Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When the earth was formed it had an atmosphere with

A. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

B. Water Vapour, Hydrogen and Oxygen

C. Oxygen, Carbondioxide and Nitrogen

D. Water Vapour, Ammonia and Methane

Correct Answer :

D. Water Vapour, Ammonia and Methane

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Small pox is caused by

A. bacteria

B. fungus

C. virus

D. algae

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland?

A. Gastric glands

B. Pancreas

C. Salivary glands

D. Liver

What is the correct answer?


Rh+ blood is due to genes which are

A. dominant

B. recessive

C. codominant

D. neutral

What is the correct answer?


The principal reason why it is better to have two eyes than one is that

A. by having two eyes, one can distinguish colours more easily

B. by having two eyes, one can easily see in the dark and dim light

C. this gives the man a type of vision known as mosaic vision

D. this enhances depth perception in the humans

What is the correct answer?


What are the symptoms of 'Pellagra'?

A. Colour blindness

B. Rickets

C. Patches of skin

D. Soft bones

What is the correct answer?


Genes are made of

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Fats

D. Nucleotides

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following contains the highest protein content per gram?

A. Groundnut

B. Soyabean

C. Apple

D. Wheat

What is the correct answer?


The drug Ergot is obtained from

A. Alga

B. Fungus

C. Bacteria

D. Virus

What is the correct answer?


The country's first 'brain bank' that can store up to 300 human brains has been opened at

A. Alleppey

B. Bengaluru

C. Bhubaneshwar

D. Mumbai

What is the correct answer?


Eye is an organ that can be called as

A. Phonoreceptor

B. Thigmoreceptor

C. Photoreceptors

D. Rheoreceptor

What is the correct answer?


Green plants synthesise carbohydrates by the

A. holozoic method

B. holophytic method

C. saprophytic method

D. parasitic method

What is the correct answer?


The part of the brain in Control of Voluntary muscles is

A. cerebellum

B. medulla oblongata

C. pons

D. cerebrum

What is the correct answer?


Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by

A. bad air

B. flies

C. anopheles mosquito

D. culex mosquito

What is the correct answer?


Agroecology relates

A. crops and productivity

B. crops and environment

C. crop productivity and physiology

D. crop resistance to climatic changes

What is the correct answer?


Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of

A. vitamin B complex

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin C

What is the correct answer?


The hypothesis that living matter originated in the past from non-living matter is supported by

A. Fossil records

B. Miller's experiments

C. Pasteur experiment

D. Spallanzeni experiment

What is the correct answer?


Blood is a kind of

A. epithelial tissue

B. connective tissue

C. nervous tissue

D. cartilage

What is the correct answer?


Geotropism is reaction of plants to the stimulus of

A. earth

B. light

C. sound

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


Bio indicators are

A. stains

B. pH indicators

C. weather indicators

D. soil indicators

What is the correct answer?


The scientist who discovered the blood groups is

A. Landsteiner

B. TH Morgan

C. William Harvey

D. Darwin

What is the correct answer?


Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

What is the correct answer?


Dialysis is used when there is a failure of

A. heart

B. lungs

C. liver

D. kidneys

What is the correct answer?


The 'germ theory of disease' was propounded by

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Jacob Heule

What is the correct answer?


Under the immunisation programme's Govt. of India is providing vaccination to prevent some vaccine-preventable diseases. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Diphtheria

C. Tetanus

D. Plague

What is the correct answer?


The protoplasm of a child is exactly the same as that of its

A. mother

B. father

C. grandfather

D. identical twin

What is the correct answer?


The age of a tree can be determined by

A. counting the number of annual rings

B. thickness of the bark

C. the bulk of the tree

D. the number of leaves

What is the correct answer?


Dwarf plants can be made to attain their normal stature by applying


B. Ethylene

C. Gibberelins

D. Cytokinins

What is the correct answer?


The layer of stagnant water in which light penetrates is called

A. Aphotic

B. Euphotic

C. Epilimnion

D. Disphotic

What is the correct answer?


Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characters was challenged by

A. August Weismann

B. Hugo de Vries

C. Herbert- Spencer

D. Carl Linnaeus

What is the correct answer?


The grouping o( blood is based on substances called

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. antitoxin

D. enzymes