
Tumors of the testes MCQ Question with Answer

Tumors of the testes MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Explanation are given for understanding.

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Question No : 29
What is false concerning tumor markers of seminoma?

in pure seminoma α-FP is normal
if syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells are present, β-hCG may be elevated
spermatocytic seminomas rarely metastasize without sarcomatous differentiation
pure seminoma constitutes approximately 90% of pure germ cell tumors

Question No : 30
What is the most common para-testicular tumor in adults?

sarcomatoid tumor

Question No : 31
Which of the following statements is false concerning testicular tumor markers?

α-FP and/or β-hCG are elevated in approximately 80% to 85% of patients with non-seminomatous germ cell tumors
β-hCG increases in either seminoma or non-seminoma
LDH increases in 30% to 80% of pure seminoma patients and in 60% of non-seminoma patients
high levels of α-FP might induce nipple tenderness or gynecomastia

Question No : 32
What is false concerning medical care for testicular cancer patients?

in approximately 60% of patients, post-chemotherapy residual masses are either viable cancer cells or teratoma
nearly one half will be azoospermic after 2 years of therapy
in seminoma stage II-B, primary chemotherapy with 3 cycles of bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP), and 4 cycles of chemotherapy with etoposide and cisplatin (EP) are recommended
in seminoma stage II-B, II-C, III after primary treatment with chemotherapy, surveillance is recommended for residual masses of 3 cm or less detected by PET scan

Question No : 33
Clinically, what does NOT mimic testicular cancer?

indirect inguinal hernia
testicular microlithiasis
syphilitic gumma

Question No : 34
What is false concerning testicular tumor markers?

elevation of only α-FP indicates pure non-seminoma
elevation of α-FP might occur in chronic liver disease, hepatitis, and alcohol abuse
elevation of LDH indicates tumor burden and growth rate
elevation of β-hCG above 10,000 mIU/mL is seen only in germ cell tumors

Question No : 35
What is the commonest testicular cancer in infants and young children?

yolk cell tumor
embryonal carcinoma