Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for an infectious protein that can cause disease in animals?

A. Bacteriophage

B. Virus

C. Prion

D. Viroid

Correct Answer :

C. Prion

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A. Bacteria

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A. Speciation

B. Coevolution

C. Extinction

D. Out-of-Africa hypothesis

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What is the primary source of energy for most ecosystems?

A. Wind

B. Water

C. Sunlight

D. Geothermal heat

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A. Natural selection

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A. Six legs

B. Two pairs of antennae

C. Exoskeleton made of chitin

D. Segmented body

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What is the function of the human respiratory system?

A. Regulation of blood sugar levels

B. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

C. Digestion of food

D. Filtration of blood

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A. Vaccination

B. Antibody production

C. Immunity

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A. Random dispersion

B. Clumped dispersion

C. Uniform dispersion

D. Overlapping dispersion

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A. Xylem

B. Phloem

C. Epidermis

D. Mesophyll

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A. Golgi apparatus

B. Ribosome

C. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Lysosome

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A. Stem

B. Leaf

C. Flower

D. Root

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What is the term for a disease-causing microorganism?

A. Antibiotic

B. Parasite

C. Pathogen

D. Virus

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A human male has how many sex chromosomes?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 23

D. 46

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Which biome is characterized by cold temperatures, permafrost, and a lack of trees?

A. Tundra

B. Desert

C. Tropical rainforest

D. Grassland

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In which plant tissue does most photosynthesis occur?

A. Epidermis

B. Xylem

C. Phloem

D. Mesophyll

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Which of the following is NOT a method of seed dispersal in plants?

A. Wind

B. Water

C. Insects

D. Gravity

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What term describes the process by which animals adjust their internal biological clocks to match the daily cycle of light and dark in their environment?

A. Hibernation

B. Migration

C. Circadian rhythm

D. Nocturnal behavior

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What is the name of the enzyme that unwinds and separates the DNA strands during replication?

A. RNA polymerase

B. Ligase

C. Helicase

D. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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The study of the geographic distribution of species is known as:

A. Biogeography

B. Ecology

C. Ethology

D. Taxonomy

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Which species is believed to be the closest ancestor to modern humans?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

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A. Phototropism

B. Gravitropism

C. Thigmotropism

D. Hydrotropism

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A. Hibernation

B. Migration

C. Estivation

D. Camouflage

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In angiosperms, what is the female reproductive structure that contains the ovules?

A. Stamen

B. Pistil (carpel)

C. Sepal

D. Petal

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Which hominid species is known for its use of fire and tools, and is believed to be the first to migrate out of Africa?

A. Neanderthals

B. Homo erectus

C. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Homo habilis

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A. Pepsin

B. Amylase

C. Trypsin

D. Lipase

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A. Classical conditioning

B. Operant conditioning

C. Habituation

D. Imprinting

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What is the role of the hypothalamus in the human brain?

A. Coordination of muscle movements

B. Regulation of body temperature and hormone secretion

C. Memory storage

D. Visual processing

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What is the primary function of the plant cuticle?

A. Gas exchange

B. Water retention and protection

C. Photosynthesis

D. Nutrient absorption

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What is the process by which segments of DNA are shuffled during the formation of gametes, leading to genetic diversity?

A. Meiosis

B. Mitosis

C. Replication

D. Crossing over

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A. Transpiration

B. Photosynthesis

C. Respiration

D. Osmosis