. Animals that belong to phylum porifera are exclusively marine.

What is the correct answer?


Select the incorrect feature of mollusca from the given statements.

  1. Terrestrial or aquatic animals having cellular system level of organization.

  2. Radial symmetrical and acoelomate animals and possesses two germinal layers.

  3. A file like rasping organ called radula is present.

  4. Usually dioecious and viviparous animals.

  5. Examples include Pila, Octopus, and Dentalium.

A. (i) and (ii) only

B. (ii) and (iv) only

C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only

D. All the five statements.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of kingdom animalia ?

A. Storage of carbohydrates as starch.

B. Multicellularity.

C. Obtaining nutrients by ingestion.

D. Having eukaryotic cells without walls.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for class amphibia?
(i) Body is divisible into head and trunk.
(ii) Respiration is through gills only.
(iii) The heart is two chambered i.e. one auricle and one ventricle.
(iv) Fertilization is internal.

A. Only (i)

B. Only (iv)

C. (i), (ii) and (iii)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Identify the figure with its correct name and phylum. 

A. Sycon - Porifera

B. Aurelia - Coelenterata

C. Pleurobrachia - Ctenophora

D. Tapeworm - Platyhelminthes

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A. Platyhelminthes has incomplete digestive system.

B. In coelenterates, the arrangement of cells is more complex.

C. Nereis is monoecious but earthworms and leeches are dioecious.

D. Simple and compound eyes are present in the animals of those phylum whose over two-thirds of all named species on earth are arthropods.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following feature in birds indicates their reptilian ancestory ?

A. Eggs with a calcareous shell

B. Scales on their hind limbs

C. Four-chambered heart

D. Two special chambers-crop and gizzard in their digestive tract

What is the correct answer?


Match the organisms given in column-I with their common name given in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column -IColumn -II
(Organisms)(Comman name)
A. PennatulaI. Sea-lily
B. AntedonII. Sea- pen
C. EchinusIII. Sea-urchin
D. CucumariaIV. Sea - cucumber





What is the correct answer?


In phylum echinodermata, the adult echinoderms are ______A__________ but larvae are _______B______ .

A. A radially symmetrical; B bilaterally symmetrical

B. A bilaterally symmetrical; B radially symmetrical

C. A bilaterally symmetrical; B asymmetrical

D. A metamerically segmented; B asymmetrical

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a correct match of a phylum with their three examples?

A. PlatyhelminthesPlanaria, Schistosoma, Enterobius

B. Mollusca Loligo, Sepia, Octopus

C. Porifera Spongilla, Euplectella, Pennatula

D. Cnidaria Bonellia, Physalia, Aurelia

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs of animals comprises jawless fishes?

A. Mackerals and rohu

B. Lampreys and hag fishes

C. Guppies and hag fishes

D. Lampreys and eels

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following feature is not correct regarding the figure given below? 

A. It is an aquatic form.

B. Circulatory system is of open type.

C. It possesses parapodia for swimming.

D. Neural system consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a chordate character?

A. Presence of paired pharyngeal gill slits

B. Ventral heart

C. Solid and ventral nerve cord

D. Presence of post-anal tail

What is the correct answer?


Refer the types of cells present in some animals. Each cell is specialized to perform a single specific function except

A. Cnidocytes

B. Choanocytes

C. Interstitial cells

D. Gastrodermal cells