Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Where does the centre of gravity of a rubber ring lie?

A. on the outer surface

B. in the inner surface

C. at the centre of the ring

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

C. at the centre of the ring

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


If a body is taken from the earth to the moon

A. both its mass and weight will be different

B. its mass will be different but the weight will remain the same

C. its mass and weight will both remain unchanged

D. its mass will remain the same but weight will be different

What is the correct answer?


An electric fan converts

A. electrical energy into heat energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical energy into electrical energy

D. mechanical energy into heat energy

What is the correct answer?


In a dynamo

A. mechanical energy is converted to light energy

B. mechanical energy is converted to heat energy

C. mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy

D. electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


In a microphone

A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy

B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy

C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy

What is the correct answer?


A hydrogen bomb is based on

A. nuclear fusion

B. nuclear fission

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. Neither (a) nor (b)

What is the correct answer?


The temperature of a large bucket-full of hot water (a few degrees below boiling point) is lower than a beaker full of boiling water. But

A. the hot water contains a much larger quantity of internal energy than the boiling water

B. the boiling water contains more quantity of internal energy than the warm water

C. both of them have got the same amount of internal energy.

D. nothing can be said definitely with the data given

What is the correct answer?


The star nearest to the sun is

A. Proxima Centauri

B. Sirius

C. Aldebaran

D. Vega

What is the correct answer?


To concentrate light on the defective teeth, the dentists use

A. convex mirrors

B. concave mirrors

C. convex lens

D. concave lens

What is the correct answer?


It is difficult to bon potatoes at the top or a mountain because

A. the water available is hard

B. it is colder than at sea level

C. the potatoes become hard

D. the boiling point of water is lower at that height on account of low atmospheric pressure

What is the correct answer?


Two tumblers stuck together can be separated by

A. pouring ice cold water into the inner tumbler

B. pouring ice cold water on the outer tumbler

C. pouring hot water into the inner tumbler

D. dipping both the tumblers in hot water

What is the correct answer?


A ruse wire is characterised by

A. high resistance and high melting point

B. high resistance and low melting point

C. low resistance and high melting point

D. low resistance and low melting point

What is the correct answer?


The escape velocity of a satellite projected from the surface of the earth is independent of

A. the mass of earth

B. the mass of the satellite

C. the radius of the earth

D. gravitation of the earth

What is the correct answer?


The property of a fluid by which it resists relative motion within itself is known as

A. cohesive force

B. surface tension

C. diffusion

D. viscosity

What is the correct answer?


The earth's nearest neighbour in space is

A. the Sun

B. the Moon

C. the Venus

D. the Mars

What is the correct answer?


Why is nuclear fusion also known as thermonuclear reaction?

A. Fusion converts nuclear energy into heat

B. Fusion demands conditions of extremely high temperature to produce it

C. Fusion produces large amount of heat

D. Fusion reactions takes place in the sun

What is the correct answer?


When the earth reaches its perihelion

A. it is nearest to the moon

B. it is nearest to the sun

C. it is nearest to Pluto

D. it is farthest from the sun

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following revolves round the nucleus in an atom?

A. protons

B. electrons

C. neutrons

D. positrons

What is the correct answer?


The rocket engine is motivated by jet propulsion which uses the famous

A. Kepler's Laws

B. Newtonian Third Law of Motion

C. Bernoulli's Principle

D. Law of Relativity

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


Which of the following apparatus is used in the electrolysis of water?

A. Voltmeter

B. Voltameter

C. Ammeter

D. Potentiometer

What is the correct answer?


The method used to separate aluminium from a alumina is

A. electroplating

B. electrotyping

C. electrolysis

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


A tube light works on the principle of

A. chemical, heating and magnetic effects of electricity

B. discharge of electricity through gases

C. the action of ultraviolet radiation on certain fluorescent materials

D. Both (b) and (c) above

What is the correct answer?


A balloon ruled with hydrogen will

A. continue going upwards uninterrupted

B. reach a particular height and remain floating

C. burst after reaching some height

D. reach a particular height and start coming down

What is the correct answer?


When the velocity of a body is halved

A. its momentum is halved

B. its kinetic energy is halved

C. its acceleration is halved

D. its potential energy is halved

What is the correct answer?


The theory that the earth constituted the centre of the universe around which the sun and the planets revolved was propounded by

A. Copernicus

B. Ptolemy

C. Newton

D. Kepler

What is the correct answer?


The minimum velocity required by a satellite to escape earth's gravitational pull is

A. 18 km/s

B. 11.2 km /s

C. 21 km/s

D. 35 km/s

What is the correct answer?


The direction of heat flow between two objects depends on

A. their heat contents

B. their masses

C. their temperatures

D. whether they are in solid, liquid or gaseous state

What is the correct answer?


A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. When the ball is heated the volume of the cavity will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain unaffected

D. have its shape changed

What is the correct answer?


Raindrops assume a spherical shape because or

A. adhesion

B. surface tension

C. gravitational force

D. atmospheric pressure from all sides