Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which French philosopher is known for his political treatise The Spirit of the Laws (De l'Esprit des Lois)?

A. Montesquieu

B. Voltaire

C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

D. Denis Diderot

Correct Answer :

A. Montesquieu

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B. Chapeau

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Who wrote the play Tartuffe?

A. Moli�re

B. Racine

C. Voltaire

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Which French landmark is a Gothic cathedral located in Paris?

A. Eiffel Tower

B. Notre-Dame Cathedral

C. Palace of Versailles

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B. Louis XIV

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B. Bonsoir

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A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

C. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

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A. Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur

B. Normandy

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B. Normandy

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Who was the French philosopher known for his writings on political power, particularly The Social Contract?

A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

B. Voltaire

C. Denis Diderot

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B. Victor Hugo

C. �mile Zola

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B. Fen�tre

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A. Marie Antoinette

B. Catherine de' Medici

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B. Brittany

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A. Oui

B. Non

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B. Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry

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B. Marcel Proust

C. Simone de Beauvoir

D. Jean-Paul Sartre

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A. Plage

B. Mer

C. �le

D. Rivi�re

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A. Louis XIV

B. Louis XVI

C. Louis XIII

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A. Nouvelle-Aquitaine

B. Bourgogne-Franche-Comt�

C. Occitanie

D. Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes

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A. Albert Camus

B. Jean-Paul Sartre

C. Simone de Beauvoir

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