Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A constructor must always invoke its supper class constructor in its first statement.

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer :

B. False

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What is the correct answer?


class.forName(...) creates an instance of java ODBC driver

A. True

B. False

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What is java -g used for?

A. Using the jdb tool

B. Executing a class with optimization turned off

C. To provided information about deprecated methods

D. Non of the above

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Which of the following control expressions are valid for an if statement?

A. an integer expression

B. a Boolean expression

C. either A or B

D. Neither A or B

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Which of the following statements are true?

A. UTF characters are all 24 bits.

B. Reader class has methods that can read integers and floats.

C. Unicode characters are all 16 bits.

D. all of the above

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The import statement is always the first no comment statement in a Java program files.

A. True

B. False

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executeUpdate automatically updates data because___________

A. auto commit is on, by default

B. It performs a hidden commit statement as well

C. Does not commit

D. None of the above.

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Which of the following are keywords?

A. integer

B. default

C. Boolean

D. Object

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It is perfectly legal to assign a subclass object to a supper class reference.

A. True

B. False

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We would like to make a member of a class visible in all subclasses regardless of what package they are in. Which one of the following keywords would achieve this?

A. private

B. protected

C. public

D. private protected

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What is error in the following class definitions? 
abstract class xy { 
abstract sum(int x, int y) {

A. class header is not define properly

B. constructor is no defined

C. method is not defined properly

D. no error

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Java is fully object oriented programme.

A. true

B. false

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The default case is always required in the switch selection structure.

A. True

B. False

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We can over load methods with differences only in their return type.

A. True

B. False

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The keywords reserved but not used in the initial version of Java re:

A. Synchronized

B. Boolean

C. union

D. goto

What is the correct answer?


The modulus operator (%) can be used only with Integer operands.

A. True

B. False

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If m and n are int type variables, what will be the result of the expression
'm % n' when m = -14 and n = -3?

A. 4

B. 2

C. -2

D. -4

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When we implement the Runnable interface, we must define the method

A. start()

B. init()

C. runnable()

D. run()

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With javadoc, which of the following denotes a javadoc comment?

A. //#

B. /*

C. /**

D. //**

What is the correct answer?


Any method in a supper class can be over ridden in its subclass.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Frames and applets cannot be used together in the same program.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


In a single Servlet class we can use____________

A. doGet(...) method only

B. doPost(...) method only

C. doGet(...) method and doPost(...) method both at a time.

D. Either 'a' or 'b'

What is the correct answer?


The concept of multiple inheritance is implemented in Java by

A. extending two or more classes

B. extending one class and implementing one or more interfaces

C. all the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements are valid array declarations?

A. int number();

B. float average[];

C. double[] marks;

D. counter int[];

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Servlet can have ___________

A. get method and post method

B. get method or post method

C. Either of the above

What is the correct answer?


All methods in an abstract class must be declared abstract.

A. True

B. False

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When the string objects are compared with ==, the result is true If the strings contain the same values.

A. True

B. False

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Declaring a method synchronized guarantees that the deadlock cannot occur.

A. True

B. False

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Which of the following will produce a value of 22 if x=22.9:

A. Ceil(x)

B. Round(x)

C. Rint(x)

D. Abs(x)

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Which of the following represent legal flow control statements?

A. break();

B. continue(inner);

C. return;

D. exit();

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When X is a positive number the operations x>> 2 and x>>>2 both produce the same result.

A. True

B. False